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Everything posted by Valk-1S

  1. If you are looking for one now, NY have it on special for 19,500 yen. I just ordered one from them the day before they bump down the price. Tempted to get another. Wonder whether they are willing to refund the difference since it was just a day before.
  2. Going to give it a few more minutes then give up as not worth waiting around the computer and rather just pay the premium at NY than waste my time refreshing the pages. I think only NY allows. I could be wrong.
  3. Yes, they do have it at 10% off all the time, but what I was talking about are those frequent 30%-55% off sales that HLJ did for Yamato stuff. You don't discount that much unless you have too much stock and need to clear them or Yamato was supplying HLJ at cheaper price which in turn HLJ being able to offer at larger discount.
  4. With the massive discounted sales that HLJ used to do, it might indicate that the macross line may no longer be profitable to Yamato.
  5. Just have to wait and see as I remember seeing a release date of 22 March from a website.
  6. Just reviving this thread as this should be the next thing that Bandai will release whether being just the super parts or a whole renewal version. Since Luca RVF-25 announced, hopefully we will see the super parts for both the RVF-25 and VF-25G as well.
  7. And they are gone again from NY. HLJ taking a while to put theirs up.
  8. What I don't get is that NY seems to be able to secure more stock than the other major online retailers like Amiami, Hobby Search and HLJ. Amiami, Hobby Search and HLJ tend to put an order limit like 1 per order yet they sell out in seconds or minutes. NY which does not appear to set an order limit seems to be able to offer more stock as they last longer when offered. I don't have the details on how much stock each retailers get but based on how fast they sell out and the limit put in place, it looks like NY is able to get more stock.
  9. About 13 left from NY. Better be quick. Looks like they don't set a limit on how many you can order. If you add a large quantity to your order you can see how many they have left for order.
  10. Just hit refresh. Sometimes the preorder box is grey out but when you hit refresh it comes back up again.
  11. Was going to post backup as well. Managed to put my order through this time. Lucky they didn't bump up the price again from earlier today.
  12. I was hitting the refresh on their Japanese version site as well as it too change straight to Sold Out. Makes you think that they probably reserved their stock for perhaps their employees or maybe some priority members.
  13. I kept hitting refresh and it automatically just change to Sold Out at Amiami. Like it was never put out there for anyone to be able to order at all.
  14. Bear in mind that HLJ shipping rates are discounted rates. I believe HLJ gets a discount for shipping. Their rates are below standard rates. NY on the other hand probably charges the standard rates. Also NY might charge more on shipping on preorders due to uncertainty of the item weight. If it's a new item they have to rely on the information provided to them on the item dimension and weight.
  15. I am surprised they set the limit at 10 though. I remember when I ordered the VF-25G and YF-29, they limit it to 1. The Alto VF-171EX if I remember correctly was limited to 3.
  16. I did managed to get a VF-25G when HLJ first open it for preorders. HLJ gives a 5% discount whether on preorder or when it was released. The YF-29 on the other hand, I only got one after it was released from HLJ.
  17. Like I said in a previous thread for me I am in no rush to buy Yamato stuff any longer due to the constant price drop from sales like this. I used to preorder Yamato stuff but seeing constant sales over and over again and also luckily I am not into the Macross 7 stuff, I rather wait now. I bought the Cavalier when it was low in stock as it appeared to be a shortage at that time due to other places selling out as well, just to have it drop by HLJ over a month later. It appears that Yamato either continues to produce items or sit on stock as HLJ seems to be able to obtain further supplies. It would be interesting to see the production and sales volume for Bandai and Yamato to see whether Bandai has greater demand or just producer less. For the VF-4, I doubt the price will ever drop as much. The most will be 20% off if they ever decide to drop it to clear stock.
  18. Same here, broke down and ordered a second one from NP when they had it for 22,500 Yen and noticed they bump it back up to 23,500 Yen now. If they bump it back up that quick, demand is higher than the VF-25G and VF-171EX given both are on sale for quite some time. I got a feeling this one will be hard to find at retail now unless you are in Japan, and doubt Bandai will ever reissue this one given it's a 30th Anniversary version. Only chance to pay retail if HLJ has more excess stock to sell.
  19. Valk-1S

    DX VF-25G

    HLJ does move things from 'Discontinued' to 'In Stock' just like they did with Yamato VF-1A Cavaliers. However, with Bandai DX, the chances are slimmer as Bandai does not seem to reissue all their products even if it sells well. I noticed that some Gundam range which sell well for Bandai, they do not reissue like the old MMM Strike Gundam. Not sure whether Bandai has reissued their Metal Build Gundams as well as they sold out at places like HLJ. To answer your question, I don't recall seeing the VF-25S/F going from 'discontinued' to 'In Stock'. Like I said in another post, with Bandai, get it when it first comes out or risk having to pay a huge premium if you want it. Yamato, I couldn't be bothered buying it when it's release anymore due to the constant sales. With the limited supply for Bandai, it makes it feel more of a collectors item while Yamato with the constant discount it becomes less of a collector item. Doesn't help as well when they release the same things again and add the option parts. Nice if you never had the item in the first place, crap if you already bought it when it first came out. Not to mentioned it will probably end up on sale at HLJ at 30% off or more down the track.
  20. If I remember correctly the cannon fodder was supposed to be limited but it's easy to find. Whether it was truely limited or how limited it was, I have no idea.
  21. Valk-1S

    DX VF-25G

    Yeah seems like most places are limiting to 1 per order/household. HLJ, AmiAmi are the same as well. At least Hobby Search appeared to have lasted longer than HLJ.
  22. Valk-1S

    DX VF-25G

    Hobby Search in stock now. Be quick before it's gone. http://www.1999.co.jp/item_cart_e.asp?piece=1&Cart=1&It_c=10188591&Typ1_c=111
  23. Hard to say whether Bandai will reissue it. If it was a MG or PG kit, then most likely they will down the track. But some of Bandai past Chogokin, they never reissue it even when it sold well. Right now for me, for Bandai stuff, if you want it get it when they release it before the prices goes up. For Yamato with all the constant sale from HLJ, I am no longer going to support them by buying it when it first comes out unless it is those exclusive orders like the VF-X and VF-4G. I rather wait for a sale and if it doesn't go on sale than too bad for me.
  24. Valk-1S

    DX VF-25G

    Probably but could be less. When HLJ first offered the VF-171EX, it lasted way longer and it was limited to 3 per customer and not 1 per customer. Whatever quantity Bandai allocated the VF-25G to them probably is significantly much lesser than the VF-171EX. It's actually getting very frustrating. The VF-25F and VF-25S was much more easier to obtain. I got both from Amiami which is almost impossible now to preorder from, and could have easily gotten a lot more from HLJ as well.
  25. Valk-1S

    DX VF-25G

    I was expecting HLJ to be able to offer more. Was shocked when the preorder closed soo fast considering it was limited to 1 per customer as well. I was lucky to get my order in. Also HLJ order now appears to go straight to your account rather than having to wait for someone to input you order into your account. If your order went through you should be able to view it as an open order now.
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