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Major Johnathan

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Everything posted by Major Johnathan

  1. Well, I just watched the Discovery channel special on SS1. It was very interesting, I recommend it. I have even more respect for those guys, they put NASA and the rest of the worlds space programs to shame. I don't mean in scale, but in sprit. I wonder how many years and billions of $$$ you'd add to get NASA to duplicate the same mission. (from development, testing and launching.) Pretty incredible, you got USSR/Russia, USA, China(very recently) and Burt Rutan's group, the only space explorer's to date. How does Japan, S. Korea, G. Bitain, Germany, France, Canada, Saudi Arabia etc,etc,etc (i.e. wealthy nations) explain they have either no space program or nothing more than shooting up probes? The world seems to lack the kind of pride,courage and spirit that a tiny group on a budget have been demonstating in the Mojave desert. True they humbled NASA a bit, but at least the U.S. has a NASA to humble. If I were a Japanese taxpayer, I'd be saying WTF!? Compare Rutan's assets and say, Mitsubishi. Let alone the whole Japanese Government. Just a thought. Anyway, I hope their 2nd launch today goes well. They have some brave pilots. Unmanned space flight is interesting, manned space fight is inspiring.
  2. As usual, I'm ignorant. What's the Thunder Hammer? Could someone post a pic or link? Please? I can't vote till I see it. But I am leaning towrd the GBP...
  3. Maybe we're talking about two different books? Or maybe HLJ under priced it?
  4. Cool, now I can get my Hasegawa DD SV-51 and this book/magazine in the same order, hopefully. It does seem to be fairly small or thin for that price, but beggars can't be choosers etc.
  5. Great news! Think HLJ might have it? Otherwise, who might in terms of an English site?
  6. Actually, I've become a pretty big fan of Macross Zero, so anything that goes with the Hasegawa kits would be really cool. How about them Destoids? I really doubt we'll see Hasegawa ever do them. Or the aquatic bad guy mecha...
  7. Thanks hellohikaru. The Ghostbird is cool, I hope they'll show a little more of it. It's strange that they made a beautiful kit of VF-0B and it still isn't in the animation. In fact, it was the VF-0B and it's box art that made me get into Macross Zero at last.
  8. Ok, I'm still learning Macross Zero. I just realized the VF-0B (which I have the kit of) is not what Shin and Edgar have been piloting. That's the VF-0D, so where does the VF-0B come in? I haven't seen past vol.3 yet... And, what's the planes in vol. 3 that they show taking off the carrier, the wings appear forward swept, definatly not the VF-0A/B/S or D.? I want a model of that one too!
  9. $26.61...for a cd, dammit! With prices like that and the price of the DVD's, it's hard to get too offended at the bootleggers. But I certainly look forward to the release regardless.
  10. I voted for the movie Nousjadeul Ger. But the TV version would be good too. I'd love a 1/72 Regult (with the missle pods and scout version too.), though I'd really want to see a full sculpt. The old Imai is too hard to get and there's plenty of room to improve upon it. It probably needs to be bigger all around. (same for the Glaug) The GPB-1 would be good... And I agree with Myersjessee, I'd like to see 1/72 Macross Zero Destroids too. But I hope we get a Booster Launch vehicle first, that would be so impressive with the booster/Valk on it.
  11. I must be in the minority, but I actually like the color scheme of Nora's SV-51. It's so different from the normal paint jobs we see in Macross. Graham I agree, my first impression before I saw the show was it looked too busy, but after seeing Nora and the SV-51 in action, it's very cool. DD's is cool too...
  12. Ok, I'm still a rookie at Macross Zero, is Ivanov the guy in the charcoal black SV-51, Roy's nemesis? If so, does anyone know if there's any differences with Nora's? (If he is Ivanov, why does my Hong Kong subtitles call him DD?) And is the VF-0D in the first 3 episodes? (I haven't seen the last two.) That's not the plane with the forward swept wings they show on the Asuka II is it? Anyway, I'm happy they're making them! I hope they'll do Battroids too...
  13. I'm new to Macross Zero, so maybe I missed something, but has there been any artbooks on Macross Zero? I'm particularly hoping for a mecha-line art type of book...
  14. As far as I know, the Manga release never put out a cd soundtrack. I went through the same thing, after years I finally found a copy of the original Japanese release, assuming the music was the same, only to find out it's completely(or mostly?) different. This is a really strange case, this might be the only anime series re-released outside Japan, that has improved music. It's the opening and closing songs that I most wanted, they were re-done by Manga apparently. I don't say that easily, almost never does messing with the original music work, but in this case, I think they pulled it off. I never even suspected the opening and closing songs weren't Japanese, the singer is herself Japanese(the band is American I think). So now I'm just pissed Manga didn't release a cd and I doubt they ever would, that series isn't exactly a big money maker.
  15. I'd like some new Sci-Fi... the BSG mini-series was decent but not ground breaking. I hope the new Farscape episodes are good, that show got really screwey towards the end. Enterprise is also decent, but not ground breaking either IMO. I mean, they are going back to Nazi's...again...? Sci-Fi is just so predictable these days. Too many formulas that everyone borrows from.
  16. I can't wait... is there a release date for the PS2 release?
  17. Cuz you have been a member too long, seems like only the noobs won Hey!... I'm no noob , true I don't post a heck of a lot, but in the old forums I had over 1000 posts.
  18. oh no.... this is the kind of inconsistancy that gnaws at me. I'm only going to have one Booster, it's tough enough for me to decide between Max or Millia, but now I don't know if I should paint the booster red/blue or white...? I think the booster would look cooler red/blue, but I'm not sure...
  19. I am the other 454.... I actually won something??? I never win anything... Thank you!!!
  20. That post says it all EXO.
  21. Thanks for posting the list. I only recently got the Hasegawa Macross fever. To be honest, my Macross mood goes dormant at times, but this relentless stream of beautiful Hasegawa kits is like a swift kick in the butt. I'm a model builder, but I've yet to clear my desk and just build one. And I do like just staring at all the pretty boxes... I mean, if I build one, it won't be in my unbuilt collection... I wonder what new releases are on the horizon? A VF-11 would be cool, Battroids of the Yf-19 & 21? Maybe they'll release all the Valks in Gerwalk form?
  22. Are we there yet!? Are we there yet!? Somebody find Graham, he has a solemn duty to perform. (in a matter hours?)...(or a day or so?)
  23. Hmmm, is it August 30th yet? Actually, when are the winning numbers picked?
  24. Don't worry about Shawn. He will be taken care of...it's his website Rob MN Que the Godfather theme...
  25. Very, very impressive. That rivet and panel line detail is beautiful. I don't think even Hasegawa could've done it better. It puts the animation to shame...
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