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Everything posted by DestroidsRage

  1. How come everyone loathes Snakes Revenge? Its a very ODD game, yes. He runs around in a weird red jumpsuit, weird girls call him over the radio professing their love to him, its all very odd. And yes, its not a real Metal Gear game. So? Its still very fun, and probably has one of the BEST soundtracks from any NES game. Its hard as hell, but it is beatable. And its mad fun if you get into it. I dont see why everyone hates it. Doesnt make a DAMN bit of sense to me. -BEN-MAN-
  2. If someone has an easy way for me to distribute these songs, I ripped them into MP3, and its not like ANY of you will EVER find this soundtrack. EVER. So if anyone wants 'Adios Amor' or one or two of the creepy assed background tracks, I'll glady send these songs to them - If someone can reccomend an easy way to do so. -BEN-MAN-
  3. I might as well post this question in this thread. Are there any good websites devoted to obscure World War 1 aircraft? Im not talking about Sopwith Camels and Fokker Triplanes... Im talking about Vickers Vimys, and all those weird little aircraft that duked it out in the skies in the early parts of the war using nothing but pistols. Those are truly interesting aircraft, but I have yet to find a site with pictures, and detailed information on even a good number of them! Thank ya in advance, and I hope this isnt to much off topic ... -BEN-MAN-
  4. Thats awesome!!! But I dont quite get it... -BEN-MAN-
  5. LoL! Nope. This is a ridiculously famous anime, I figured most of you would own this Animeigo title! Its well worth the money. Its only a step below Ai Oboete Imasu Ka? in wonderfullness. -BEN-MAN-
  6. I would, but I have the old VHS edition by Animeigo. Im not even sure if the DVD edition has been released yet... So I have no way of even obtaining a picture. -BEN-MAN-
  7. I think Harlocks biplane is one of the most appealing looking planes I've ever seen. It just has that awesome look to it. I have absolutely no idea what kind of plane it is though. Does anyone know? I'd very much like to research the aircraft, but so far I havent been able to pinpoint what exact aircraft it is! LoL ^__^ So yah, any help would be greatly appreciated Edit:: In case of confusion, Im talking about the original Phantom Harlocks red biplane, Arcadia, from the movie Arcadia Of My Youth. -BEN-MAN-
  8. Yah, Im not going to brush it off just because of what the previews make it out to be. I'll wait for some reviews, for some friends to see it, and if everything I hear about it is good, I'll go see it But at this point, I kinda doubt that. It just doesnt look that hot. But as I said, Im willing to change my oppinion ^___^ -BEN-MAN-
  9. I own the Victor CD sountrack of the Science Fiction Psychological Horror anime, HELL TARGET. The album is absolutely terrifying. If you listened to it in your car, alone, on a dark eerie night, you might go insane. It includes a vocal song called 'Adios Amor', which is in Spanish. A very awesome song, sung by a female singer. The only original Spanish anime song I've ever heard of. If the scenes of the anime suit the background music... This has to be the most terrifying thing ever animated. However, I know of NOWHERE to get it! Its a miracle I found the soundtrack in a bargain bin at a convention for 10 bucks. Its the original too, not a knockoff. I know that it was fansubbed at /some point/. Im not sure if that fansub ever got circulated though... Does anyone have /any/ information on this apparently ultimately obscure title? -BEN-MAN-
  10. Uma Therman as a deadly knife fighting girl? And my arse shall spew gold poopies!! I saw the previews a while ago. Theyre lame man!! It looks like a more serious version of charlies angels! It looks like utter filth to me... But maybe thats just cause I have high standards, I dunno. Absolutely nothing in the preview made it out to be even remotely special in any concievable way. Just another one of those action movies where chicks fight eachother. Oh boy. But thats just /my/ oppinion. -BEN-MAN-
  11. Thats very odd... After you mentioned it, I download the ROM and played it, and it is the same game! Or at least appears to be. However, the cover of the cartridge does not have a cool picture of a train de-railing off of a bridge into a river, like in the movie 'Bridge Over The River Kwai'. So now im confused. Maybe there was two covers for this game? Edit:: And actually... Theres only one level to Ikari Warriors!! You just keep running and blowing things away. I remember the tanks... But Im /sure/ there were other levels. Maybe im just going insane. -BEN-MAN-
  12. I saw the entire series around the same time if finished airing in Japan. Awesome show. I cant imagine how awefully sucky it would be dubbed, so if you get it, stick with the subs. The story is rather intriguing. The characters are awesome. And the fighting is ludicrously top notch. One of the final fights will leave you wincing at what the characters are doing to eachother. Definitely a awesome show. Check it out Im surprised there hasnt been more replys to this post!! I was under the impression this show was getting rather popular. -BEN-MAN-
  13. That is SO COOL! Man that plane is awesome looking from a head on view... Was the Spitfire taking off? Or just skimming the ground to frighten the reporter? Damn funny at any rate ^__^ -BEN-MAN-
  14. Say, does /anyone/ remember this one game... Im at my witts end. None of my friends remember it. It was for the NES, I remember my brother renting it in a video store, it was next to the popular titles like Metroid and stuff. The cover had a train on a bridge de-railing into a river, and there were two dudes on the cover. It took place in the jungle I think. It was a one person, or simultaneous two person game. It was an overhead view game, like Metal Gear. You'd run around, shooting people, and you could hop into these funky little tanks, and use them to drive around, crush people, and the like. One of the later levels involved you jumping out of some kind of Rail vehicle before it derailed. I know its a bit off topic.. But does /ANYONE/ remember this game? I remember it being fun, but I only palyed it a bit, and these memories are freakin ANCIENT. So yah. -BEN-MAN-
  15. It would be awesome to see all the characters from Scryed play football. LoL ^__^ -BEN-MAN-
  16. The Metal Gear is a rather awesome realistic combat robot. It actually looks like something some country would build to conqour its enemies. Has there ever been a toy made for it? Or even a good lineart picture made for it? Its a seriously awesome robot. -BEN-MAN-
  17. I use nnnesterJ as my emulator. And the rom for both is rather easy to find. They are freakin addictive. And they /are/ beatable without save state, my brother beat both of them back when they were new games. The music for Snakes Revenge is absolutely awesome, some of the best NES music in my oppinion. Some of the bosses are totally insane in Snakes Revenge. Theres this huge dude who can kill you damnifylingly easy and the only weakness he has is the soles of his feet. Means you have to run around like a roadrunner laying landmines and hoping he steps on them, LOL. Snake is awesome ^___^ -BEN-MAN-
  18. Everything done by Go Nagai is pretty damn cool. I have yet to see God Mazinger, but a lot of his rather unknown stuff is pretty awesome. Groizer X is by far his least cool show, and its still watchably cool. And actually there was a TON of different Mazingers in different books and stuff. Go Nagai wanted to make a manga for the USA with Mazinger in it, but it never worked out. He still had the beautifully completed comic though, and that Mazinger is AWESOME. Its totally evil looking. Go Nagai rocks ^____^ Oh. And Go Nagai World is one of /THE/ funniest things EVER. -BEN-MAN-
  19. How are the characters not awesome??? Read the character profiles man, theyre ALL awesome. I usually play as the Twin Noritta. Gomar and Shioh are the COOLEST guys ever. I tried for /hours/ to beat Ruby Cup on Master Difficulty with them, and I got /sooo/ close, but the Twin Noritta is such a feather I usually got smash slammed to death before I could complete the final race. My friend finally beat it with them though. I prefer light cars. Theyre way more sensitive and have a tendency to drift for no reason but theyre still awesome. I built a custom car that weighs /600/!!! I can still get a Perfect 500 points in Standard mode with it though. I think anyone that doesnt think this is an AWESOME racing game just doesnt get it, somehow. Although I do think some of the tracks are a massive bit annoying. On Master /only/ Ruby Cup is beatable. At least in my experience. The others are freakin impossible. Either way, I love this game ^__^ -BEN-MAN-
  20. Im with Keith on this one. Just watch Uchuu Senkan Yamato. It'll make everything so clear. -BEN-MAN-
  21. A show that focused on a obsolete little carrier ship that holds a squadron of singleseat fighters would be cool. The single seat fighters are /never/ given much glory in Star Trek. -BEN-MAN-
  22. Star Trek is always about the most advanced ship in the fleet. Its getting repetative. We need a show that focuses on an inferior, but very cool, ship. A ship that could never match the Lead Dogs of star trek in firepower, but which has an awesome crew, and goes around doing all the jobs no one else wants to do. That would be cool. -BEN-MAN-
  23. It would be silly to share my one tape Opus However I will be copying the episodes into high quality MPEG4 or some such thing, then uploading them to servers. I'll send you a cd or two with the episodes on it. Keep in mind, these are /old/ TV rips! The quality is what I would consider "typical fansub". Grainy, few anomalies, little sound weirdness, but you can still see everything and its still plenty watchable. Perfectly 'accapetable', but definitely not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. -BEN-MAN-
  24. It makes me wonder if Im the only one who's ever seen the actual dorvack show here. Has /anyone/ here seen it??? -BEN-MAN-
  25. I dont like Gaogaiger, its just /too/ Gimicky. I dont see why so many people like it. The Might Gaine robot itself is SO much cooler. The animation style of Might Gaine is so much more awesome. Might Gaine should definitely be the premiere Brave Series show. And there isnt really much information on all the other series. Dagwon, Goldoran, Exkaiser, Fighbird, or any of the others. And its not like its a new style of series, the old show Muteki Robo Trider G7 was basically the same. Gimicky robot that all the little kids use and kill badguys with, even that had the silly aspect and all of that Brave stuff in it. But yah, Brave series are cool. Might Gaine is definitely the best in my oppinion. The art style is /beautiful beautiful beautiful/. The main guy looks /awesome/. -BEN-MAN-
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