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Major Johnathan

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Everything posted by Major Johnathan

  1. SPOILER/Season 1 finale spoiler---------- I'm still trying to figure why the Cylons didn't care about losing a basestar, the multiple Boomer's seemed to know about it, but didn't do anything to stop it. In fact, didn't they know about the nuke all along because Boomer is a Cylon, even if she's unaware, the others know what she knows... sort of... Season 2 should be fun, I'm relieved it's not that big a wait.
  2. I'm not here to talk about the past, I'm here to be positive about this subject. (as Mark McGwire would say.)
  3. You always think people are thinking of you A-One, You have a guilty conscience.
  4. Hey, this thread gives me a great idea. Let's have a pinned thread so we can nominate members to be banned. What do you say? I bet we'd see some vets leading in the votes too, not just the Robotech refugee noobs. To begin, I nominate.... oh, that's tough. So many to choose from these days.
  5. What is this lately? Why are all the Robotech.com rejects/MW newbies duking it out on MW? Can't MW'ers rip each other in peace?
  6. Actually, how many Vipers and pilots do they have left by now? I remember early on in the series(?) they gave a number and it was pretty small. So is there like 20 or 40 left to defend the whole fleet? Attrition is gonna be a problem since as far as I can figure, the Vipers, old and new ones, are irreplaceable. Heck, pilots are a dime a dozen compared to the Vipers, where are they gonna get replacements? And have they given a number on how many Mk. 7's they have? You see only a glimpse of them now and then. Since a few survived, you'd think Apollo and or Starbuck would be flying in them.(Apollo in particular, he seemed to be pissed about having to fly the Mk.2) That's one thing I'd like to see, a few cool background pilots, that don't get killed off so easily. Like Max and Kakizaki or Wedge and Biggs.
  7. Cool pic rdenham, if it does anything more, please post more. From the 'experts' on tv, It seems they haven't got a clue about predictions. It keeps surprising them everytime it burps or blows. You look like your in easy ash fall range if the wind carries it that way.
  8. Duke, I bet it just tears you apart inside to know either Shawn or one of the early mods thought of Star Trek as THE representative of western Sci-Fi.... Yeah, they could've said Star Wars or or any of a dozen other big titles, but NO, they chose Star Trek. I can't believe MW hasn't recognized your unique genius and made you a moderator by now. That'd be a great way to cut down on MW membership.
  9. Sounds good to me. Live long and prosper Jemstone.
  10. Maybe Scott Bakula just has a really good agent and gets 4 million an episode? 5 million per episode does seem a bit high, but not that high. A typical 'blockbuster' is running 100 million or more. Jemstone, I'm not sexist, I only wish more women were fans of something like Macross. This is my pathetic offer of a truce, I didn't mean most of what I said. I was only trying a little 'see how you like it' crap. IMHO, you came into this thread with fairly hostile intent and I felt it was uncalled for. You can think I'm wrong or thin skinned. Maybe I am. I'm just finding myslef wishing this place would lighten up a bit and quit looking for chance to put-down each other and trash whatever you happen not to like. It's like Lord of the Flies here lately.
  11. Again, fair enough Mr. March. But for the record, all I ever said about ST here, was that I like Enterprise, and hope it isn't cancelled. And I was willing to kick in $20 for that cause, less than the price of a single 1/72 Hase. Valk. I'm not holding candle light vigils, I'm not praying to Kobol( wait, that's Galactica isn't it?) And I don't walk in public or private in a Starfleet uniform or any other costume. I even agree the show has it's problems, especially for the first 2 seasons, which I didn't watch most of. There seems to be this assumption that if your a fan of any ST, your a total fanatic cult member. Just because there are some types like that, doesn't mean we all are. You presumably like Macross, does that mean you dress up in the basement as Minmay and sing karaoke? Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  12. Takes one to know one, and your better equipped. And don't buy First Contact on my account, it's not my favorite or anything. Besides, I don't want to see Nausicaa again. Lighning 06; be careful. That last post had a semi interesting and or constructive idea. That kind of thing don't go 'round here, savvy? Duke Togo, you certainly don't dissapoint, but I wish you would.
  13. Fair enough. But why is it, for example, nobody is jumping in the Stargate SG1 thread? I just read that and you have 2 pages of nothing but friendly posts of people who like the show. Now I don't like that show, but I don't feel the need to go in it say what a sh*tty show it is and the people who do like it must be retards or something. So please everyone, let's have equal sarcastic jerk behavior! But then, I just can't bring myslef to butt in and ruin their conversation and turn it in to a flame war. Why is it Jemstone and Duke Togo aren't there trashing it? Do they think SG1 is cool or something? I'm sure Duke could search around and find some gay McGyver pictures, he seems to keep those kind of pics at his finger tips.
  14. Ok, seriously YourDog, I have no clue who you are. I have no clue what your talking about 'message board whore', unless you mean what I post here. And I don't post very much here as my post count shows. I don't go to Robotech because I don't really care for it, I prefer the original shows. I find your anal fixation pretty disgusting actually, and your the little cream puff refrencing all these gay shows. Is your face getting red yet or are you that stupid/insane? Who ever you think I am, you made a mistake. Please explain what 'outright' lies I stated. For the second time, I think Rick Berman and the other producers of ST ARE the problem, why do you think I love them? 'Steve'(Yun?) and Tom Bateman are no one to me, because I think Robotech is a crappy hack job. It had it's place in the 80's to at least introduce a lot of people to the original shows, that's the best thing I can say about it. All that said, I find it hard to believe you were just trolling around and saw my terrible posts and just had to, for the first time ever, register at MW so you could rant against me. Which means you are the biggest pile of chicken sh*t this site has ever seen. If you want to argue, use your regular name. Only the lowest coward hides behind an anonymous name. Do you have a good answer for that YourDog? So you are either the world's biggest idiot-psycho for confusing me with someone else or your the world's biggest coward for not using your real MW name. Either way, your pretty sick. Is there any way the mods can tell if this clown has another i.d. here? All I know is I feel sorry for whoever you think I am. And if I were Steve Yun or Tom Bateman, I'd look into a license to carry permit. Pretty creepy having a stalker off his meds and obsessed with all things anal.
  15. If this site were moderated, they'd tell you not to post messages like that because it eats up space for no purpose. But your opinion was certainly profound and thanks for contributing!
  16. That said, Jemstone looks half sane by comparison.
  17. Wow YourDog, who the f*ck are you? I haven't been to the Robotech boards in about 2 or 3 years(they're boring as hell)I think I posted a total of less than 10 times. And I used a totally differnet name. So dumbass, you have me confused with someone else. I have no earthly idea who the 'commanders' of the Robotech site are, and could care less. I only the name Steve Yun becasue he's mentioned here, never talked him before and Tom Bateman doesn't ring a bell. You are a psycho. I take up bandwith, did you see your post? Interesting you have a long history here, 3 posts? And yeah, I really post like crazy, notice my post count, 160+ yeah I never shut up. As opposed to Duke or Jemstone or Agent ONE? My name here, Major Johnathan, is a character from the Japanese series called Mospeada, do you even recognize the avatar *sshole? Have you seen the show dipsh*t? My real name is Jesse. Pleased to meet you psycho. And I've said in the past the producers of Star Trek are what the biggest problem of the franchise is. I could'nt even remember their names, but you knew Rick Berman right off, so you hate ST so much you memorized the credits? And your an Andromeda fan?... that's pretty interesting. I don't mean to dissapoint you, but I'm not gay. It's Duke Togo that likes posting the beefcake pics here, not me. But your sure awful insecure about it, especially since you watch 'Will and Grace'(speaks for it's self), never seen it myself. In cocnlusion YourDog, I got no f*cking clue what your talking about or who you are, MW is THE place I post at. Whatever person your referring to is a whole other human being from me. Might wanna get a clue who your talking to and what your talking about.
  18. So it's some kind of big conspiracy? Psycho fangirl. Hey Duke, that picture is SWEET! Care to share any of those sexy shots of Derek Jeter hanging on your wall?
  19. Yeah, Agent ONE is is right. I won't sit back and turn the other cheek and be the nice guy about it. If certain members want open flame wars, bring it on. Jemstone has been here about as long I have, yet only just recently have I realized what a conceited bitch she can be. How about instead of biting my head off, you go back to biting the heads of your Barbie dolls? You posing little fangirl you.
  20. Mods and fellow MW'ers, I'm sorry but I need to vent, bitch and moan a little. I've been here a long time, I was here even before my stats indicate, under another name, before MW went to the new server etc. The population has more than doubled, or tripled since I got here. Then, this site had a small town feel, everyone seemed to know everyone and manners, good will and friendliness were common. These days it's more like a big city traffic jam, complete with 'road rage' and middle fingers at the ready. Some members fancy themselves bullies, others know-it-all's. MW is at the top of my favorites list, and I hope it stays there, but lately I feel like you need to come ready to fight. Some of you may have noticed the thread about the fund raising for ST Enterprise. I really can't believe how hostile it got. Maybe I'm in the wrong too, fine, idunno. Why do so many members feel the need to drop in and just trash the show and in a few cases those who like the show? I really don't think I was provoking anyone, but excuse me if I feel the need to stick up for a show I like and take offense at a tirade of personal insults. This is one thread I've been invlolved in, but I've noticed it in many others where members are just looking for the chance to put down other members or their opinions. Like we should all should make our signatures "F**K YOU TOO". We need a reminder 'if you don't have anything nice to say, shut up.' or something like that. When I get personally insulted, I REALLY feel the urge to respond in kind, but try to avoid the urge in respect to MW. There are times I really feel the mods just let things slide too long until a whole thread blows up and fellow MW'ers become something like enemies, just looking for the chance to pounce. A well timed and polite word from the mods can usually diffuse it. So, rather than taking Nanashi's(was that his name?) route and just leaving MW altogether, I'm the sort that would really rather hang around and be just as big and obnoxious an *sshole to some as they are to me. All I ask is that if I sink to their level and slug it out, you punish BOTH of us or neither of us. Seems fair to me. Can you believe we're all Macross fans? By the way, whatever happened to Rick the Hunter? He was one of the really likeable early members, haven't seen him post in ages. Not to mention Shawn, I know he's busy, but he is also missed. Yeah,yeah. I'm one of those 'I remember the good 'ol days' people... but MW hasn't been nearly as much fun as it was just a couple years or so ago. .
  21. Sorry haterist, felt like I was being teamed up on. I don't know what the hell happened to this thread, it's a car wreck. It's supposed to be about efforts to save Enterprise. So why do people feel the need to jump in and ridicule or dump on the show or people who like it? If I saw a thread about saving some series I didn't care for, I probably wouldn't even read it, let alone post about how much it sucks or what a waste of money it is. (beyond the essential food/shelter/clothing etc., what isn't a waste of money?) Duke Togo chimes in, with his usual 'everything sucks' attitude, and admits in his first post he never even watched a single episode. So why post anything? apprently just to boost his post count. And Jemstone, we'll she's unhinged. I'm not sure what I said to so offend her to begin with. Maybe it's my avatar? I didn't check with her if it's ok to be a Mospeada fan... I don't consider myself a 'fanboy' of anything really (by the standards spelled out in this topic), but what the hell is it to anyone if someone IS a fanboy of anything? This is a really strange place to be railing against fanboys/geeks. (especially because if your a member here, you ARE a fanboy/girl/geek to one degree or another.)
  22. Okay, okay, I'm a pathetic geek residing in Loserville. I didn't realize all the cool people would be lurking around in a START TREK thread... apparently that's what the cool folks do, hang around waiting for a topic about Star Trek so they can jump in and say what a pile of sh*t it is and how stupid anyone is for liking it. Meanwhile they're going "I hope my toy plane that transforms into a robot arrives today! What a deal I only paid $250 for it!!!" Do 'G'emstone and her pals understand this is the 'other anime or science fiction' forum, from 'megazone to Star Trek'? Where it's ok to talk about shows other than Macross? Like for example, Star Trek? We need to amend the rules here, from now on, only what Jemstone says is cool and or acceptable goes, otherwise your a loser. Jemstone, we need to know, if any of us ever bought a T-shirt with a logo of a show we like on it, is that ok, or are we pathetic idiot fanboys? I meant that's dangerously close to those sick people that dress up in costumes. So Haterist is collecting Star Wars(?) legos and wants Valkyrie toys, and Jemstone thinks we should all go buy the Nausicaa dvd's? So those are the approved of cool toys and shows? thanks for setting me straight. I'll go throw all my Star Trek sh*t away right now, which includes about a dozen old VHS tapes of the original show and a few cd's and 2 models. God I hope no one sees me with it!
  23. There's millions of Star Trek fans out there. If each of them chipping in $20 or $30 can save there show from cancellation, why not, if they like it? I don't see that as being a rabid fanboy/fangirl. I never have have dressed up as anything, though I once attended a Sci-Fi convention in the early 90's in which George Takei was the featured guest. (Oh wait, I dressed up as a Stormtrooper once for halloween, I was about 5 I think.) Basically, for the cost of a dvd, fans of Enterprsie could potentially save the show. Seems worth it to me, since I'm a fan. I'd pay that much or more for an interesting new Macross, or other anime, series/oav/movie. On top of that, if it worked, fans could actually take shows away from studios and networks who invariably screw with any show they own. And all the stuff (models, books and dvd's etc.) I have for the Sci-fi and anime series I like would fit in the trunk of my car, so hopefully that means I haven't gone of the deep end yet. And Jemstone, I only pointed out your typo's because you referred to me as having an impaired brain for getting one letter wrong, check any of your recent posts and you'll find you made mistakes too. But I wasn't pointing them out since it would be a bit rude and hypocritical since most humans make mistakes.
  24. Damn. You got me Jemstone, I mixed one letter with another, very embarrassing. 'emans' , 'icnlude' ? Are you sure your brain isn't a little impaired too? What do you mean do not DARE comapre you to a 'trekkie' fan? I assume since you post here, your a Macross fan. There are strange and fanatical fans of all sorts of shows, it's not just trekkies who embarress themselves by sticking pointed ears on. I've seen some pretty frightening cosplayers for Macross too. My definition of a poser in relation to this thread: Someone who tells a fan of one sci-fi show to 'GET A LIFE', while they themselves are presumeably a fan of a another Sci-Fi show. (You know, Macross? Hence Macross World. That's where you are if your reading this.) Is a 'cartoon' about giant transforming robots battling giant cloned humanoid aliens in outer space not potential grounds for 'GETTING A LIFE' too? You see, most fans of Macross happen to be fans of any number of other sci-fi type shows, both live and animated. So some sayings come to mind, like' those who live in glass houses' or 'the pot calling the kettle black'. If your offended at being thought of as a geek or 'fangirl'(YOUR word not mine), maybe you just need to lighten up. EVERYONE here is at least a little geeky or a fanboy/otaku, otherwise, what are you doing here? By the way, no offense taken at being called an ignoramus, idiot (repeatedly) or having an impaired brain or being retarded. After all the nasty things I called you, I guess I was asking for it.
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