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Major Johnathan

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Everything posted by Major Johnathan

  1. Ok, not EVERY episode. But there's Callie(?) almost raped by Zaruck's guy, Six's gang rape story, Starbuck's Gyno-rape-via-Cylon and Boomer's double team attempted rape. So for a show with such few episodes so far, I consider that a whole lotta rape'in. Plus it looks like Roslin is set to rape Adama next. And there's Baltar raping himself frequently... Then there's Starbuck's fling with the dead Adama brother, the well explained fling with Baltar (???), her fling with the guy on Caprica who she can't get out of her mind and her continuous googly-eye flirting with Apollo (before Baltar and after the Caprica guy) So, yeah I think that's pretty loose. I'd feel bad for Apollo, but he's such a priss. The History Channel does tend to be Nazi-obsessed... I don't compare anything to robots, they're just 'the enemy'. The enemy can be anyone, how humans react in certain situations is my point. I consider the fleet being split by Roslin or Starbuck and Apollo doing their own thing or ship commanders plotting each other's assaination as 'not rising to the occaision', those seem more wreckless and selfish.
  2. What Imaginary 'perfect colonial fleet' did I mention? True I would like the occaisional space battle, it'd be nice if we got to see more than 5 seconds of Cylons per episode. I doubt most fans would say they DON'T want more action/battles/Cylons. I suppose it would cut down on the rape/gang rape scenes, Baltar babbling with Six at his villa, Stabuck boinking someone else or Tigh's adorable wife, the show would really suck with less of that. The belief that a ship's crew practically melts down when faced with desperate circumstances or even certain death is wrong from nearly every real-world example I can think of. The oppostie is what happens, they tend to rise to the occaision, behave even more bravely, selflessly and professionally. It's hard not to come away from BSG with a depressing, cynical view of humanity. Which is why, as I've said, I'm rooting for the mechanical Cylons. Sorry for another 'naive tirade'. I do my best, but I'll never be as awesome as bsu. Speaking of fanwank, do you really thank the Lords of Kobol? Essentially,BSG needs more Southern Cross, whatever the hell that means.
  3. I'll try to express this fairly, one of my fundamental dislikes is how they portray military personnel generally. Think of how Roslin is made the Joan of Arc for being all civic conscious and touchy feely. Adama is shown as a 'good' military man for being soft and forgiving with his crew and frankly babying his favorites. Starbuck and Apollo are bathed in glory for being anti-military in a sense while serving in the military (like Hawkeye and BJ from MASH...), they flaunt their independence, they obey orders that they agree with and pout and rebel at the ones they don't like (try that in any real military) and openly question anything their superiors say. Consider Tigh, who's all about military protocol, saluting, following orders, by the book etc. He's portrayed as a pitiful drunkard, an idiot when his useless cartoon wife shows up and an all around hard ass always out to ruin Starbuck's fun. Thus most fans really like to hate him. Enter Pegasus and Cain: A 'real' military ship, professional, they got their sh*t together etc. So of course they turn out to be a ship of gang raping, civilian slaughtering space thugs with a commanding officer to the right of Mussolini. To me, that's not too subtle in what Moore thinks of the military. This show is way more 'Platoon' where most in uniform are thugs or tyrants and only the few that rebel from within are virtuous. As opposed to a 'Saving Private Ryan' where most soldiers are portrayed as fairly honorable and brave and selfless. Most of the military people I've known and read about in real life were highly professional, often brave and sacrifice on all sorts of levels without complaint. You just don't get that feeling from BSG. Definately more like Platoon. That's what rubs me the wrong way. Still, there's a lot that's good, the acting is generally quite good, the special effects are the best so far in Sci-Fi TV show, the mechanical Cylons are cool, especially the Raiders, the whole tone and feel is good and I even like the background music. I just wish Moore would get a better understanding of the military culture than just watching Apocalypse Now or Platoon.
  4. Well, I enjoyed MGS 1 and 2 and especially 3. But Kojima's plots are... Oliver Stone on acid...? I don't really see great potential for a movie based on the story. It's the gameplay, setting and style I like. Stick to games I say. I don't play MGS for Kojima's world views or political messages, if I could even decipher them. Never heard of Uwe Boll, sounds like I'm not missing much.
  5. That was my question many a time a few pages ago. The people who complain about the show tend to watch it even more than people who do. But then again, this is MW, where bitching about things is job one. For Example: "They ripped off Macross Plus!!" "I hate buying DVD's I already bought 5 years ago! Now they are forcing me to buy it again" "They've ruined Cain! He's supposed to be likable!" "iPods suck! I like the (insert POS mp3 player name here)" "Macross dubbed...blasphemy!!" "the hands are too small!! " and so forth........... 358924[/snapback] I only watch each episode once. Guess I am 'bitching', but I think I do so with reason. From my view, a good show is getting less and less good. -Not that big a fan of Mac. Plus, so I don't care who rips it off.(Mac. Plus ain't that original) -I don't buy DVDs that I bough 5 years ago, again. -I could care less about the male Cain, I don't like the old show. -I don't own an iPod or particularly know what it does, looks like a Walkman to me, bid deal. -Macross dubbed; actually I enjoy Clash of the Bionoids and a few of the old Robotech voices are pretty good.(Roy and Max in particular) -Hands too small, I'm not sure but I assume that's about one of the latest toys. I'm a model guy myself.
  6. Again, I liked the Mini series, I liked Season one, a few plot lines seemed cheesy, but it was fairly logical and well done. I more or less liked the main characters.(except Roslin) I'm not going through all the finer points again, but Season two presented a lot of lousy character development that made me feel far less sympathetic to any of the main characters. On the upside, I still think the mechanical Cylon kick ass. The problem is, we rarely see them and they have little to attack anymore. Plus the Galactica seems to swat Cylons aside like they're flies recently, they don't seem so ominous now. I don't think watching an episode a week, when it's new, is watching a lot. Especially considering how few episodes they're are. I've only watched each episode once and the mini twice. There's no arguement from me that Galactica is the best Sci-Fi series running but then it is practically the ONLY Sci-Fi out there. (Sorry Stargate fans, that show doesn't float my boat.) I'm a fan with a critical mind I guess, sorry to offend the die hards but I think what crticism I offer has merit. Seems this show has Holy Grail status for some. The writing could be better, that's what it boils down to for me.
  7. From the beginning, I felt Roslin was the worst character in the show. She does come off as an over the top PC character; A woman Secretary of Edjucation>A Woman S.of Edjucation WITH Breat Cancer> A woman President WITH Breast Caner. Secratary of Education is about as touchy feely a position as they could come up with. Breast Cancer is the cause celeb of the 90's for Hollywood. Aids and Breast Cancer are the popular diseases. Hepatitus and Prostate Cancer are really not a big deal, or a MILLION other diseases. Realistically speaking, it seems absurd that after human kind is near extinction and running for their lives, they rally behind a Secratary of Edjucation instead of a Military commander or person that at least commands the respect of the military. I argued earlier, the whole story line about elections and concerns about civil liberties was silly given the circumstances they found themselves in. Then, whatever virtue you found in Roslin, they made her into a religous zealot one minute and a backstabbing politician the next. A humanitarian that weeps at every loss of life, then chucks human-Cylons out of airlocks and instigates a coup that causes human deaths and splits the fleet and jeaporizes everyone's safety. Roslin is basking in rightousness, so they have to make Cain the devil by contrast. I think we need a special prosecuter for Roslin, she too has abused her power. There seems to be no redeemable characters left in the show. They all shift loyalties or stab each other in the back or are obsessed with their own petty problems. Not exactly an inspiring bunch. I guess Helo and the Bridge crew are the least screwed up. At least you know where Helo stands... so far and the Bridge crew tend to just shut up and do their jobs. I swear, next episode I expect the Pegasus' XO to have another heart to heart with Tigh, only he'll be holding a flashlight under his chin and say "And then Admiral Cain bit the head off a puppy and ordered the crew to wear their underwear on the outside of there uniforms! "
  8. DeathHammer beat me to the punch for Six. She's perfectly beautiful as is. All the make up, 'done up' hair and Vegas Showgirl outfits and over the top lusty speach only spoils a perfectly beautiful woman. Seriously, how sexy would Boomer be if she had to constantly tromp around in 6 inch heels, a cocktail dress with a perm and make up pancaked all over her face??? She'd get pretty tiresome pretty quick. I'm getting really tired of the scenes with Baltar and Six at his lake side house. At least change the scenery occaisionally, Baltar(Moore) needs more imagination and less juvenile taste in women. It was mentioned Six is 'boobless' and curvless. ! Boobless!? Damn man, how big do you need? Is there not enough surgicaly enhanced, Silicone 'Wonder Women' out there? As for curves, she's got them, just not a bosom that could smother a person to death. Besides, I find the boobies to be over glorified hood ornaments with no great use.
  9. A serial killer is a human being too. A terrorist is a serial killer hiding behind a bullsh*t cause to justify their bloodlust. We all have grievanaces, we don't all kill randomly and gleefully to redress them. I find it amazing anyone would give a damn about such people's wants,needs or grievances. Comparing Christian fundamentalists with Muslim fundamentalists is pretty ridiculous, if we're talking present day. Look out for the Billy Graham Martyr's Brigade! Put up a score board for the just the past 20 years and compare the number of buses, malls, cafes, schools, airliners, embassys, skyscapers, polling stations, hospitals, churchs,synagogues, Mosques (yes Mosques too) and otherwise innocent pedestrians just walking by that have been blown up, attacked, hijacked kidnapped and or murdered. I think Muslims win that by a land slide. But that's ignorant of me to say. True, but ignorant.
  10. Who's the dumbass, the dumbass that responds to a political thread or the dumbass who starts a thread about a movie that is all about politics/terrorism?(and expects politics NOT to be brought up?) For the record, I threw my two cents in well after a bunch of other opinions were offered. Now if politics aren't allowed, fine. But if a thread like this is going to go on for a while, I figure I have every right to speak up.
  11. Can't say I like some of the opinions made. It sounds like typical moral equivilancy. 'One man's terrorist is another's Freedom Fighter'. Or Bin Laden is just the Muslim's George Washington. Or; we did bad stuff in our past so anything we get now serves us right. So let's all just hold hands and leap off the nearest tall building to atone. Sometimes, a terrorist is just a terrorist. No justification makes their acts justifiable. No grievance makes it right. The slaughter of Israeli athletes was pure cowardice and coldblooded muder. Let's not forget to give Germany it's credit too, they cut deals with every Islamic terrorist group they encounter. They let them go then and they're letting more go today. Every kind of people on Earth have grievances with other peoples. But the countless muslim terror groups are quite unique in having grievances with absoultely everyone who isn't one of them. Everywhere Islam rubs against another culture, terrorism or war break out. Anywhere there are Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and 'Godless Nonbelievers'. North Africa, Central Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, South Asia, South East Asia. Having recently targeted Australia, only Antactica has yet to offend Islam. Antartica better watch it's self. Let's not forget the lowliest of them all, Shia.. Or wait, are the Sunni the lowest? In other words, even fellow Muslims who don't believe the 'right way' are worthy of merciless Jihad. I know it's politically incorrect to call a spade a spade, but there it is. I long ago quit wondering or worrying why Muslim terror groups do what they do. I only care that they die. Any sympathy I could ever muster for the cause of Palestine vanished on 9/11 when they chose to spontaneously celebrate in the streets. The feelings quite mutual now. What's next, a movie about the misunderstood freedom fighters who slaughtered hundreds of schoolchildren in Beslan? Yes, they were a noble lot, I really sympathize with the plight of Chenya now. Imagine if in the middle of WWII we had famous directors making movies about how we needed to see the Nazi's point of view or how the Imperial Japanese had good reason to be as brutal as they were.
  12. What's the use? As soon as Apollo and Starbuck scramble from Pegasus, they'll fly off wherever they please and say to Cain "Nyah-Nyah!" "PpPpBbBbLLT!" and "you can't get me!" "your not the boss of me!" "Do you know who my Daddy is!?" etc. And as we saw, Apollo and Starbuck are the ONLY competent pilots on Galactica, the others are retraded without them, that's why Cain doesn't want the others. My nonsense aside, blind guess: Tigh will be the new Captain of the Pegasus.
  13. Quit lurking Graham! 4000+ posts and people wonder what happened to you? There's only one answer, most members put you on their ignore list. So stop offending everyone already. seriously though, what kind of excuse is having a kid? Check your priorities man! As for Shawn, they say he's 10 feet tall and shoots lightning out of his arse!
  14. Maybe to compete with Brokeback Mountain, Tubbs and Crocket will be lovers so it literally is gay? Could happen in Hollywood these days. Also, was Jamie Foxx the smiling guy posing in pictures with the late 'Tookie' Williams? Maybe I'm confusing him with someone else, but if it was him...
  15. Well I'll take Phil Collins over Jay Z anyday, but I'm old and nostalgic for the 80's. Plus, Rap/Hip Hop is... not my cup of tea. A short analysis of Phil Collins career; in the beginning he did some cool edgy songs. In the middle he became political-preachy and in the end, he sold his soul to Disney and makes mushy nonsense songs. My favorite part of the old show was Edward James Olmos, but he's busy running from Cylons these days.
  16. That much would have sufficed.
  17. But look at Boomer, she shows signs of wanting to be a freindly Cylon, but then at any moment her real programming kicks in and she tries to kill some one. Realistically, if she were honorable, she'd kill her self. Or, the Glactica crew, to be humane, would leave her abandoned on some planet with supplies. The way they seem to sympathize and feel bad for her strikes me as cheesy. Again, humanity is nearly extinct because of Cylons, she's a Cylon and what's worse is she's a human imitation. They'd revile her and all her copies. And they really wouldn't fall for the 'No! THIS copy really is trustorthy!' sentiment. That makes the Chief and Helo 100% dumbass's and Adama WAY to accomadating. Come to think of it, Cain should execute those fools ASAP. What are the chances Pegasus blows Galactica from the skies? An renames the show Battle Star Pegasus?
  18. Maybe that's my problem, I thought Crimson Tide was a fairly bad movie. A reality check; Jimmy Carter skippered a Nuclear armed submarine... So I doubt there's many Captain Blighs/Queegs lurking about in the Navy. Wish there were, the rest of the world might be less likely to screw with us. I gripe because I liked the show a lot prior to season 2. The integrity of the main characters seems almost hopelessly lost since season 2. My big hope at this point is for some very cool space battles. I can't see how they restore credibilty and IMHO likeability to the main characters. Apollo and Starbuck mainly. I still like Adama even though they half neutered him lately. Roslin is the one character I never liked much, she never seemed grounded in reality but now she's just nuts, or corrupt. They haven't decided I guess.
  19. I don't know Graham, you can pick apart technical reasons to not like 'Flight of the Phoenix' (which I agree with) but the crew of the Pegasus didn't strike you as just a tad too sadistic to be believable? A female Captain that says to her male crew members 'here ya go boys, have at the sexy blonde prisoner chained up in the dungeon' 'and enjoy that sweet new one aboard Galactica while your at it' Then arrest and instantly try,convict and sentence to death two of the very few trained(pilot and ace mechanic) humans left alive? They portray Pegasus as a serious professional military ship to contrast the unmilitary,slack-offs on Galactica BUT make Pegasus over the top sex feind bullies so Galactica's crew doesn't look THAT bad. The whole episode smacked of 'shock value' nonsense to me. Maybe in the 2nd part, Adama will capture Cain and spank her naked ass in front of the whole fleet? Then Roslin will join in for some shocking girl-girl action... Like I said before, if these are the quality of humans remaining, I hope the Cylons win.
  20. Well I don't have 55 reasons to be critical of the new BSG. I only vaguely remember the original show when I was like 4 or 5. So I'm not even a fan of the original. No fanboy baggage here. Like I say, I generally liked the mini and season one. It's specifically the first half of season two that has me worried this show is quickly screwing it's self. You can't establish characters and relationships and have them betraying one another in biblical/Shakespearian ways and then, in the course of one episode they're all buddy-buddy again and all is forgiven. My fundamental gripes; -They made Apollo turn into a pompous Daddy's boy that gets away with ANYTHING. -They made Starbuck super slurmty and she's an 'adopted' Daddy's girl that gets away with ANYTHING. -They made Adama a wuss. "Why you!... ... awwwww shucks, you knucklheads, I love ya anyways!" -Roslin is friggin nuts. She's turned into a religous wacko BUT she says she'll 'play the religion card' as if to suggest she doesn't believe her own sh*t. So she's nuts or she's a sleazy politician? -The rest of Galactica's pilots turn into retards without the presence of Starbuck or Apollo. That's just lame. -They made Pegasus SOOOOOO sadistic just to make the Galactica cast look half-decent by comparison. -The whole 'let's trust Boomer in spite of our brains' thing. So that's 7 gripes I got and all occured in the first half of seaon 2. Heck, I can over look a cheesy prop like the guns or even the Humvee, but turning the main characters into such unlikeable twits is what has me down on the show.
  21. Yeah, he's awesome. I'd like to see either Juggernaut or Blob done right. Simply having a tall muscular guy won't cut it. They can only be done right with CGI. I mean Blob is like 10~12 feet tall...
  22. Of all the things you could criticize in Hulk, I don't see the CGI as a problem either. All in all, Hulk was ok for a comic-book movie. Like I say, it never was the most complicated plot. I just recently saw punisher, finally. I thought that was terrible, I actually like the Dolph Lundgren one better, and that ain't saying much. Daredevil with Ben Affleck... bleck. Let's face it, some of these comic books really aren't crying out for a movie.
  23. Yeah, I thought Hulk was alright, I mean how much better could they make it? It's not a very complicated story,the man gets angry and turns big and green and smashes stuff up. Nick Nolte's character was as screwed up as the actor himself. I like Colossus too, but he's Russian, very Russian. That's a huge part of his identity. I'm glad Kitty Pryde is in it, I thought she had a thing for Wolverine, not Colossus. Wasn't she in the Wolvie mini-series?
  24. I agree with that. While I didin't think it was perfect, the mini-series was quite good and season one was good. I just found the character development/plot twists very hard to swallow for the first half of season 2. It seemed very much like they were forcing extra 'conflict' among the main characters to eat up some shows. Note how little special effects were used in some episodes. Unfortuantely, my overall feelings for this show are fading. I'll still give it a chance, but the way they handled the Apollo-Adama and Apollo-Starbuck realtionship(betrayal on top of betrayal), the disintegration of Pres. Roslin, and the Pegasus crewed by Folsom's and San Quentin's finest... the writing needs help. Plus the whole trust and symapthy for Boomer angle... uh, she isn't in control and at any moment she might try to assasinate anyone or sabotage Galactica? (see: Manchurian Candidate)
  25. By 1944, clearly Japan was doomed, no arguement from me, even 1943. But 1942 was a window of opportunity. I wonder just how much America could have endured, after PH, there was considerable panic all along the west coast, any moment they expected Japanese invasion fleets. Consider the tally up till Midway, first the crushing blow(on many levels) at Pearl Harbor, the sinking of the British capital ships Prince of Whales and Repulse, the obliteration of the American-British-Dutch and Australian fleet, the fall of Guam, Singapore, Wake ,the Phillipines, the vast Dutch East Indies, Burma etc. etc. Japanese Subs occaisionally shelling the West Coast went a long way to prolonging the fear of an invasion. Under that recent history, had Japan reversed Midway and sunk the 3 US carriers for little loss in exchange, and taken Midway it's self, Hawaii would be in immense danger. Australia would 'wither on the vine', as the Allies did to so many Japanese held islands. At the very least, the U.S. would be forced to send vast numbers of planes, troops and ships that were intended for the European theater to the West Coast and Panama. Could the Brits and Soviets have held on without all that U.S. lend-lease material? Obviously this is all conjecture, but my take on it is the American people would demand Japan be treated as the primary threat, Britain and the Soviets would have to fend for themselves largely. Germany might well have won had there not been such huge quantities of U.S. equipment flooding the other allies. My conclusion in this alternate reality; the world would be split into 3 super power spheres, The U.S., the Third Reich and Imperial Japan.
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