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Everything posted by nathan

  1. Ofcourse not but they don't exist in the MII universe so why compare them? I'm aware of what it says. That was my question after all. What it says is this Saying that the VF-1 was delayed doesn't change history. Saying that the VF-o was the first Varliable Fighter does. They were built to test the VF-1 and its tranformation system. You don't need them when the Transformation systems have already been prooven with the VF-0. The VF-X-1 would have been a full transformable fighter. Not one that only had fighter and GERWALK modes. That is incorrect. Read eganloo's answer again. The VF-0 was always first in development and production. It came before the VF-X. Which is no longer correct with the existance of the VF-0. The VF-1 is the first to be seen by the public and see wide spread use but it is nolonger the first VF. What is your point??? Again the VF-0 was developed and produced before the VF-1. Which meens that the VF-1 is actually the third VF in existance. Read eganloo's statement again. To qoute you "Don't be stupid". Just becausr they are not there does not meen they do not exist. And again they are not relevent to the story, so there's no need for them. The holllywood ship probably. It's certainly large enough. That's your guess. Doesn't proove it's true. And when they can rebuild a factory satellite the size of a moon and build a massive colonly ship all in a year does it make any sense to say that they can't build replicas of those things?
  2. Supervision Army and the Protoculture. As it's been said before they're not relevant to the story nor have they been completely fleshed out. Also the Zentreadi only knew what they had been told and what they had encountered. So if the Protoculure did not tell them about the Marduk and the Zentraedi that encountered the Marduk were not able to send a distress message than how would Britia or Exedol know about them? If we go with the current continuity with DYRL being a movie in the Macross universe than it's fiction and pointless to compare against it. If we go with DYRL? as a separate universe (the way it used to be) Then MII is a sequal but like MII DYRL? gives more questions than answers. Why is this ship near mars being attacked and by whom? What happened to Earth? What the heck is that underwater city and why hasn't anybody disconvered it before? who was it that Misa talked to and why wouldn't they talk to her? The problem with DYRL? as with MII is that they try and put too much into too short a time span and it leaves holes in the story and there's no feel for the characters. That's why the official continuity uses the TV series story even though the movie designs are now "official". According to Eganloo and the Macross Compendium, who's word I take more than Keith's, the VF-0 has contradicted the VF-1's history or at least force the history to be rewritten to fit in the VF-0. The VF-1 was the first variable fighter. Now the VF-0 was always the first. Which elimiates the need for the VF-X and the VF-X-1 which exist in the animation. Macross. It also calls into question why all other VFs are called Valkyies which is now the second VF. And the excuse of the VF-0 being top secret is flimsy at best. Even Shin knew about it while he was still flying F-14s. Also I find it hard to believe that Global a mear ship captain would know about the Grand Cannon but not about the development of his main fighter. And saying that the written history hardly meens much ist quiet frankly stupid. It's were most of the information about the Protoculture and the Supervision Army exists. Without it very little about eithe would be known. There the animation. All the animation I've seen indicates that the VF-2 is better. The VF-2 also exists 70 later than the VF-4. I would asume that there would be some advancements during that time. And yes the VF-2 and VF-4 are apples and oranges economicaly speaking but here's something to consider. The VF-2 has a simpler transformation sequence. That would make it easier to manufacture and maintain which would make it less expensive to purchase and operate. And while the VF-4 does have greater onboard weaponry it cannot make use of FAST Packs (so far) which limit's it's firepower, range, and armor, and it's usefulness. And again it exists long after the VF-4 would have been retired. Besides who's to say that the VF-4 was successful in the MII universe? Not every VF is a success. The VF-3000 wasn't successful. The only thing left to compare is it's looks and that varies with each individual. Like Uxi said. You know I did just that. I looked at my video tape and my LD and show them going around the world. What we see is that they hover (not fly) threw a desert waste land on one day and over a large body of water the next before arriving at the protoculture city. That's it. No world cruise. So we don't know how far they traveled or how much of earth got toasted. Now could somebody please explain how Hukaru dug the VT-1 out of the hole Misa put it in? HAHAHAHA!!!! Thank you Keith! I needed the laugh!! Your "Devestating" attacks are nothing but nitpicking. Well we all know they made a deadly sin by not asking you for your opinion and they will roast in hell for it but it isn't your call to make. And like it's been said Symbols do change.
  3. So? The Marduk are race of travelling conqueres what more do you need to know? And the origins of the Supervision Army along with the various fraction in the Protoculture civil war and the Zentraedi's role in it are verry muddied. And the Protodevlin didn't need an army. They just started draining Spiritia. It wasn't until M7 and Gepelnich's Spititia Farm plan that they needed an amy. It's the Marduk's vision and Ishtar was wrong. DYRL's fiction and the Supervison Army have nothing to do with it. It's more manueverable, faster, better weaponry, and attack bits. I'd call that better. And it being VF-2 doesn't meen anything. The US reuses numbers all the time. For example there's the F4U-1 Corsair, F4D-1 Skyray, and F-4 Phantom II. Three fighters all with F4. The US also doesn't always number thier planes in order either. Maybe maybe not. It's easier to hit a target that standing still than one thats moving. Especially when your trying to wipe them out. And who's to say that some colony fleet didn't come across them and get wiped out? It would just be another missing colony fleet like the Megaroad 1. DYRL? is fictional story in Macross so you can't contradict it. And as has been said before lack of evidence is no evidence. And again it was a story about earth not a colony fleet. And you've seen blueprints of al three and compared them? The ARMDs have still changed over the years. The Partical cannon is located in the hollow area underneath so it could still very well carry fighters. As the city is now outside the ship, why can't partical cannons be added to the legs? And again who rebuilds a ship to let it rust in a lake? Acutally they did change it. They added the Zentreadi symbol to it. Sure! That explains why Britia's ship was falling apart. The ships were forced to serve for hundreds of years as replacements couldn't be produced. If they could build replacements they'd all be using the Meltrandi style ships. And Either in UN Command in the MII universe obviously desided not to spend the money repairing a factory that was falling apart or it was destroyed in one of the other Zentraedi assaults on earth. Again no evidence is not evidence. Again SOOO??????? They're not relevant to the story. We're talking a VF that's been threw combat and uncontrolled fold and a crash on a planet. They're lucky they're alive much less that the plane flys at all. There's also nothing stating that they weren't. They are a part of earths culture and past and somebody obviously thought they belonged in "Culture Park". There were lots of survivors with lots of records and pictures to make replicas. And who says they're exact? After near extinction close enough is good enough. Earth is runnin our of resources now and recyclcing is getting more and more wide spread. With large desert wastelands and large craters what resources are left to use or recycle?? Very large crashed ships that are all over the place. Not that you saw. It does not meen that there are none. With millions of ships whos to say both typs of ships weren't present. We don't see them all. And design wise all of Macross has the same continuity problems. The TV designs were tossed out in favor of the movie designs yet TV designs still appear in M7. Also we never do see earth get toasted in DYRL? even with the video game animation. So we don't know what might have happend. We also don't know how many ships crashed during the fighting at the end. Who's to say that in 80 years it was a fully functional city??? And with all the attacks from Zentraedi fleets and the cannon going off who's to say that the city wasn't moved for the civilians safety? I am talking about the TV continuity. They rebuilt the ship olny to have the gun fire and blast part of the island. If MII is a sequal to the TV series it makes sense for it to fire at it's enemies. We also don't see the SDF-1 being rebuilt in the video gam animation or the Zentreadi's arrival so that meens nothing. The cannon fired with the arrival of the enemy ships. It's firing alerted the crew. Once the enemy is there and known there's no need for the gun to fire again until the next time the enemy suddenly appear. As the do in MII. The cannon also had nothing to do with the gravity systems tearing away. That most likely happen do the inexperience of those who rebuilt the ship and the crew. The fold misshap happended because the folded in an atmosphere. Something which shocked Britia and Exedol. Yet in the movie and M7 it happens all the time. Talk about continuity problems. Who's to say the defence mechanism wasn't hard wired in? And again it only goes off with the appearance of new enemies and as the enemy was always in detection range after they arrived in the TV series and movie there was no need for it to go off again. Uh-huh suure. That's why it looks so rusty sitting in the lake during the last episodes of Macross. Which is why the story line is a bit weak. If you destroy the tenticals how can they fight you? It's rewritten the history of valkyrie development. Especially that of the VF-1. At the end or Orguss 6 different earths depart leaving one behind. A Total of 7. Yet only three earths were involved. That leaves room for 4 other possibilities. And at the end we see Kei running with Mimsy, Mimsy holding her baby with Jabi watching, Olsen kissing Athena, Kei and his old girlfriend together, Mome and Kei together, Shaya with a male Emman (can't remembe his name), and Kai holding his child with Mimsy next to him. All but one of those are continuations of the combined earth. Now are they dreams or possible realities???? Obviously the creaters of Orguss 02 felt that they were future realities and with 4 other earths to play with there's room for both. We're only watching one earth. Whos to say what goes on with the others. See above. and who's to say what powers a desendent of an idioblast might have?? The creators of orguss 02 thought they'd have something special. Dimension continuity as well as time continuity leave a lot of room to do all sorts of things. And with 4 other earths how do we know those robots didn't come from one of them? No I haven't. If you hate Macross II so much why do you have the DVD? Yeahh suuuure. Easy! Since MII's UN command was relying on the Minmay attack they saw no need to use reaction weaponry or build a new VF every couple of years.
  4. Yes Overtechnology has made armor stronger but don't you think they would also apply the same technology to weapons? And nobody said it would be easy. Just possible.
  5. So??? Neither are the Protodevlin or the Zolans. Your point? See above. The 2SS is superior to the VF-4 looks, better in battloid mode, and is probably cheaper. And the UN Spacy of the MII universe hadn't been upgradeing thier mecha for years, as they were relying on the Minmay attack. They're what M7 will be in a 40 years. So??? the story was about what happened on earth. Not on some colony mission. Again So??? see above Like the SDF-1 and the ARMDs never changed in the official Macross Universe? So? Macross Uniforms change with every new animation. Does that meen things can't change after 80 years??? And there are in the 2040's Macross Universe? I don't remember seeing any. I believe they were all used in the Megaroad fleets or retired by then. And MII takes place 40 years after M7 in any universe which meens they're all in retired. So??? Ever hear of replicas? And I doubt a VF could go around the world. Especially after all the combat manuevers it went threw before getting captured and then crashing on earth. So? Most of earths materials got blasted so why not use what's there? So? What do you need need a map for??? It's 70 years after SWI it's probably en demoed for something else. Didn't the UN rebuild the SDF-1 to have it fire while still on the island before the ships first launching?? Wasn't alarge poertion of the island destroyed during that blast? And with the UN's control of the media in MII ofcourse they'd say it was just a random energy blast when it's really just the same booby trap signaling another enemy has defolded near earth. And who rebuilds a ship to let it rust in a lake??? I alway's believed it was a sequal to both movie and tv universes. And at the time they were separate universes. That one is a good question. Giant life support?? CPR?? The same goes for prequals. They can't contridict what comes after. M0 rewrites Macross history. As for Orguss and Orguss 02. Yes orguss 2 was a poor sequal but the ending of Oguss does leave room for a combined world. The whole point or Orguss was that many different possible earths were combined into one. The end of Orguss showed many possible futures. Not a single one. Meening that all the different possibilities had returned to thier own separate worlds instead of being cramed into a single one. There could still be a combined world as it's also a possible earth. As for the stories of MII and M7. I liked both with the exceptions of Basara and guitar flight sticks.
  6. "Macross Eternal Love Song" www.roycommi.com may be an RPG site but atlease They list thier sources. Nanashi doesn't even after promising to in the old boards. That's why I wouldn't use nanashi as a reference. Some of the things I've found to be acurate from other sources but a lot of it is made up or non cannon material is included. And no source material is listed to tell the fact from fiction. It's a good read but the material is to suspect. That's true but it's getting harder for them to hide and I would assume the sensors on the destroids are better than those on current tanks. Also most defenders would want to stop the enemy before they get into the city to keep damage and civilian causalties to a minimum. That makes it harder for infantry. I'm not saying it can't be done. They just have to be very sneaky and very lucky. Yes they are. So are Battloids. Like you said though it works best in urban areas as well as in enclosed spaces like canyons. And Like I said though you'd want to stop the enemy from getting into the city. Once the enemy gets in then the infantry can work but in open engagements they're cannon fodder.
  7. The Evil were prototypes for the Evil series. What series came before them? Or maybe it's a Supervision Army version of the Evil series? We're not going to know until Kawamori tells us.
  8. How many infantry are going to stand up to a 30+ foot tall mecha with more weapons than a tank?? Sure they can do it but a lot of them are going to get killed in the prossess. What you really need the infantry for is keeping and policing the city once the Destroids and Valkyries have taken it. Ideally you would use combined arms to capture your target. Infantry, Armor, Destroids and Valkyries. That way each of them can support the other.
  9. So what were the prototypes to the Evil series? They can fly at the speed of light or better, can fold with out ships, and can destroy entire fleets by themselves. And those are the human sized ones. The bigger ones can destroy planets. There had to be a step between the giant human Zentraedi and the living ship Evil Series. Maybe this thing is it? Maybe it was destoyed in the war and crashed or maybe it was assigned to protect the Protoculture's experiment? Maybe that's why the crew of the ASS (why ASS???) was trying to get to earth? For reinforcements but they died on the way? Maybe after eons it ran out of power and died? We won't know until all of M0 is shown. And probably not even then.
  10. I haven't read everypost so I don't know if it's been mentioned yet but it is still possible to have a series about the megaroad. 1) Misa, Hikaru, and Minmay are no long the main charcters but do appear in the background. 2) The series takes place before the ship goes missing with a different voice actor. 3) The series is about searching for the missing megaroad. After all whant mystery (except this one) hasn't had people try and solve it? 4) Somebody high up desides they want a megaroad story and does one wether Kawamori want's it or not.
  11. well if I had a desent internet connection it would take about 6 hours to download it. That is if I could even get to the site. Right now I wouldnt even try it. As for bootlegging as long as there's an official version that isnt over priced I'll get it. (Having to assemble a box set at $30 dollars a disk is over priced. Yes I bought the Macross set wen it came out but I'd rather of waited and stuck with the bootlegs I got for $50, even with the poorer picture quality and bad subs.) Until official versions are available though or I can find them for less I'll stick with the bootlegs. Oh and incase anyone wonders I bought the Macross bootlegs after placing my order for the official ones. I got tired of waiting.
  12. So it still hasn't come out yet. Total bummer!! Maybe it was delayed to include M0 designs??? Hopefully it'll come out soon. Thanks everyone!
  13. Or does anybody know when it will?
  14. Cloning I dont know if this has been mentioned yet but copies are never as good as the original and copies of copies are worse with each generation. Add to the fact of coping genetic diseases, and possible inbreeding by unkown genetic siblings you end up with a total mess. It's no wonder cloning was stopped. Zentraedi Fleets So far there have only been three fleets; Bodolza's, Lapalmiz, and Chlore's, and Bodolza's and Lapalmiz fleets apear in alternate universes with vastly different ships. The addition of DYRL? into the continuity along unexplained use of movie designs in the various sequals has caused a lot of confusion. However since the TV series is still the official story, the Bodolza fleet is still a mixed armada made up of many fleets of both sexes. Breetia, Kamjin, Lapalmiz, and Chlore are all assigned to this armada. The use of designs in the movie can be explained (unofficially ofcourse) as CGI ships based on designs found within the Factory Satellite. The (unoficial) reason why Chlore's fleet has the newer ships is that her fleet was upgraded with these new designs before that section of the factory was destroyed. Since that section of the factory was destroyed the lapalmis fleet and others had to make do with thier older equipment. Can males use female equipment and female males? Yes 1. Max pilot's a "Female" Quedlunn Rou. 2. The spies are escorted by a male soldier and launcher frm a purple ship assigned to Lapalmiz's fleet. 3. The human escapees return to earth space on a purple ship assigned to Lapalmiz's fleet. Onboard that ship are male soldiers and Tactical Battle Pods. 4. Lapalmiz uses a "Male" Officer's Battle Pod. 5. Both sides use the fighter pods.
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