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Everything posted by DestroidsRage
Ok, a few afterthoughts. I only got to watch the episode once so far.. The copy I aquired is at my friends house, so I cant take any screenies myself. Could someone take a screen of the Missile Pod equipped Cheyenne? "Variants include an anti-air missile Destroid type with two large missile pods similar to the SDR-04-Mk XII Destroid Phalanx." I remember seeing it in the episode, in the carrier battle scene. Maybe it was just my imagination. But I could have sworn I saw it. Can any get a picture for visual reference? Also.. Check this pic out. http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/img...ctos-photo6.jpg The Anti-UN amphibious destroids start attacking the beach - with infantry support. Are we to assume these destroids have integrated some sort of APC functionality also? A sort of, ludicrously all purpose destroid? It seems the only answer. They were the only vehicles assaulting the beach, so therefore, they must have been the ones carrying the infantry. But.. Where in the hell is the infantry compartment on that thing? I dunno. Maybe Im thinking about it too much. -BEN-MAN-
Great screen grabs!! Say... Was it my imagination? In one scene as the SV-51's are flying in, I thought I saw a destroid flip its arms around and fire off the missiles in the pod at the back of its arm. Was that just my imagination? Was it just launching its shoulder missiles? Or what? Im confused. And yes, it does appear that something is chasing Nora. But its not firing. So why wouldnt it just be another SV-51? That makes the most sense to me. -BEN-MAN-
Yah, ok. Its to be expected that a enemy Valkyrie can easily blow apart numerous destroids. But how come the Destroids were fighting a losing battle against the Amphibious Destroids of the enemy? Defense is supposed to be easier than offense! Those Destroids should have hunkered down behind a hill and wasted those freakin things from medium range, not go toe to toe with them 200 feet away from eachother!! Im not dissing it. I think everything about Macross Zero is bloody awesome. But... Doesnt it seem like the creators of Macross have a vendetta against Destroids? Its like a Destroid slept with Kawamoris sister and he's never gotten over it, so he makes them die horrible deaths every time he has them animated, LOL ^__^ -BEN-MAN-
I absolutely loved it when the one Cheyenne cant land a hit, so it flips its arm around and launches all of its back arm mounted missiles. It was so cool!! The way the UN Spacy Helicopter fired off its countermeasures after taking off was quite awesome also. But one thing.. What the hell is up with the Cheyenne destroids? Theyre WORTHLESS. Theyre bleadin awesome. In my oppinion they were the coolest visual thing in Episode 3. But... They were taken out SO EASILY. They can zip around on wheels, and even use their jump-jets for limited aerial movement, but theyre still taken out with one shot. One shot!!! Its like theyre plated in C4! In one scene we see a Cheyenne take a direct hit to the chest, leaving a firey hole, and then it blowing up. No ejection sequence, no nothing. Destroids have extremely heavy armor, far more than that of a VF-1. They should at least take a couple hits to destroy. As it was.. there was no purpose to them. Say... Do Destroids have that Molecular Armoring System that the VFs have? That system that makes the armor ludicrously tough? I guess it would make sense how easily destroyed they are if they /dont/ have that system. And Man, I love the Armored Valkyrie. Its got shields on both forearms! And its so damn squat and heavy! its ludicrously cool! Just look at how tubby and powerful it looks! http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/img...vf0s-photo7.jpg -BEN-MAN-
Man, I want to see a pic of the JET BLOWGUN!! That sounds sweet! I had no idea there was such a thing in Gall Force! -BEN-MAN-
Heck Yah I want to see the emergency powered suit! And any other cool mecha that are in your artbook!! And GobotFool, that'd be sweet if there was a Hoverbike/Power Armor in Gall Force. I dont know if there is or not.. Can anyone else verify? Betcha your thinking of Megazone 23 Part II, or something like that though. Thats the only Hoverbike I can think of that turns into a robot... -BEN-MAN-
Halle Berry sucks sucks sucks. Her acting tallent is pitiful and she always stars in Grade Z ultra-feces films. Even her name annoys me. To hell with her. Who cares? Old news. Toss her out like yesterdays soiled cleanup tissues. -BEN-MAN-
The Zeta Gundam in Machine Robo!!
DestroidsRage replied to DestroidsRage's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
They dont! Which is crap! Eventually they'll realise that the 80's style of animation is SUPERIOR. 80s Animation Superior. Constructicons inferior. LOL ^__^ -BEN-MAN- -
The Zeta Gundam in Machine Robo!!
DestroidsRage replied to DestroidsRage's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Anime studios today are too realistic. They rely too much on standard shading techniques. They want to make the lighting look "natural", look like "real life", and thats a freakin cryin shame. Big eyes, crazy hair, far out plots.. Anime SHOULDNT be realistic. At least not entirely. So what if it doesnt make a damn bit of sense how a robot can be shining and glinting like its being struck with light from 98 high power light bulbs? Sure, it doesnt look natural. But it looks COOL. If you've ever watched 80s anime, you'll realise that the shading present on the mechanics, does not match up with the glintys and shinys, which in itself, doesnt make a damn bit of sense. But who cares??? I really hope the improbability of such shiny glinty machines isnt why it was stopped being used as an art technique. Because who cares?? It looks BEAUTIFUL. I think. And your right ComicKaze, but I think Ashi Productions went over the top with them. Whereas AIC (Dangaioh, Gall Force, etc.) Just used them kind of as "the norm". Wheras with Ashi Production, if you were to actually see one of their robots in real life, like the Dancougar, you'd burn your eyes out it would be so reflective, LOL!! ^__^ So yah, lots of other studios did it, but I dont think quite as much as Ashi. -BEN-MAN- -
The Zeta Gundam in Machine Robo!!
DestroidsRage replied to DestroidsRage's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I want to see the other Machine Robo shows!! And I dont mean Rescue! I want to see the Machine Robo OVA Special! http://www.japanhero.com/Graphics/super%20...a%207%20(L).jpg http://www.japanhero.com/Graphics/super%20...a%209%20(L).jpg http://www.japanhero.com/Graphics/super%20...%2010%20(L).jpg http://www.japanhero.com/Graphics/super%20...%2011%20(L).jpg http://www.japanhero.com/Graphics/super%20...%2012%20(L).jpg And I really bloody want to see 'Machine Robo: Runaway Battle Hackers.'!!! http://www.japanhero.com/Graphics/super%20...obo-1%20(L).jpg http://www.japanhero.com/Graphics/super%20...obo-2%20(L).jpg http://www.japanhero.com/Graphics/super%20...obo-3%20(L).jpg And for that matter, two of the lesser known Machine Robo OVAs: Leina: Wolf Sword Legend. OVA 3 episodes. Leina & Laika: Lightning Trap. OVA 1 episode. And nope.. I dont know any more info about that those unknown OVA's than you do... If your a Machine Robo fan, and know the characters.. that one OVA looks bloody hilarious. And I super want to see Runaway Battle Hackers! Drill and Jet are even in it as somewhat important characters! -BEN-MAN- -
The Zeta Gundam in Machine Robo!!
DestroidsRage replied to DestroidsRage's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Vinny: Theyre from the HK's, yes. Great video quality. Openings and endings. Decent Menu. No extras so far. Subtitles are perfectly understandable, just typically messed up, and the names are often a bit wrong. The Devil Saturn 6, are the Devil Satan 6, etc. Overall extremely worth buying. You'll get bored with it halfway through the first boxed set, but just keep going, it'll pick back up again. Good childish fun. Theyre from these HK's to be exact (I think theres more than one set of HKs floating around out there): http://i8.ebayimg.com/03/i/00/c4/ea/c6_1.JPG ComicKaze: Yes. Ashi Production makes the greatest animation I think. Theyre the ones that dont really /shade/ anything. They just put "glintys" and "shinys" /all over the bloody place/. Makes it look awesome. If you'll notice... Baldios, Goshogun, Dorvack, Dancougar, Machine Robo, Borgman, and Macross 7, all have that Shiny Glinty artstyle for the mechanics. Guess why! Ashi Production worked heavily on every bloody one. That isnt a "typical" artstyle. Thats Ashi's artstyle. Theyre one of my favorite groups ^__^. Absolutely everything they've ever done is at least pretty damn cool. -BEN-MAN- -
The Zeta Gundam in Machine Robo!!
DestroidsRage replied to DestroidsRage's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Oh... And I was also wondering if they made a toy of the Land Commander 5 from Machine Robo. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1069591025.jpg Being that its by far the coolest robot in the entire show. Someone told me they made a toy out of it, but it looked absolutely nothing like it and was called "Grungy" in the states. http://i23.ebayimg.com/02/i/00/f6/ab/c9_1.JPG However... Seems there were two big combining robots from Machine Robo!! The Battle Armor 5, and the Land Commander 5. The ugly pile that is "Grungy" is the Battle Armor 5. The superior one, the Land Commander 5, WAS made into a toy. You can see it in the far lower right hand corner of this image: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9228/mrobo2.jpg So there WAS a somewhat passable Land Commander 5 toy. Betcha it would cost you an arm and a leg to aquire though. And it doesnt even look all that bad. Head is wrong, colors are only somewhat correct, the general build has some faults, but you can still tell that its the Land Commander 5. Which is all that matters ^___^ So at any rate! -BEN-MAN- -
The heroes are in a battle to destroy the bad guys, and save the city from a massive sea of oncomming Lava. The main enemy is this guy: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1070099061.jpg Jet calls in some of his Flying buddies to help, but theyre mostly useless. The screen pans to the Waverider rocketing past the screen: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1070099081.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1070099128.jpg Only to be grabbed and slammed into the ground by the enemy, the robot transforming as it bounces up into the air from the impact: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1070099148.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1070099187.jpg Then, as its dammaged body lands on the ground, the fast moving wall of lava consumes it: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1070099225.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1070099251.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1070099274.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1070099322.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1070099354.jpg Pretty cool eh? Short, but sweet, cameo. -BEN-MAN-
Official - Weapons Banter Thread
DestroidsRage replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
SUB-TOPIC!!! Why in the bleadin hell is Sweden phasing out the incredibly awesome one of a kind beloved S-TANK?? The legendary Bofors Stridsvagn 103 MAIN BATTLE TANK. Why Why why? Up gun it and give it better electronics and it would be great again!! Its got such a low profile, enemy gunners would be extremely hard pressed to hit it, its basically the 'new' STUG!! The S-Tank is my favorite modern day Tank, and I seriously dont want it to ever dissapear. So why in the bloody hell are the Swedes replacing their S-Tanks with those freaking run of the mill Leopard 2 German MBTs?? Rumor was circulating that Finland would switch to the Leopard 2 also. Which is INFERNAL, because neither country needs such a tank. MMM. Banter. -BEN-MAN- -
Hmmm... Seaspray: Big ol' aircraft carrier based Hover-Landing Craft. Beachcomber: Those awesome high speed buggys the Navy Seals use. Warpath: Sisu XA-180 AMOS. Similar to his original appearance, at leasti n the placement of the turret. Finnish built, all around rocking. Very new. http://members.surfeu.fi/stefan.allen/pics...s/A_Smaller.jpg http://members.surfeu.fi/stefan.allen/pics...cs/amosxa-5.jpg Thats what I think... -BEN-MAN-
Yah! Now that you mention it, most of the original transformers were actual machines.. but.. What the hell was Seaspray? there are a lot of hovercrafts in the world and I've never seen ANYTHING that looks like Seaspray. But dude!!! If they made Seaspray a Hover-Landing Craft, like in that first picture.. Then they'd HAVE to make Beachcomber, seasprays buddy, that burly off road buggy the Navy Seals use! -BEN-MAN-
I always loved the idea of Kodai's brother eventually turning into Harlock. So Im definitely sticking with Matsumotos one Although I'll definitely watch the other also. Long live Uchuu Senkan Yamato!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -BEN-MAN-
Ah ok. Thanks Eriku! While were on the subject of tiny Transformers... Takara re-released Six Liner, but did they re-release any other Micromasters? http://www.hlj.com/images/tak/tak53452.jpg In the picture in the lower left you see a Combiner, and a bunch of Micromasters, including some from this set: http://i3.ebayimg.com/02/i/00/ee/42/0d_1.JPG And those are ones that look really cool and I'd love to get my hands on them! Makes me wonder if Takara will reissue a bunch of Micromasters? Edit: Oh, my bad. It appears that they have re-issued Six Turbo, the other combiner in that pic. http://i14.ebayimg.com/03/i/00/db/a3/5c_1.JPG And this one: http://i14.ebayimg.com/03/i/00/db/a3/5c_1.JPG But Im still wondering about the rest. -BEN-MAN-
I just realised. The most awesome Transformer to get this treatment... Would be Blitzwing!!! Imagine a Blitzwing that actually looked great in all three modes, without looking screwy! Man that'd be sweet. -BEN-MAN-
Is there a toy of this Gobot/MachineRobo?
DestroidsRage replied to DestroidsRage's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Ah ok.. I saw that "Grungy" thing on ebay, I thought it /might/ be this thing, but it doesnt look a THING like it. The chest, the head, everything is completely different. Kinda sucks. Are there any good gobots? Theres this one green tank that looks like it could be neat. I dunno what its called... Its one of those Delux/Super/Whatever ones. The fancier ones. Its actually got rubber tracks! Seems like it could be neat. Havent been able to find it alone on Ebay though. -BEN-MAN- -
I've been watching MachineRobo recently, and most of the mecha designs are severely lackluster, but in the credits sequence you get to see a picture of a sweet robot! It scrolls down in the credits, and its a big picture, so I had to take two screen caps and chunk em together. Sorry if its messy. I used windows paint, LOL. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1069591025.jpg I think its quite good looking, for MachineRobo that is. Reminds me of Transformers mixed with Srungle. -BEN-MAN-
Japanese Transformers Season One release?
DestroidsRage replied to DestroidsRage's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I listened to a low quality version of it in MP3 format. It was very very catchy. But of course, the Japanese put a near /INFINITE/ ammount /more/ effort into Cartoon Soundtracks than americans ever could. The best american cartoon soundtrack I've ever heard was Thundercats, and that was.. well.. yah. -BEN-MAN- -
Japanese Transformers Season One release?
DestroidsRage replied to DestroidsRage's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Anyone that would argue that the American Transformers Opening is better than the Japanese Transformers Opening is /insane/. The Japanese version of the theme song actually had a catchy beat to it, and a decent singer. The american version had neither. Although the Transformers The Movie opening was awesome. -BEN-MAN- -
Japanese Transformers Season One release?
DestroidsRage replied to DestroidsRage's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Transformers was done 50/50 by American and Japanese companies, wasnt it? At least, thats what I've heard. The way Transformers is presented originally is SEVERELY lacking. In fact.... Its crap. That many commercial breaks, a really retarded sounding opening, and all of that. Its hardly enjoyable to watch. I still like it.. But I think it would be tons better with an actual catchy version of the theme song, and less commercial breaks. I dunno.. its probably just me.. I just think it would be cool. -BEN-MAN- -
It seems like Gothika and Underworld are both lame assed attempts at appealing to the "gothic" crowd. Thats right. All those 'tards who wander around pretending to be 'evil' and 'different', unknowingly making themselves out to be a mass of mentally inferior sheep. These movies were made for them. Figures they'd suck. Not all goths are bad.. I've known a few who were actually quite cool. "Actual Goths". Not sheep. I too am curious about the ending to this shabby movie. Anyone seen it yet? -BEN-MAN-