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Everything posted by DestroidsRage

  1. There were other sets of these? What were Wave 1 like? These are basically like Micromasters/Micro-Bots, and I love those guys, so yah -BEN-MAN-
  2. Yah, they should redo Warpath. He's kinda dorky how he originally was. But they'd probably just end up changing him into an Abrams, or some other super well known vehicle. It would be sweet if they redid him as a more obscure war vehicle. And sweet crappety Warpath had a fugly robot mode!! http://i16.ebayimg.com/02/i/00/f0/2a/75_1.JPG -BEN-MAN-
  3. Is there any way to aquire a Japanese Transformers Season One set of any kind? I like the Transformers, but Im curious what it would be like without soooooo many commercial breaks, and with an actually catchy theme song, and how the mecha would sound with japanese voices and stuff. You'd think thered be an HK set of it out, but I havent seen it. Anyone know? -BEN-MAN-
  4. Looks perfect to me! It looks tons better than the original toy. Its just that... I dont like Wranglers that much. I mean, thats what was neat about the original transformers. They were slightly altered versions of real world vehicles you dont see very often. Everyone knows of Willys Jeeps, and everyone likes them, but theyre rather rare in real life. And Transformers let you get the best of both worlds! A sweet Willys, and a pretty sweet Robot! And now.. We get a sweet sweet robot.. and... A jeep wrangler? Why not just make Camry transformer, so you can look at it and go "oh my hell its SO BORING.", LoL But still, great toy. I dont like the dinosaur robot either... Silver clunky Robo-Dino's are the /only/ way to go. -BEN-MAN-
  5. Hey, I dont think seinfeld is funny /at all/. I merely was statin what a good number of people think. Seinfeld is a whiny idiot who reminds me of the kids I used to want to thrash in elementary school. George has no redeeming value whatsoever, and because of that, he's kind of enjoyable to watch. Elaine annoys the living hell out of me. Shes just sooo... "That woman that I would never ever ever date." Kramer is pretty damn funny though. A lot of people that act like seinfeld really freaking bug me. "But she ate her peas /one at a time/!". And just the entire way he talks, and how high pitched he gets, and all those annoying expressions he makes, he really comes off as nothing more than a total moron who somehow landed a job at NBC. Family Guy is about 10 Thousand Kilos of Funny, Funnier than seinfeld. But thats just my expert oppinion, hehe. -BEN-MAN-
  6. Most of Japans early tank force consisted of FT-17s. Called "Ko-Gata Sensha"s. They also aquired a number of Renault NCI tanks, which were basically just superior FT-17s. And in fact, most of Japans early tanks were inspired by the FT-17. And the Ha-Go was a great tank in WW2. It looks nothing like the FT-17, or Bonaparte, and is itself, a further design in a long line of tanks that look very similar to it. Mainly, the Tankette Type 94, the Tankette type 97, the Combat Car Type-92, and a few others. Im still saying its the FT-17. -BEN-MAN-
  7. I dont see why anyone would make a big deal out of the Wienstein episode. Jews are funny! Thats why seinfeld was so popular. -BEN-MAN-
  8. Yay! My beloved game will actually see the light of day!!! Third Quarter of 2004 seems a little... Distant... But oh well. Cant wait! Looks like the best Space RTS /ever/. -BEN-MAN-
  9. Say, does anyone have any pics of the the United States Battering Ram Tank? I've dug up a picture of Matchbox toy, depicting the 6 wheeled Battering Ram APC, but not the tank one seen in Naked Gun. Any toys or sites of this mysterious vehicle? -BEN-MAN-
  10. I wonder, is there a special branch of the police department that mans these Tank Battering Rams? It seems like every police department has them. Pfunk mentioned how the Ram Tanks he's seen looked like they hadnt been mobilized in a very long time, and to be sure. When the hell would you actually need one of these things?? But it seems like it would be a cool job, getting to practice with them and stuff. I wonder if there are police officers who's /main job/ is to drive those things. Or is every cop trained in them. I dunno. -BEN-MAN-
  11. I know the similarities between Bonaparte and an FT-17 are only very very slight, but still. *Both are very small vehicles. Around the same size actually. *Both have the driver in front, with the gunner/commander behind him in the turret. *And in fact, the FT-17 was the only tank that looked very similar to it. It was /copied/ tons. But all of the other Tankettes that came out after WWI had a side by side seating arrangement. Never one in front of the other like the FT-17 and Bonaparte. (Im sure there were others that had the Tandem setup, but I cant think of any off hand) Im sure its only my imagination. I guess we'd have to ask Shirow himself to figure it out completely. LOL. -BEN-MAN-
  12. I was reading through the back of Shirow Masamune's 'Dominion Tank Police' manga, reading through that big essay thing of his, and it hit me. Shirow is well versed in the tank history of WW1. The widely used, ever popular, little French FT-17 from WW1 looks similar to 'Bonaparte'. 'Bonaparte' is in itself, a french name. It seems to all add up. It seems logical to me that Masamune Shirow designed our beloved Bonaparte mini tank off of the original Mini Tank, the FT-17!! I know the similarities are only very slight, and general, but still. What do you think? http://www.landships.freeservers.com/ren4.jpg http://www.landships.freeservers.com/ren6.jpg -BEN-MAN-
  13. Thank you very much for your reccomendations! I plan to follow up on this post and go purchase my new painting supplies the very next time I get the opportunity to go near a hobby shop! Thank ya for the tips! -BEN-MAN-
  14. Remembering Patlabor has made me start thinking. Do modern day police forces have special vehicles? Not like a robot. But, Police Tanks, or anything like that? I remember watching this Naked Gun movie, with Leslie Nielson, and Nielson got inside a Police Tank and drove it straight through a house, and through a stone wall, into a zoo, letting all the animals out. And this got me thinking... Do Police Departments actually have tanks, decked out in White, and Black (and maybe blue?), that they use for extreme situations? I've seen one or two Armored Cars the SWAT team uses on TV, but thats about it. For some reason any vehicle painted in the good ol' White, Black (and mybe blue?) scheme Police Scheme is awesome. The very idea of "Police Tanks" makes me remember Dominion Tank Police with much joy ^__^ This is half off topic, as the question is inspired by Anime like Dominion Tank Police, and Patlabor, but the question in itself is completely off topic Thanks in advance! -BEN-MAN-
  15. I have always loved modelling. I used to model a lot, but I started to realise I absolutely sucked at /painting/. I used to buy the Testors "beginners pack" that came with a plastic holder, a good number of Testors paints, and crappy white handled brush. And this is what I used to paint my models. And it didnt work too well at all. In fact, I have never succesfully painted a model. Ever. I could never paint a straight line, or anything like that. Modelling is a sport of true men. It annoys me that I cant do it. Sometimes frustration overcommes me.. Sometimes my techniques of gluing ends up with glue all over the model and I end up scrapping it.. And today I say enough. I wish to become a "decent modeller". I want to buy an Airfix MK-1 Tank kit, paint it in Sand Brown, with the typical 'white red white' indication on the front. Like this: http://www.landships.freeservers.com/mk4new_4.jpg Although Im sure mine will look inferior, I just want it to look ok. So... Can you reccomend me a good set of Paints, Primers, a few good brushes, and any masking tape I might need? I would like to buy all the "painting and modelling essentials" I need. Nothing fancy... At the moment i dont need to make proffessional grade models. Just stuff I can be happy with myself for. Eventually I want to model all the Destroids, and other Macross models. Thanks in advance! Cause Im really not sure which primers and brushes I'll need. Or a good line of paints. -BEN-MAN-
  16. Whats wrong with you weirdos? Crazy Japanese humor is AWESOME. Sugoi! Masaru-San! Is one of the funniest anime EVER. And I will defend it using the exact same logic that Matrix fans use to defend their beloved series. If you dont like Masaru-San, then you just dont get it. I simply must see this anime sometime soon!! It looks freakin great!! There hasnt been a good funny show like this in a long while! -BEN-MAN-
  17. I can handle cheese. I can handle stupidity. I've sat through Silent Running, I thought it was good. But there are two movies which I simply cannot sit through. The Lobster Man From Mars.. Is one of the worst movies ever made. Anyone here who actually likes that movie should slap themselves 15 times. The Ice Pirates. Some on on THIS board reccomended this to me, and oh MY SLITHERING FECES, this is one of the most retarded, 'DUPER CRAP laiden motion pictures ever to set face on the movie screens of this earth. Those are my picks.. -BEN-MAN-
  18. I love the Stray Cats, and my sister used to have a good number of the CDs, but I dont know where they are now. I know there was a CD Boxed Set released for The Police, and a bunch of other bands. Has there ever been a "Complete Stray Cats Boxed Set" ? Or will I have to buy every album individually to get all the tunes? -BEN-MAN-
  19. Uninformed are we? GBP - Grenade Box Protector. Got it sittin right in front of me... Im not sure if anyone knows if a GBP armor equipped Valkyrie is capable of atmospheric flight. I sure dont know. You'd think it could if it stressed its engines a lot. -BEN-MAN-
  20. Obari is crap as a director. Pure crap. -BEN-MAN-
  21. The Dragonar music in general is absolutely amazing. I wish I could find both soundtracks. And the mecha are freaking amzing. Whence the Dragonars get their Flying aparatus, theyre absolutely awesome. I ended up liking the bad guys more than the main guys... But I guess thats just me. Its a freaking amazing show. I've seen all of it. I think theres more drama and action and intrigue in SPT Layzner though. Another one of that dudes shows I think. The punky girl who's robot has the dual chainsaws has the coolest robot EVER by the way. -BEN-MAN-
  22. MD Geist is the absolute entity of Pointlessness, Retardedness, and utter stupidity. However, you have to love it. Its like that Jack In The Box commercial! "Gore, Violence, Gore, Gore, Violence, and thats it!" I enjoy MD Geist. His armor is absolutely awesome. And its got great action scenes, despite its bad animation. I like this title. In a "Im a dummy!" sort of way. Hehe... I'd hate to meat a physician at a hospital who's name was Geist. MD. At one time, a Medical Doctor, and the MOST DANGEROUS medical doctor. HOO HOO! -BEN-MAN-
  23. LOL! I guess your right Still.. I wish there was a game.. Any game.. That could let you recreate battles in WW1... Say. Can anyone tell me if this boardgame is worth getting? It seems to be the only WW1 game out there. Computer, or conventional. http://www.clashofarms.com/graphics/landships.jpg You can find it in the WW1 Boardgame section of this site: http://www.clashofarms.com/ It could be neat... Dunno. Sorry, didnt mean to start up a new subject. If I want to play this game, will I need Halflife in order to play it? -BEN-MAN-
  24. Man, I want them to make a WW1 game like this! That'd be so cool! This game looks pretty damn cool though. Will there be vehicle support? It'd be pretty sweet to drive around in Tiger I and really bust up those inferior allies. LOL. -BEN-MAN-
  25. Gunbound is awesome. Theres not much /point/ to it. Its not like theres any objective. And gaining money is way harder than it should be. But its an awesome game. Turtle is blatently unfair. Grub requires no skill to get dammage with. And the boomerang is just annoying. I drive the Explosion Machine/Armor Mobile. That orange thing. Its awesome. Its SS move is seriously cool. -BEN-MAN-
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