Eh. Enough people buy the valks upon release. I buy based on how much I need that particular valk. The VF-19 Kai I didn't absolutely need, so I waited for a sale, and I got a deal. I love it, so now I want a Blazer, but I will wait for a sale on that as well since I know the stock is abundant. The 17, I couldn't wait, so I bought it at the full price. I don't regret it one bit; I LOVE that valk. The 25 renewals, I knew stock would be in short supply, so I preordered and I was glad I was able to get them. The older valks that are still on the market, like the 11C, I just waited until a big HLJ sale. The 4G I might wait on for a sale, but since it is an exclusive, maybe not. I haven't decided yet.
The 4G will be over $300 I bet.