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Everything posted by DestroidsRage

  1. I think its a dramatised Shinhoto Chi-Ha, or a Chi-He, with animation mistakes, LoL. Theres too many similarities between em. Edit: Gnollman, sorry didnt see your post till now for some reason. The Chi-Ha got me thinking, but the entire turret and gun is different. Then I saw the Shinhoto Chi-Ha and the Chi-He. If its any tank its one of those. Not the original Chi-Ha. But you were close (And I still could be wrong..). -BEN-MAN-
  2. I posted the second round of pics just to show that most vehicles in Hokuto No Ken are real life vehicles. The Jagdtiger, the buzz bomb on the cieling, the Railroad Gun, etc. After thoroughly looking through every single tank design in my tank book.. I believe it to be some form of the Shinhoto Chi-Ha. Think of the characteristics similar to both. 1. Turret set to the starboard side of the vehicle. 2. Drivers position on starboard side, machine gun to the port side of him. 3. Auxilary machine gun mounted in back of turret. 4. Unique shape of the base of the barrel. It has to be a Shinhoto Chi-Ha. I betcha the reason it doesnt look quite like one is because the animators were drawing it from memory. Edit: Or the Type I Chi-He. The Shinhoto Chi-Ha used the same turret as it, and its pretty damn similar overall. The general way the gun is set up, and the way its set into the plate on the turret is umistakebly Shinhoto Chi-Ha or Chi-He. http://village.infoweb.ne.jp/~fwge2272/Chihe1.html http://village.infoweb.ne.jp/~fwge2272/Chihe2.html Feel welcome to argue me on that point ^__^ -BEN-MAN-
  3. Im not so sure about that. Most of the vehicles in Hokuto No Ken that look real, are real. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1071976286.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1071976323.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1071976356.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1071976383.jpg -BEN-MAN-
  4. Hokuto No Ken takes place sometime after 199X, its a post apocalptic kind of setting. Theres hardly any vehicles except some cars and lots of motorcycles and stuff. In one episode, the leader of an enemy army brings the last tank on earth against Kenchiro. The evil guy says he scoured the earth and found it, the last tank. And it does look pretty familiar. It reminds me of a T-26... But Im not sure... Is this a real tank? or totally made up? Cause it looks real to me. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1071971711.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1071971739.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1071971762.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1071971822.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1071971863.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1071971901.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1071971934.jpg Naturally, Ken' busts it up and destroys it. Cause he can do that. Cause he's awesome. But yah. -BEN-MAN-
  5. Macross 7 is wonderful and has no flaws whatsoever. The only thing is that Battle 7 should have kicked more arse. Anyone who dislikes Macross 7 for any large reason is simply wrong. Theres no use even trying to explain to him or her WHY theyre wrong. They wont listen to you. So all of us Macross 7 fans can go throughout our lives believing all you Macross 7 haters are just plain wrong. You were born wrong ^__^ -BEN-MAN-
  6. Thats SO cool!! I dig it! -BEN-MAN-
  7. They have a tendency to explode. I like them.. But im too impatient. I had the Millia, Max, and Focker set up in a kind of sweet display, all of them looking awesome, but then somehow they fell over and disintigrated into their base components and I said "ah, to hell with it." and gave up, LOL. And that was with like, 3 coats of clear nail polish, LOL. But theyre still fun. Just put them where nothing could ever knock them down, or you'll have to spend 15 minutes a day fixing em up. -BEN-MAN-
  8. LOL! I still dont understand how you people can love the 1/48's so much. I have one of the original Yamato 1/60 VF-1S's, and I bought it as soon as it came out, and I love it! But thats the only Yamato I own. And I still have my gripes with it. Like the ludicrously retarded shoulders that cant swivel without disjointing the entire chest and back assembly from eachother. Thats a MAJOR flaw. A VF-1D Full Armor would look /ridiculously cool/. Does the VF-1D suffer from the shoulder problem? Or did they fix it? Its not a terrible problem, but the 1/60 toys are so awesome its really like a big fat nasty zit on a SUPER cute girls face. It may not be all that bad, but it /seems/ that bad. -BEN-MAN-
  9. Sweet! GBP Armor! But still.. You have to glue and paint it??? Thats a major turn off. I absolutely suck at painting and gluing.. So I probably wont get a set.. Which sucks.. -BEN-MAN-
  10. It was done by Tomino. Its ridiculously obvious in fact. Zambot is in it! I mean that in a general sense. Theres a robot who's body looks very similar, and whos head IS THE SAME. On the Super Robot Wars A posters you'd see Zambot 3, and /that/ Dragonar mech next to it and you'd be like "why's there a funky colored Zambot?" Its so cool! I love how Tomino plugs his other shows sometimes ^__^ -BEN-MAN-
  11. LOVE SURVIVOR! LOVE SURVIVOR!! Frikkin great opening. Havent seen the actual show. Dig the Tobikage though. Bob... If you want a good Super Robot style show, go and dig some Psycho Armor Govarion. In my oppinion... Its Go Nagai's greatest creation. I've only seen 4 episodes, but they were the coolest things EVER. Absolutely awesome opening, great visuals, eerie background music, its frikkin SWEET. Its my favorite super robot show ever I think. Try your best to try some! Watch it! Dig it! -BEN-MAN-
  12. The Japanese love hot young girls who do stuff with eachother. Even if it is fake. If I was a horny japanese buisness man who kept my sexual urges bottled up like seeping tube of magma below the earths surface, only to erupt in the most disgusting lude acts in a nasty underground nightclub in Tokyo, I would LOVE Tatu. LOVE them. Im glad Im not like that yet though, LoL! I like the red haired one!! In Russia they'd perform in thin white shirts, thin white shorts, and no underwear, and they'd be sprayed with water! You could see everything! And they didnt mind! They just kept singing knowing entire crowds were eying up their clearly visible bodies! MAD sexy I say. MAD sexy. -BEN-MAN-
  13. That always perplexed me also! In the OVA all you /see/ Guld doing is ripping her shirt, and Myung crying. And that doesnt seem like such a big thing to get worked up over, so there absolutely must have been more. Me and my friends were always wondering about it. Did Guld just slap her around? Or did he actually rape her? The OVA presents it in such a way that you really dont know what happened. -BEN-MAN-
  14. LoL ^__^ Put everything in a Phillip K. Dick mentality. Is Bodolza the man in the high castle? Do Zentraedi dream of bio-engineered super sheep? Is the Macross's name really The Valis? Was Macross turned into a movie where Roy Focker plays a blade runner and Britai a replicant? Hikaru: "Its too bad Claudia wont live!... But then again who does!" LOL. But at any rate. -BEN-MAN-
  15. Yah, I was just wondering Im still probably going to pick this up. I just always thought it would be awesome to be a Destroid pilot, and go smashing around on the surface of the Macross, using its entire surface area as a battle ground. Makes you wonder.. Do Destroids have Magnetic Feet?? Mmm.. Destroids. -BEN-MAN-
  16. Are there any Destroid missions in this game? And do they at all play a big part? Im just curious. Me and my friend have been interested in this game for a while, and ya never know, we might order it. By all accounts its a great game. I know the Monster is in it, but are the rest? Just curious -BEN-MAN-
  17. For what its worth, I think Macross Zero ranks right up there with the best of Macross. Its animation style, music, etc, are all less appealing than all the other Macross series, but it works, so I dont care. Right now its just a step below Chojikuu Yosai Macross, and Macross 7, my two favorite series ever. Its already very slightly better than Macross Plus in my oppinion. And what the hell is with Yoko Kano being so popular? Go stuff yer 'crazy music' loving faces into Cowboy Bebop then!! That music worked for Macross Plus, but Im hell damn glad it wasnt used for any other Macross entity. Ai Oboete Imasu Ka?, Sunset Beach, Ai Wa Nagareru, Holy Lonely Night, My Soul For You, Submarine Street, and countless other Macross songs are far superior to anything in Macross Plus. Far superior. I do like a lot of the tunes in Macross Plus though. They work with the entire setting of it. Doesnt make them /the best/ like a lot of you people think though. -BEN-MAN-
  18. Hmm. Thats interesting. I thought Global captained a Space Destroyer in one of these stories! I thought there was a story about Global captaining the Goddard, and taking down another Space Destroyer that had been taken over by the enemy?? I really dig the picture of the Zentraedi girls wrestling, with a VF-1A as a referee ^__^ !!! Makes me remember my one post about Destroid Spartans and kinky Zentraedi girls getting it on for the ultimate in kinky porn.. LoL ^__^ Also.. That experimental VF-4.. Is just a sweetly souped up VF-1! You can see its the same thing ,but heavily modified! I wonder if it could transform??? -BEN-MAN-
  19. I have! Crimson Skies was pretty sweet. I only played the Demo though. Maybe I should pick up the entire game? And is BF1942 good? -BEN-MAN-
  20. Hmm, ok Yah, it is amazing to think of a 75 mounted on an aircraft!! The standard armament for tanks in WWI were 57mm's!! Its pretty insane Even more insane that it could fire 30 rounds a minute! Say, Vostok, or anyone else.. I love fighter sim's and stuff, but I dont care for the incredible realism in most popular flight simulators. I grew up playing TIE Fighter, and Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe (By Lucas Arts back in the da), so I'd kind of like a more simple fighter game. Is BF1942 good? Any reccomendations you could make would be awesome -BEN-MAN-
  21. Crud. Apparently my new top of the line rig doesnt have a PDF viewer... Can anyone reccomend a free reliable PDF viewer? -BEN-MAN-
  22. Hey Vostok 7.. Which game did you get those screenies from? It looks like a mad fun game! I'd love to fly around blowing up Shermans in a Hs-129B-3 Be awesome! It could be that my love for the Desert Color Scheme has influenced my memory.. As you said, theres not very much likelyhood that a Hs-129 with the big 75 would have operated with desert colors, as they didnt serve in africa. Say.. Has anyone heard of the Kyushu J7W1 Shinden? I was perusing a model site trying to find the exact model box I remember, when I stumbled upon a Hasegawa model of it. http://media.whydevelop.com/j/www.justplan...media/15804.jpg It was interceptor aircraft that only got to the prototype stages. In all, only 3 were built total. Armament consisted of four Type 5 30 millimeter cannons with 265 pounds of bombs. Maximum speed was estimated to be 466 miles per hour. It flew for only 45 minutes, and a few problems were found, but it was still flyable. Its a magnificent looking aircraft! I had never heard of it before! Man its sweet And Vostok, thanks for those stats. Seems like the Hs-129B-3 was quite the Gunfighter Whats the largest cannon ever carried by a propeller driven aircraft? Im curious. -BEN-MAN-
  23. I'd agree with a lot of you! The thing that I remember seeing was either a Hs-129B-3/Wa "Waffentraeger" or something that looked incredibly like it. That big underslung 75 is quite a memorable thing to see on an airplane. And yes, ironically, this image: http://www2.gpmd.com/image/r/rvls4523.jpg Is very similar to the image of the alleged B-3 that I saw, only it was in more of a desert scheme, and in a desert setting. It would be interesting to find that exact model box. The model I remember looked quite like this one: http://i5.ebayimg.com/01/i/01/01/78/eb_1.JPG Only in a desert scheme, like this one, LOL: http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bobaww/revell...llhs129b2r2.JPG But oh well, at least now I know the name of the awesome aircraft I've been thinking about for so many years. Thank you all very much! I knew I could count on all of you! Your awesome! This aircraft is incredibly awesome I think. Did it have any backup weapons? Or was its main armament the big 75? And how many rounds of ammo did it carry? Im becomming a big fan of this aircraft -BEN-MAN-
  24. When I was around 8 or so, I was pretty into building WW2 aircraft models. I remember looking at one of the models at Longs Drugs Store.. It was a german aircraft. Painted in a camo' sand-brown scheme. Resembled the Me-110 Zerstorer, but it had a huge cannon sticking out the front of it. The cover picture had it flying over the burning wreck of one of its new victims, an allied tank. The entire cover was in a desert setting naturally. Does anyone know what aircraft this is? I've looked online, but searching for "ww2 german anti-tank aircraft" brings up far too many results for it to be a useful search. I ask because Im really getting annoyed at myself for not knowing anything about this awesome aircraft! Sorry this is another one of my Off Topic posts, but theres enough WW2 Aircraft nuts here that Im sure I'll get a reply Thanks in advance! -BEN-MAN-
  25. Oh my blindsiding hell, Zero Enna's post makes absolutely no sense to me! -BEN-MAN-
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