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Chief Guld Goa Bowman

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Everything posted by Chief Guld Goa Bowman

  1. THE MOST ELECTRIFIYING MOBILE SUIT PILOT in anime entertainment today thanks you.
  2. Nice Pics, but where in the blue hell is the pic of THE MOST ELECTRIFIYING MOBILE SUIT in anime entertainment today standing next to THE PEOPLES GUNDAM?
  3. Four months you mean 4 seconds over due I wonder if the A-Laws/Innovators learn there lesson about weapons of mass destruction. The head of the Federation 00bama(lol) has created the largest military power in history, CB has there work cut out, glad to see the Africa Tower back up and running even though not fully complete. Poor Setsy still dealing with that nagging shoulder injury, but still kicks major azz. THE MOST ELECTRIYING MOBILE SUIT PILOT in anime entertainment today indeed wear's the mask to cover his scars, everyone calling out there lovers was a pure LMAO moment and the most important piece of paper in history will decide the fate of the world. Regene must really hate Ribbons to give Wang the coordinates to Veda, but what does he want to gain out of it, can't wait to find out. Hopefully next week we get a massive battle that last the whole episode. MISSION START!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. After watching the subs CB must have took a page out of the Thrones playbook with Cherudim Gundam Shield Bits, they're not only defensive but offensive as well, they're definitely 100x better than the GN Fangs IMO, increasing the cool factor of the SNIPER'S GUNDAM! Even though he doesn't deserve it, I hope the Papa Bear killer gets a Ahead or a custom suit(nothing wrong with new mobile suit appearing with 8 episodes left) and I wonder if he'll get a promotion?
  5. Many of you have been thinking what has happened between episode 17 and 18, what has happened to some of our favorite characters, has the world learned the truth about the elevator collasped, is Andrei still a true candy azz, did Louise get he Empress, is Patrick still Immortal, but all of these failed in comparison to what has happened to THE MOST ELECTRIFIYING MOBILE SUIT PILOT in anime entertainment today...........Mr. Bushido during the time skip? I think he probably started a Japanese themed garden in the back yard where he parks THE MASURAO, THE MASURAO fits the theme real well, and Mr. Bushido and Billy get together on the weekends in the backyard to discuss how there going to defeat Setsuna and Kujo.
  6. I doubt that Saji or anyone will pilot 0 Gundam since it's years passed it prime and since it has no GN Drive anymore. Last time I checked CB still had the 0 Gundam...The FATHER GUNDAM!
  7. You do realized this is fanboy nonsense, it's not real, do you think it's real?
  8. Holy $H!TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I can't believe I'm saying this.....THE MOST ELECTRIFIYING MOBILE SUIT PILOT in anime entertainment today is turning into a stalking ex-girlfriend, with the "Remember Me" line. Setsy has moved on, Grahamy you should too. Setsy doesn't have the love for you like you do for him, you got to realize buddy it's over, the only thing he has eyes for is change. Mr. Bushido you were a last season fling. Forgive me Mr. Bushidooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. , I swore I was watching THE MACROSS CHAMP going one on one with the Ghost X-9 when those two were engage in
  11. That's true, it was never exactly confirmed if the Flag was solar powered. I didn't even realize that the fuel for the Flag was molecular bonded to the frame, extremely interesting. We will just have to wait and see next week if THE MOST ELECTRIFIYING MOBILE SUIT in anime entertainment today going one on one with THE PEOPLE'S GUNDAM doesn't end up a giant piece of scrap metal falling from the sky after TRANS-GRAHAM.
  12. I understand what your saying. Maybe Billy being the genius that he is and the advancement in gn technology foe the feds, could have installed a micro particle charger in THE MOST ELECTRIFIYING MOBILE SUIT in anime entertainment today which is powered by the solar elevator, that's my theory though.
  13. I know the old Enact and Flags use solar power, I think the poster was implying that when the TRANS-GRAHAM reaches its time limit, instead of charging the drive at the base it can recharge the drive by using power from the solar elevators on the battlefield, not having an alternate power source.
  14. I found this on Mechatalk.net, the poster NIGHTSHADOW99 had a interesting theory I'd thought I would share with you guys. http://www.mechatalk.net/viewtopic.php?t=1...c&start=280 I have a theory that the Masurao only has one GN-Tau drive and when it does go TRANS-GRAHAM, it use the solar power from the elevator to recharge the false solar furnace when the Masurao reaches its TRANS-GRAHAM time limit (like they do with other GN-Tau drives, charging them with power from the base, except charging the drive while on the battlefield from the elevator), except it leaves enough particles for it to operate until fully recharged.
  15. Old man Ribbons won't take it well that a mere human, not an Innovator was able to make the TRANS-GRAH...whoops, TRANS-AM work with a false GN Drive, I really hope he has a custom mobile suit that resembles 0 Gundam with a false trans-am feature, it's only fitting.
  16. Nice to see Cherudim Gundam sniping the targets in Trans-Am and actually hitting targets, Lockon's skills have greatly improved. The Arios with dual GN Beam Submachine guns should be standard armnament. The moment we all been waiting for, the rollout of THE MOST ELECTRIFIYING MOBILE SUIT in anime entertainment today....THE MASURAO. Not a big surprise that THE MASURAO went TRANS-GRAHAM and I don't know if you guys have seen the subs, but the the subber actually had TRANS-GRAHAM in the sub. At the end of the day, THE PEOPLE'S GUNDAM...00 RAISER will still come out on top. Setsuna is really getting tired of Mr. Bushido obbession with them fighting, Setsy should put a restraining order out on Mr. Bushido.
  17. Witness The True Ability Of The 00-Raiser!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I wasn't talking about the mobile armor, I meant the mobile suit Alvaaron that Alejandro piloted after Setsuna destroyed the Alvatore, since it looked like the 0 Gundam and Professor Eifman might have discovered the trans-am like ability and Billy proved it and installed it into THE MOST ELECTRIFIYING MOBILE SUIT in anime entertainment today..
  19. Now that THE MOST ELECTRIFIYING MOBILE SUIT in anime entertainment today and the Seraphim Gundam have arrived on the scene, I'm guessing there might be at least one or two new mobile suits yet to be revealed. I believe one will be for Ribbons for sure. I guess it might look like the 0 Gundam since that was the only mobile suit we know he piloted, even though the Alvaaron looked like the 0 Gundam and might feature a false twin drive system since for some krayzie reason he thinks 00-Raiser belongs to him......HAHAHAHAHA, that krayzie old fool.
  20. LOL, my thoughts exactly, but it still is ELECTRIFIYING!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. The MOST ELECTRIFIYING MOBILE SUIT in anime entertainment today.....The MASURAO I love the fact this isn't just another roody poo mobile suit that Mr. Bushido is piloting, even though the Sakigake wasn't no slouch itself. The Masurao vs. 00 Gun...no, 00-Rasier could have the greatest mobile suit battle in Mobile Suit Gundam history, on par with Wing Zero vs. Epyon, Master Gundam vs. God Gundam and of course for you old gundam fans Nu Gundam vs. Sazabi.
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