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Chief Guld Goa Bowman

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Everything posted by Chief Guld Goa Bowman

  1. I have another theory on what you said, I think Tieria is gonna be the spy, not Marie, I think he'll switch sides and join the Innovators and mess there operations and don't forget that our favorite spy Lyle is already a double agent.
  2. Mr. Bushido(or Graham for all you people who haven't seen season 1) custom Ahead might be...I can't believe I'm saying this is the best looking and badass mobile suit in Gundam 00, over my beloved 00 Gundam, forgive me Setsuna. You can't go wrong with the way and the honor of the SAMURI!!!!!!!
  3. Lockon 2.0 has 1up on his brother with laying on his back sniping manuever, classic, this episode explains a good bit about Kujoh and Kathy past, didn't think she was with the AEU, thought it the Union and I'm glad to Teiria bitchslapping Saji for running his mouth and Graham's only interest in life is to fight Setsuna F. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. How could you let my mother die, you were right there, don't you even care about what you have done and how many people have suffered because of your actions. How many of the millions and millions 00 fans thinks that season 2 is moving at a very good pace so far?
  5. OHHHHHHHHHHH, Graham or Mister Bushido(who the hell cares) is the offical badazz of season 2 with "In other words, a one-man army" line, how you love that?
  6. Arios mid-air transformation and pincer manuever was well........perfect!
  7. If you'll listen, all of Setsuna's fans are chanting his name...Setsy Setsy Setsy Sesty..........
  8. Line art doesn't do the Masked Avenger's Ahead justice, that's one bad mother, and the samuri beam saber is a perfect touch. and yes my duel drive GN flag will come to fruition.
  9. I have figured out the entire Gundam 00 season 2 plot, allow me to explain...... -Lockon 2.0 will not betray CB, but instead he'll be loyal to both organization and won't die like Lockon 1.0. -Haro and his brother will finally be together after all these years. -Tieria will be a dick before the ended of the season and he'll betray CB, join the Innovators, with his siblings in a dramatic scene when he attempts to kill Al, but fails and a clash between the two will happen down the road. -Marie will join Al and CB to fight against the Arrows(I'm calling them that and that what it should have been, A-laws sounds like a monkey's anus), after they're dramatic battle against the innovators, Marie and Al will fall in love and have super solider babies with multiple personalities. -Sergei and his son will reunite in a touching moment. -Setsuna and Graham will have there interstellar battle of all battles, with of course Setsuna F. Sweettttttttttttt coming out on top, with one saddest moments in history seeing the beloved 00 Gundam exploding after the epic duel, and Marina will be there to comfort Setsuna after witnessing the 00 dying. -Billy becoming a angry drunk after what happened to him will be a duel drive Flag to take on the 00(that’s what Graham will use in the epic duel), but still being madly in love with Kujoh he'll ended up joining CB to just be with her, what a surprise didn’t see that one coming and she'll finally let him hit it. -Wang that trick, will die a gruesome death along with psycho B@#$% Nena in an unfortunate smelting accident. -Ali our favorite bad guy will of course somehow survive and become a ordain minister. -Graham after his battle with Setsuna will he finally take off his mask and reveal that he is really my internal friend Milliardo Peacecraft, holy S%^#. -The Arrows brutal activities will be brought to light and suffer the consequences as the rest of the Earth Sphere Army laying the SMACK DOWN on there roody poo candy asses. AND Finally................ The mastermind behind CB will reveal his true intentions which were to control the flow of information and play everyone like a game of chess, but the most disturbing thing is he never died but that was a john doe that Alejandro killed and actually he died years ago, the truth is the PATRIOTS were running things all along, ain't that a B@#$%. No need to continue to watch the series anymore LOL!
  10. Ok kool, this series won't disappoint! Dynames, Lockon Stratos, Sniping Target!
  11. Season 1 or 2, which one are you watching?
  12. I am, no...... WE ARE GUNDAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I like the opening theme and the ending sucks @$#, but I agree with you that there not better than season uno.
  14. LoL, that's just plain dirty, I can never look at Exia the same again.
  15. Looks like Setsuna is taking over the leadership role for Lockon, can't wait to see Graham in action and Billy might be the luckiest man in Gundam history to be dating Kujoh. So much more factions than last seasson, I can only imagine the $#!* load of mobile suit thats still in store can't wait, we need a time skip to next sunday right now.
  16. They opened up season two with a explosion, I know it's to early saying that season two is going to out due season one but from the first episode it looks like it. And yes, Gundam 00 season 2 is just too SWEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Gundam 00 season 2 is just too SWEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Sunday is not only gameday but Gundam 00 day as well.
  19. I don't know if you guys have seen the video with the preview of the dub version of Gundam 00, i can honestly say I'm dissapointed with the voice work, most of the voices don't fit the characters especially Graham( he sounds like a little girl, not literally). Maybe because I'm use to the japenese version, I also hope they don't take out the music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB59TUwwy0w
  20. I can't wait to see how the characters have evolved and changed from season 1, the people I'm most looking for to seeing is the Masked Avenger, Kujoh, Setsuna F. SWEEEEEEEEEET, Allelujah, Lousie, AEU Ace Patrick and Saji. All of them went through some interesting changes during season 1. I hope the sophmore season can live up to the rookie season. Zechs Marquise is out!
  21. I wonder if Iron Boy will be getting the LADIES like IRON MAN.
  22. Lets pray we never have to go back to those days again.
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