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Major Johnathan

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Everything posted by Major Johnathan

  1. Sorry Gemstone, but you certainly seem to imply not spending the money on a 'worthy' cause is a waste. Why is raising money shadey tactics? A trio of rich aerospace guys put up the 3 million, are they not allowed to do that, or is it that they're not putting into a Macross fund? And this 'get a life' thing, that's funny... There's no geek factor involved in being a Macross fan though? I seem to recall it was our founding father, Shawn himself, who wrote a caption for a group picture at the first MW convention that said, "We've learned to embrace our geeky-ness, have you?" So quit being a poser, we're all geeks here, and usually proud of it.
  2. Geez, guess I'm the only one around who likes Enterprise. And no I'm not a rabid fan or anything, but some of these comments are fairly obnoxious. So we're supposed to cure cancer and give money to the Tsunami relief effort and not 'waste' it on Star Trek. That's reasonable. Macross is a whole lot more important than curing Caner and sending aid to Natural Disatser victims. What do you care if people like a show you don't? Or if they want to raise money to keep it going? I'm not trying to be thin skinned, but the hair trigger trashing and bashing really isn't that neccassary. I have an urge to jump in every thread about anything and say 'that sucks', 'that's lame', 'why would they make that shyyt?' 'What a waste of of money' and other insightful, freindly comments. You want to talk about a lame waste of money? The salary of Jim Carey, Adam Sandler or Will Smith get for one film. The salary of any NY Yankee/Boston Red Sox player for a season. All reality TV shows. (i.e. American idol, survivor, the Paris Hilton show etc. etc.) All music videos, especially rap. Well, I'll stop there, but that list is just about endless. Now I'm gonna go make a Paypal donation to save Enterprise just to piss Feyd-Rautha off.
  3. Actually, I saw a show on TechTV recently where they interiew Hideo Kojima. What was interesting is he said he was more or less done with Metal Gear/Snake, but went out of his way to say that he wanted to see new talent come in and do something with the Metal Gear series. I bow to Kojima's efforts in MGS 1,2 and 3. I only hope his successor can can keep things going. Like I've been saying, there's plenty of avenues to do a sequel/prequel. (I throw my vote behind another set in the MGS3 timeline. Snake and or Ocelot have to rescue Eva in Vietnam!)
  4. Just another thought, look at the revolution happening in Space Travel. It's happening because enough people got sick and tired of waiting for Governments and bureaucracies to pioneer anything. Yes Governments paved the way, but for the past 20 years or more, they got IN THE WAY of progress. NASA has become massively risk-averse, the rest of the world seemed to have said, 'eh, America already landed on the moon, so who cares.' While America/NASA, went 'yup, been there, done that. Let's grow fungus on the shuttle!" So now we have private pilots risking their lives to fly to space, private designers and engineers making ingenious craft, and private corporations and individuals funding their own space ventures. This is sort of what they're attempting, all be it on a much smaller scale, with funding a new season of Enterprise. People are going 'over the heads' of the big Studios/corporations to get a show made themselves, just like these Space pioneers are going 'over the heads' of Governments and Bureaucracies to do it themselves.
  5. Well, at the risk of getting battered, after really thinking it through, this could be a really great idea. First, 'cure cancer' instead? That's a cheap shot, everyone one here has spent something on Macross merchandise, some have spent thousands in total. Is Macross higher than curing cancer? Is going to the movies, buying a dvd, a video game or designer clothes or driving anything fancier than a Yugo helping cure cancer? I hope Enterprise survives, I don't think it's the greatest show ever, but it has improved over the past couple seasons. And I'm one of those that hates when there isn't something of Star Trek in the works. It's a near 40 year institution, on and off. Besides the new BSG (which I like a lot) and Stargate (which I don't like, but don't mind if other's do ), what other Sc-Fi is there?(on TV) This tactic of raising money to directly fund a show, I haven't heard of it before. Has this ever been tried? Hell, if it works it could pave the way for other comebacks. You want a new Macross story? Maybe if fans chipped in a bit, direct funding could push the lazy/greedy/inattentive dolts that own all these shows, Macross, Star Trek, Babylon-5, Cowboy Bebop, whatever, to make new shows/movies OAV's. I think the biggest problem with Star Trek is the handful of producers(?), who will not get out of the show's way and let new blood have some fun with the Trek Universe. I only hope that message gets through with the 'donations'. (it's not really a donation as much as a purchase, like buying stock to get a new company off the ground.)
  6. That's what I really appreciated about the 2nd movie. They knew that was going to pretty much be the last word on Patlabor, so instead of making a big show of how each character ends up, they simply show them all a little older and some growing a bit distant, but still good freinds. Very much like real life. The biggest demonstration of that is where Noa mentions it wouldn't be right to take Alphonse for a spin, that she essentially out grew her need to obsess over him. So she may be maturing, Ohta and Shinshi are working outside of SV2, but Goto is still very much Goto, showing how some things change and some thing stay the same. As much as I like the 2nd movie, I think the 1st movie is maybe Patlabor at it's best. It really deserves more praise, particularly outside Japan. It's too bad the cartoon network doesn't pick it up, but I think a lot is lost in the English dubbing, and they'd never air a series with sub-titles.
  7. Yes, Patlabor is one of the great anime series, and often over looked it seems. Sadly, WXIII (movie 3) wasn't really even Patlabor, it was a story within the Patlabor world. Movie 2 was really it's swan song. Also, Kanuka Clancy's voice actress, You Inoue, died a couple years ago(My favorite character, tied with Cpt. Goto was Kanuka. ). They could write around that, but I remember the creators/writers didn't really feel there was much more to do. I have to say I respect that, they made the 47 episode series, the 2 OAV's and 2 great movies. The 3rd wasn't terrible, but it just wasn't Patlabor. That's a hell of a run for any show. I think the (Japanese) voice acting in Patlabor really is outstanding, the whole cast. As for endings, the point they make in the movies, particularly in the 2nd is simple. Life goes on, they age and start to grow apart. Noa let's go of her Alphonse fixation, Ohta is off training recruits, I think Shinshi goes off to a private firm job, the others are either at SV2 or are in Labor research jobs. It really makes the cast seem like real people. I'd love more, but I'm not holding my breath, and I'd hate them to mess it up.
  8. That still doesn't answer 'why?', what's the point of showing spoilers in your own opening. I just don't see the logic and it does irritate a lot of fans (I'd bet). Speaking of which, because the first season already aired in Britain, I keep bumping into other spoilers from interviews the Brit's have done... not to whine too much, but that sucks too. Why can't they air it world wide at the same time? Then spoilers aren't awash all over the internet.
  9. Regarding the torture thing, the creators mentioned that this show was influenced by the 'mood' after 9-11. I would object to the Abu Graib comparison too, it's more a general refrence to the dilemma of having an utterly ruthless enemy that does not have the slightest concern about YOUR laws or YOUR morals or YOUR rights, they simply want you dead and out of the way. I think it's fair to say the writers are making the Cylons into a kind of terrorist style force with the power to back up their philosophy. Meaning not just the terrorist method, but the power (fleets and weapons) to achieve their goals. They even have the Cylons resorting to suicide bombing, sabotage, false threats and real threats to create fear,confusion,mistrust and paranoia.
  10. First, I enjoyed the last episode, BUT, was I the only one to be pissed off at the opening sequence? It starts with the opening theme and shots of Caprica and the Cylon attack, but then they switch to scenes of THAT episode now airing, so you see what amounts to spoilers about what's about to happen in the episode BEFORE you can watch it. SPOILERS, sort of; They show the Cylon prisoner attacking Starbuck, they show the Cyclon about to be sucked out the airlock... why the hell show that BEFORE the episode airs????????????? This is the one really objectionable thing about the new BSG, I haver to remember to flip away from now on when the opening starts. What are they thinking!?!
  11. You saw right through me...
  12. Ahhhh, 20 episodes a season is more like it. And summer isn't far off at all, I thought it'd be off till late Fall. Also great they kept the whole cast, if only everone can keep their ego's in check, this show could have a really great run. And once and for all, I like the female Starbuck, Katee Sackhoff plays the role very well. Let's be honest, the original series is a campy, hokey kind of show. That's why it never got much attention till now. The whole 're-imagining' is what's crucial, in the original, you have an interesting premise, but done in a real cheesy simplistic way. Now, not only do you have vastly better special effects, but it is 'tolerable' to have more mature/believable sub-plots. The least believable thing about the new BSG, by the way, is the relationship between Boomer and the mechanic dude. He's homely looking AND lower in rank? Come on! Regarding Hatch, he was bad-mouthing the whole new show. I don't know why they gave him a role, I mean you put out bad karma, you ought to get it in return.
  13. First, does anyone know of some decent sites with info and pictures about Soviet-Russian and Chinese military planes. Both very modern and historical (cold war). I'd subscribe to Jane's defence weekly but they're damn pricey. My questions: Do the Russians operate the Hokum attack helicopter? If so, how many? I know it's an early 80's design. But in almost all the news clips over the years I've seen regarding Russia, you only see Hind's and Mi-8(or later variations). Never saw them in Chechnya for example. 2nd, What's up with the Ka-60 Kasatka? That was supposed to replace all the Mi-8 family, It looks like an impressive helicopter, but I've never seen more than a couple prototypes. 3rd, is the Havoc Helicopter a dead design? I believe the Hokum won in the competion so I guess it's a foot note. Looked like a mean chopper. Regarding all the above 3, knowing Russia is constantly low on cash, willing to sell damn near anything to anybody (Iran, N. Korea and Syria for example, including nuclear technology) why hasn't Russia sold either helicopter to over seas buyers? It's a great way to make money. Maybe I'm hoodwinked, but I'm under the impression these choppers kick some serious butt, so why aren't they equipped outside Russia? 4th, how about the Berkut? If Russian can't afford it's own plane, why not market it? It seems very powerful and formidible indeed. 5th and last, China: I'd love to have a better idea of their 'order of battle'. I've never seen a Chinese Hind, don't they own any? Are they still only using the Mi-8 variants? They don't operate MiG-29's, is that right? Is there some reason China in recent years seems to favor the Suchoi designs overwhelmingly? Anyway, I hope this isn't too off topic, but there seems to be some pretty plugged in MW'ers in terms of aviation news.
  14. Oh stop hitting it already! I got a question. The new BSG is a remake of the original, right? Naturally they want to do it deifferent a bit. I remember the original show, but I was 4 or 5 years old, and I don't think I ever saw it since. So in the original, was there already a Cylon war in the past? As in the new show where there was a Cylon war 40(?) years earlier, and the present is the RETURN of the Cylons. Am I making sense? In other words, the remake seems like a sequel in the story line, but then there's Adama, Starbuck and Apollo... so it is a remake.? I confused myself, what's the answer? On that point, was the Viper in the old show, an OLD design as it is in the new?(if you know what I mean). I don't remember it being old.
  15. Well, being a Mospeada geek, and a veteran model builder, I never liked the 1/48 variable, it's great scale, the box's and packaging are really excellent, like the 1/72 Bandai Variable Valks. But, I think it looks prety bad in all it's forms as a built up model. The 1/72 Legioss, which are 3 seperate kits of the three variations, look a lot closer to the animation. The fighter is quite nice. The Battroid and Diver(Gerwalk) can look very good, but they need work. I'd argue even they look a little wrong because they're made to move(arms & legs). Even when it comes to Gundam models which are super engineered(MG and HG) and do look like the anime, I don't like to move. I like to be able to pick a pose, but then freeze it in that pose, like a 3D photo. Lastly, I agree with jardann, the 1/72 Bandai Variable Valkyries are pretty impressive for their age. But I don't like transforming them! Though, Hasegawa really swept away all competion now'a'days.
  16. Yes, but doesn't Ocelot eventually 'turn to the dark side', he was a baddy in MGS1, wasn't he? I haven't played that one in a while. And I know he's a triple agent deal, but in MGS3, why would he be so confrontational with Naked Snake? Wouldn't they both be on the same side if he were REALLY working for the CIA? I guess maybe it's a CIA faction or CIA vs. the military? Or he's a quadruple agent!
  17. I agree! He's great in MGS3, he's such a likeable bastard... "Ocelot's are proud creatures." He's the highlight of the game, and you only actually fight him once, but all his cut scenes are just plain cool. It'd be doubtful though, since he's basically a bad-guy, they rarely give villians their own game/movie/show.
  18. Just got done watching the first couple hours of the mini-series on DVD(saw it on TV first of course). I really recommend any of you fence sitters go buy it, it's under $25 on Ebay, probably better deals elsewhere. And any who don't like it or had one or two things bug them about it, you really should give it one more viewing. I like Babylon-5, I like Farscape, and I like Enterprise, but I think BSG has 'em beat. By the way, there's only 13 episodes for seaon 1? That's kind of a bummer, most shows have like 22 or 24 a season.
  19. Ah, guess I'm just old. Those figures looks silly to me. I can see the appeal to the original 12" guys and I loved those early 3 3/4" ones. But these guys look sci-fi/comic book super heroes on steroids, with funny pants.
  20. Sgt. Slaughter... DAMN HIM! I'll never understand how they thought wedding G.I. Joe with the WWF was a smart move...
  21. Yeah, I've been meaning to get a spray booth or install a vent for about 15 years now... I'd make a good human lab rat as far as paint fumes go. Where I live is often sub zero in the winter so cracking the window is a bit tough (iced shut). Most paints don't bother me too much, but I'd say beware the metallic ones the most and the clear coats. I paint almost exclusively enamels because acrylics peel so easily. The only trick to sanding resin, in fact sanding any plastic, is to wet sand. Just dip the sandpaper in a cup of water and you'll have no particles in the air to worry about, that also has the benefit of partly removing any lingering mold release. i wet sand everything, injection molded plastic/styrene and resin. You don't want to breath the putty either.
  22. For God's sake man, most of the developed world, especially my beloved America is FAT, beyond all historical records, we are FATTER than ever. ( I for one am constantly trying to drop 20 lbs or so, I'm a lazy bastard...I make no excuses. ) That boomer's a bit skinny (Not unhealthily), or any woman/person, should be admired. It's quite easy to grow one's self a fat arse. Not so easy to keep fit, lean or skinny. Now don't get me started on breast implants, 'cause you guys that say she needs more meat on her bones almost always seem to think shoving bags of jelly inside her breats is great too... Mark my words, in a 100 years people will look back at the balloon breasted, flabby assed women we hold up as 'perfection' and think WTF were they thinking???
  23. I'm very fond of the old '82~84 3 3/4 line too, though I don't have much of anything left. They were cool and innovative, no other toys quite like them. I love the old cartoon and comics too. I just don't like the look of the newer stuff, everyone looks like they eat bowls of steroids for breakfast every morning, and the female characters always have the silicon enhancement look. No wonder MLB has this steroids scandal, it's action figure's fault! Or is it the other way around?
  24. I have fond memories of Ron and GTC. Me and my brother would every once and a while be able to make an order, after drooling over his catalogs. (back in the mid 80's mind you.) 95% of the time the line was busy, but when you got through, Ron would enertain every dopey question we could come up with, and he'd try to get models not in stock for you (when there was very few importers to work with and no internet of course and Macross/anime was as obscure as can be). He sounded like he really enjoyed the models and anime himself too. He seems to have dropped of the face of the Earth the last few years. He may be out of the business I guess. I bet he could have a great on-line store if he wanted.
  25. Sorry cyde01. I will control myself better, I don't mean to beat Japan/Japanese over the head with their war record, it's just constantly having these 'A-bomb is bad' movies/anime messages gets under my skin, as if I'm supposed to feel guilty for something that happened 60 years ago etc. etc. (you should'nt feel guilty either, unless your an 80+ year old war criminal... )
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