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Chief Guld Goa Bowman

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Everything posted by Chief Guld Goa Bowman

  1. True and I haven't been following the novels.
  2. Finally...........All is right with the world once again, 00 is back in full effect. Great episode, excpet for the new intro, it's worst song on god's green earth. Those sneaky Innovators was waiting for CB after the destruction of MM. Ian's awaken moment was priceless. Ali is such a badazz, landing the Arche Gundam in style. What a surprise to find out that 0 Gundam pilot was Ribbons, a absolute shocker. Tieria pull a some what Innovator move by detacting from Seravee to reveal a Gundam. GOSH(Insert Napoleon Dynamite), Setsuna had Ali azz, he probably pissed his pants with the fear of death in his face. Last the not least, the moment I have been waiting for since the end of last season.....The MOST ELECTRIFIYING MOBILE SUIT in anime entertainment today......The "MASURAO"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. It's good to know you got your sleep , I did know that they would pull a Mac F on us last week, I'm just talking $h!t, but the wait is killer, so to kill time I decide to watch G Gundam......Gundam Fight All Set....Ready....Gooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. How dare they and Chief Bowman means how dare they not show a new episode this week, have they lost there minds, this show is like crack, once you start you can't stop. One of the worst days in history, lol.
  5. All Setsuna needs in this life of sin.....is him and his gundam, him and his gundam, damn well will battle to the bloody end.....him and his gundam, him and his gundam.
  6. Great episode of mecha destruction, poor Kataron members got blown to space debrie. 00-Rasier went into the battlefield and laid the smackdown on A-Laws and Innovator candy azzez. The GN Shield Bits for Cherudim is a definite improvement over the Dynames. It was like the shields were playing pong. Have the writers lost there mind in not having Mr. Bushido pass along his weekly words of wisdom, its been too long since we last saw Mr. Bushidoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. He shouldn't worry what the haters and punk azz fan boys think, this series is a BEHEMOTH. The best series since Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, long live Treize Khushrenada!
  8. I don't know if you guys heard of this mobile suit called 00-Raiser, maybe after they work out the kinks, it might have bright future on the battlefield, if the Innovators exceed humans......then does 00 exceed Gundams? Thats like trying to find the meaning of life, not a simple answer.
  9. The absolute best part of this episode is when that punk azz Ribbonz cowers in fear of 00-Rasier and then proceeds to bitch-slap Wang, we all know she deserved it.
  10. Can you feel the GN particles emitting from the most electrifiying mobile suit in anime entertainment today.......If ya smelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll....what 00-Raiser isssss cooking?
  11. Episode 11 I think.
  12. Wowwwwwwww, thats a big azz hole, I wonder how the A-Laws are gonna cover this up, probably say the molemen did it. It seems that this show has turned into Gundam 00 late night.
  13. Something I found interesting after watching the sub, when Ali (that krayzie lovable bastard) arrived to watch death from above ceremony, he told ribbons he didn't find what ribbons ask him to look for, has to be important to let Ali look for this something, we'll just have to wait and see to find out what it is.
  14. The A-laws will finally have some Stability now that Bring is on the scene and the A-laws have gone to a new low with what they did at the end of the episode.
  15. I think this mobile suit's name is the Garazzo and the pilot should be the Innovator Bring Stability.
  16. I'm hoping and wondering if the millions and millions of 00 fans are hoping that Billy's behemoth of a mobile suit is variable?
  17. If you look at the pic that GRSS1982 posted that looks like a custom Gadessa to me.
  18. I'm guessing the new mobile suit being rolled out in episode 10 is another gift from our friendly neightborhood Innovators.
  19. The best part of the episode was when Setsuna asked Ali if he's still alive and Ali replied not just yeah, but HELL YEAH, how can you not love that krayzie bastard?
  20. The best part of this episode was the arrival of the ..........Gundam beating, lalalaouhhhhhhhh, Kathy eating, trailblazing, skill raising, all around, never stays down, AEU Ace Patrick Colasour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Finally...........Team Patrick is back in full effect bitchez, but wait a second, maybe over these past four years the AEU ace has become a serious individual who isn't a goofball anymore and we're going to have to rely on Tieria for our comic relief........what am I saying it's patrick we're talking about.
  22. That bastard, why didn't I see that coming, it was right in front of my eyes, all along.
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