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Everything posted by adrianop

  1. Nice bert. Getting to see this in person on the weekends is really exciting (just like your launch arm and factory sb). Ill follow your build from here since its much more interesting and detailed than the other forum.
  2. Just the usual hairline crack of the shoulders. Better have replacements ready just incase. Nah, I just needed a new one.
  3. After 3 weeks from my initial request, Overdrive has my parts awaiting for payment and is ready to be shipped. Seems they request multiples just fine as long you explain how many Valks you have. Requested: 4 x 1/60 VF-1S Roy Ver Arm Parts(2x Left, 2 x Right) 1 x 1/60 VF-1S Roy Ver Head Part 1 x 1/60 VF-1A Hikaru Ver Arm Part (Left)
  4. Wow thats huge. The hesitation to get this is strong in me(money/space). WANT it though.
  5. Do you guys think they will include Fast Pack Versions of those coming in March? Or will we be forced to buy stand alone Fast Packs?
  6. @crescens: What ever it is you are smoking, I would like to have some aswell
  7. I guess to sum it all up, everyone agrees its a nice figure. Some like the pose and clothing (or lack of it) and will get it, some will pass. Ill just wait for a uniform/normal dress/concert dress figure.
  8. I think he had the only army contact needed, the secret support of Capt. Maximillian Jenius. Then later on when it was confirmed that the power of song affected the Protodevln, they made Sound Force public.
  9. As long as Im in my Gunmen Im safe.
  10. add in the Team Gurren cape too while you are at it.
  11. adrianop

    Yamato stands

    @ Macette: is it already the one with correct screws?
  12. Its a nice figure, but I am not a fan of showing alot of skin. I like my pvc figs classy. Why couldnt they just start of with her with the white uniform/yellow dress/concert dresses?
  13. adrianop

    Yamato stands

    This is really nice, and hopefully cheap. The stacking really saves space in display cases.
  14. Asking whether to buy a valk on a Macross board. Hehe its like you want to be tempted to buy it somemore. With that said I vote yes if you havent bought it already.
  15. Basara was annoying, but I liked him alot of times just as I disliked him. My favorite would have to be when Basara fired the humongous speaker pods at Gepelnich's ship and doing the Holy Lonely Light intro SHOUT. BOMBAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Kira!! One of the best episodes IMO, and I believe its one of the reasons alot of people here love Macross. add: (to Ranka likers at least.)
  17. wow thats ugly. fighter mode is tolerable.
  18. No not really. Its a bit different than the original. At least it is to me.
  19. adrianop


    Welcome to Macrossworld. Lucky guy to with the wfiey having the same passion.
  20. Macross 7 = Best fold effect for me
  21. Yeees, finally! Byebye wallet.
  22. The cheap price also makes them a good buy for mods/customs.
  23. adrianop

    Flight Hangers?

    Kotobukiya Chain bases as per UN Spacy. They are mostly for 1/144-1/100 but they look good with 1/48-1/60s aswell, if you stack them. Some photos from a fellow collector I know:
  24. I hope CMs listens. Instant buy for me if they ever decide to make one.
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