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Everything posted by Valk-1S

  1. Not too bad. Will probably get 1 LV2 and maybe 2-3 Stealth with FPs. When I first saw the Stealth, it reminded me of the Galaxy Defender Toy which is sorta like a Macross bootleg. Except its more metalic in colour. http://www1.easyupdateweb.com/model/new_si...E-D033036FFCD9}
  2. Controlled spending? That still seems pretty expensive to me! 373024[/snapback] Hehe could be worse HCM aren't that pricy, CR while only 3 out so far MG & PG I only buy Wing and Seed no Zeta. But actually what I mean to say is that let say instead of buying an expensive car, I rather buy one thats as long as reliable is good enough. Like for example buying a Toyota/Honda instead of a BMW/Merc. Think how much you will save there instead and how much more toys you can buy
  3. 1) Married. Finance it by controlling my spending on other items. I only collect Gundam - Seed and Wing and some Zeta in HCM, CR, MG and PG, and 1/48s and soon to be 1/60 VF-0. 2) Yes I am a completetist. I have one of each and I can say I have most issues as well. But stopping with the issues due to Yamato recent rereleasing. It's getting too crazy. 3) Hmm, I think I need to start raiding Kensei inventory Kidding!! Yamato has been recently rereleasing the Valks, but since I stop getting each issue it will not affect me as bad as I got most of them in the past few years. Plus I am limiting the amount of each one I am getting now. Plus luckily Bandai have not been making any MG or PG kits I want lately. If you have just started collecting it will hit a big hole in your wallet. But if you started since they started making the 1/48s, it's not as bad.
  4. This is getting nuts. A Yammie or two every month till May. Ouch. I will pass on this one. Rather save money on the VF-0S and the LV and Stealth. Could be the Macross market in Japan have picked up a lot recently. Let's hope Yamato flood the market so we get to see those US$90 prices again Or even better let hope HLJ overstock and we get to see their nice discounts Wishful thinking.
  5. Definitely hope it comes with a 1S Head. But I think Yamato will change the grey they used and probably no more panel lines and weathering, so to make the LE LV more unique and ppl won't grumble about the new release.
  6. Looks like Yamato trying to milk out as much as they can with the 1/48s mold. Not sure whether it such a good idea releasing soo much stuff together soo closely. February we had the reissue hikaru 1s and also the Roy and FPs are supposingly going to be issued again. Then April we are now getting the VF-0S and the Low Vis and then in May the Stealth and GBP Ver 2. That seems a lot in such a short period of time. My wallet going to scream at me. Hopefully market will be saturated with yammies that the prices will go down to what it was like before.
  7. I may also be interested but depending on the price too.
  8. Check your status to make sure you have it on order. I notice with HLJ, sometimes they take a few days to process shipping after the products have been released. Also, be aware they just came back from their holidays on the 4th Jan. I would give them a few more days and if it haven't been shipped, write them an email. Also, if you ordered any other things with your GBP, make sure it is in stock or else HLJ will not ship the GBP until the other thing is in stock.
  9. GBP is out in Japan today. Just checked Hobby Search and their status from Pre Order is now changed to Sold out.
  10. Already posted here by Graham yesterday. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ndpost&p=354320
  11. Rohby did some recast a while back ago. You can try PM him and see whether he has any still available.
  12. Chances are for the LV to be reissued would be very slim. If they do it, they would have to make some changes to the original. I think Yamato learned their lesson when they classified the LV as Limited Release. The CF was suppose to be limited as well, but nothing written on the box. So Yamato could very well make more of those if they wanted to.
  13. It's never too late if you don't mind spending a lot on it I think there are two on Ebay now, one have a BIN of $350 with $35 shipping. I would think the price for a LV will be about $300-350 now.
  14. Hope you can see this pic clearly. I search through the MW website and forums to find pics which showed as clear as possible of the headrest so I could pass it to my friend when he bought a Roy for me to make sure it wasn't a first Issue. Anyway here it is. The CF will be the new pilot seat, while the other is the earlier issue pilot seat, which was only on the 1st Issue of the Roy 1S and Hikaru 1A, Max 1A and the LV.
  15. As for the Hikkie 1S being reissued, it's very hard to say becos the only ones which have been reissued is the Roy becos it just sells well, the Hikkie 1A so that it has all the fixes, Max 1A was rumored to have been but some say it was leftover stock sitting in the warehouse and coming up Hikkie 1J becos of the GBP. The Hikkie 1S didn't sell that well when it first came out. I know a dealer who was disappointed of it as his stocks were just sitting in his shop for months. With Yamato releasing the VF-0, they may concentrate more on that now, but may still see some reissues released between each Macross Zero product. Probably more Roys
  16. I used SAL, EMS and also registered airmail. Registered Airmail will be good enough and takes just a couple of days more compared to EMS for Australia from HK. No problems with all shipments. Only problem is with customs. They tend to hold your package if the parcel huge. Happened to me twice already when I used EMS
  17. Do a search in the What's wrong with my Yamato, Bandai, etc., as I remember someone giving some instructions on how to dismantle the legs/hip to put back the rubber in.
  18. Valk-1S

    SAL Shipping

    Typical of me. When I start to wonder where my package is, it then comes in. Just got it today. So that makes it 4 weeks. Everything in tip top shape. Outer box had a small ding but didn't affect the inside.
  19. Valk-1S

    SAL Shipping

    I have been looking through the net and SAL can be as fast as 1 week to as slow as 1-2 months. A lot will also depend on whether there are a lot of flights to your country and how full they are. As SAL being second class airmail , they are only put into a plane when there is space.
  20. Yup, PM Valkyrie-Exchange. As others have said, he's also a great person to deal with. I went to look at some other stores in Japan that I normally look at and saw some 1/60 in stock. Max & Milia VF-1J is available there if you are looking to get those. They have some others as well but not much. http://www.amenbo.com/cgi-bin/list/toys/macrross/vf-1j-e.cgi I have used them twice so far and so far no problems. Once with EMS and the other with SAL. But just be aware with SAL, they will not take any resposibility as there is no insurance or tracking number.
  21. Checked it, only the VE-1 which are in stock... What the... Yamato has 1/60 YF-21 and VF-11B??!!! I thought they were only available in 1/72 form? I love crazy futuristic designs. You may have looked at the site a bit too fast Yup VE-1 in stock. Look for those which says offer in yellow. Should have VF-1J GBP, VT-1, Millia Q-Rau, GBP Armor Set and also VF-1A CF. Some others also in stock like the VF-1A Max & Hikaru and VF-1S Roy. Yup the Yf-21 and VF-11B is 1/72 scale. Guess there wasn't a point to put another category for just 2 items.
  22. Valk-1S

    SAL Shipping

    Thanks for the replies. Guess have to wait it out. Damn the planes to Australia must be full Hope it comes in next week. If my other package comes before this one, than I will start to worry as my latest package was shippes two weeks later.
  23. Check out Toy-Wave as he has some offers in the 1/60 range and shipping from HK should be cheaper as it's closer to Indo. He's a great person to deal with.
  24. Valk-1S

    SAL Shipping

    Hi, I hope I didn't post in the wrong section as I wasn't sure whether this should go to where to buy or other anime or in the Toys section. Mods, please move if I posted in the wrong section. Thanks. From your experience, how long does it normally take for you to receive an item from Japan via SAL? And also what was the longest you had to wait for. I am waiting for a package from HLJ and it's have been about 3.5 weeks now. All the time I get my shipment in around 2 weeks and only once it took 3 weeks due to the easter holidays. Thanks.
  25. Yup HLJ will use a box to fit exactly and fill in any gaps with air pockets or whatever you call those bags filled with air. But so far I have no problems with my items. The external box have protected the inner box well enough. I guess all will depend on the postal service in Japan and where you are from. I am currently waiting for a package from HLJ and it has been 3 weeks. I hope nothing happens to it as ussually it takes about 2 weeks and the longest I have waited is 3 weeks and that was due to the easter holiday period.
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