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Chief Guld Goa Bowman

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Everything posted by Chief Guld Goa Bowman

  1. That seems like the obvious answer, but I think it's more to it than that, but thats just me.
  2. This series is clearly better than Macross 7 even though that was a good series too. I think Macross Frontier is slightly a notch above SDF: Macross. Skull One didn't die like in the original so that puts it over the top for me.
  3. Something that has been on my mind ever since episode 17 when the professor figures out the drives can only be made on jupiter and the manned jupiter mission involved celestial being, he clearly figures out what the true intentions of celestial being. I'm wondering if their really trying to control the world like Alejandro did and are the GN drives(I know the drives have a filtering system) secretly posioning the population. It's a krayzie theory and im probably dead off, any thoughts?
  4. Mr. March, wasn't the Queadluun-Rea part of the NUNS Naval/Marine Fleet and Tehmzin did pilot one on Galia 4.
  5. Where do you guys find this stuff?
  6. SV-51 and the greatest line in history was said in that fighter, "I've told you......to treat them delicately, as if they were a virgin or a feather."
  7. Zechs Merquise thanks you.
  8. I wonder if the Masked Avenger is piloting that Ahead(gotta love the name)?
  9. Milliardo Peacecraft thanks you.
  10. Does anyone know if the Union and AEU had space versions of the Flag and Enact like the HRL Tieren? Pics if you have any.
  11. I was talking about Gundam 00 since I posted it in this thread but I include Frontier Finale, now........do you people realize we are less than a month away from the most ELECTRIFIYING moments in anime entertainment today?
  12. If October 5th is the correct date, do you people realize we are less than a month away from the most ELECTRIFIYING moment in anime entertainment today?
  13. Mr. March, The Macross Champion thanks you for all your hard work!
  14. Macro Klan Vs. Macro Cathy, matchup of the century!
  15. Were cool I got no problems with you GRSS1982.
  16. Finally Chief Bowman has comeback to........Macross Frontier Mecha/Technology Thread III. Grss1982, first of all you run your mouth on how your "The Game", second of all you run your mouth on how the next episode we are going to hail the 171, Chief Bowman says he doesn't hail nothings, he doesn't hail nobodies, he doesn't hail peons, Chief Bowman considers the 171 a blemish on his buttocks, Chief Bowman says he only hails greatness....Chief Bowman hails the VF-25, Chief Bowman hails the VF-27......Chief Bowman will do you a favor, Chief Bowman is going to take your 171, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, pass it onto you and you know what to do with it after that, and another thing, there is no way and Chief Bowman means no way you can ever be the Ghost beating, laaooouuhhh, Myung eating, trailblazing, temper raising, all around, shoot you down, Macross Champion....Chief Bowman! If ya smellllllllllllllllllllllllllll laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooooooooouuuuhh, what Chief Bowman is cooking? If anyone takes this serious you are a moron and Chief Bowman loves the VF-171!
  17. LOL, hey Myung has some nice boobs too, don't hate.
  18. Come on people we are almost there, vote for me, don't make my death be in vain!
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