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Everything posted by ALLAN

  1. That's barring any further unforseen problems for the boat, such as icebergs, pirates, UFOs, magnetic field disturbances and sharks with laserbeams strapped to their heads. YOU FORGOT THE MOST OBVIOUS...LOL
  2. So is Predaking worth anything??? I still have mine along with alot of other stuff ie optimus, devistator, soundwave, shockwave, dinobots,omega supreme, etc.
  3. I was thinking the same thing..lol Wonder about the landing gear and airframe stress though. It would be a lot better replacement than the super bug.
  4. These pics just make me sad. The super bug is not a good replacement. The Navy needs a new aircraft to take over the 14s role.
  5. I say the next foe will be Ash or Sebastian Half(aka Elvis)
  6. ALLAN

    Scale photo gallery

    Gundam cornered
  7. ALLAN

    Scale photo gallery

    Cobra getting stomped
  8. ALLAN

    Scale photo gallery

    1/48 fighters
  9. I so wanted the Nimitz air group to destroy the Japanese fleet. maybe even let a couple zeekes through so the seawiz could be used
  10. not much of a custom I just painted my extra set of Jetfire fast packs panzer grey and put them on my 1S
  11. ALLAN

    VF-1S Strike Bandai

    thats what I was thinking
  12. here ya go people
  13. I just went to a couple wallyworlds and only saw the train robot. Also checked their website and the Galaxy Defender stuff is not listed.
  14. group
  15. BIG GUN
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