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Everything posted by nathan

  1. It's an unused design that was ment to compliment the MBR-04 series. Other than in MPM I don't believe it's official anywhere. I'd love to see it animated tho along with the MBR-04 Mk IV on the bottom left corner of the page. I'd love to see more of all of the destroids. Sicne we're talking about that page can anybody tell me what the other two Tomahawk designs are? One looks like the Mk IV but I'm not possitive.
  2. The Star Slam, Goblin II, Earth Trekkers, Matador and others are all found in Macross Hobby Handbook. A member here had the entire thing scanned and put up a while ago but I'm not sure if he's still posting or not.
  3. Saying that the TV series has the official story while the movie the official designs. The official Movie ARMDs could not have engaged the Zentraedi fleet as the offcial designs do not have the same weapons the TV story ARMDs use. Seens with Bodolza would have to be rewritten or scrapped entiredly as they couldn't happen with the Official Bodolza as the giant cyborg. No Picking up Misa. No sitting around the table talking with Britai, Exedol and the spies, and definately no Bodolza sitting in Britai's chair when Max crashes threw his viscreen and flys over his bridge! How could the Official Exedol character have ben micronized and wear a UN unifor with those tenticle arms? Sure that was supposed to have happened after SWI but really? Why have Exedol remain the TV version when Britai and all the other Zentraedi become movie versions? No VF-1X valkeries. They would have been standard issue during the TV Series so if the movie designs are the official designs of the story just how were they upgraded later? And the post SW-I seens with LapLamis would be impossible as she's the female version of the movie Bodolza. No way she'd fit into an officer's pod. Not to mention that TV Zentraedi are bigger than Movie Zentraedi. Max could never have gotten a uniform of a Movie Zentraedi on over his battloid. See a mess. A new version of Macross could fix that with one official story and one official design. That may be but to think an enemy that hates you is going to try and stop from killing you just because you play them a song is silly. Just imagine what the taliban would do to Minmay. You missed my point. Music was being used as a weapon and as a meens to control. Music used for those purposes is hardly noble. I think seeing the swimsuit competition did more to get the Zentraedi's interest than singing did. And what kept thier interest was seeing and hearing something new. And music wasn't enough to keep thier interest. I would think that most people would get tired of hearing the same songs over and over again. Song lose thier impact and in some cases can become down right irritating if heard to much. What captured thier imagination was the intercepted video signals and the stories from the spies about how different life was on the SDF-1. Music was only a part of the entire cultural contamination the Zentraedi experienced. It depends on who is in charge of the franchise. Some franchises actively toss the official story. Some franchises were better off with the "fanfiction" than with the new "official"story. And yes more doesn't always meen better but my point was that a great Macross story does not have to come from Kawamori. Well his older movies were good but he has gone towards the nutty side of the schwartz. He has his moments but so far his best two Macross'es are the TV series and the movie (When they were parallel universes.) 7 and the others were ok but not nearly as good. And it's not nice to generalise like that but I do agree. A few additional writers can add to a story but too many people playing with a story can ruin the whole thing
  4. People believe that Macross has the them that music conquers all. Play the enemy a song and they'll become your friend. That isn't true!!! Not only will the enemy will alway's enjoy your music after your dead in Macross Plus the one singing was the bad guy. And the evil singing hologram/black blox on wheels was defeated. So music will not always will. And what happens when both sides have music? Or a TV series? In Nadessico both sides had the same TV series so which one was the good side? (And I never got sick of the music either!) Both sides had music in MII as well and both sides used it to motivate thier troops to fight. And not to defend thier homes but to defeat thier enemies. So who's the good guys? Plenty of great macross stories could be told without Kawamori. Lucas created Star Wars and many other great writes added to it. Then Lucas came back in and screwed it all up. I'm not saying Kawamori would do that but it's already happened a bit with the Official design/story mess and with Macross Zero. Maybe a new version of Macross would smooth out the mess as well as bring in new fans. I would love to see a longer Macross where many of the event's in the time line, before Macross are included, then the main Macross story (with corrections and needed changes to fit with official designs), and ending with the SDF-1's refit and the Megaroads launching cerimony. And then add in other stories. There's already an Anti-UN movement established. How about a story with them? Maybe they're be the good guys and the UN the agressor? Or the first UN contact with the Zolans? There's lots of stories to be told. Sure there's the potential for Macross ending up like Star Trek but if they're careful that wont happen.
  5. You're right Kamjin. They did hurt themselves by saying no sequals and about wondering why Mr Kawamori needs to be the writer. He doesn't need to be. Sure I'd love for him to still be the mechanical designer but there's lots of Macross stories that can be told with out him. Re-animate the original series - gather a new fan base and fix continuity problems Tell new stories. Even if they're in OAV format or a short series. People would love to see them. What I don't want to see is a love triangle where one of them is a singer and music solves everything. That's been way over done already.
  6. I think a lot of it has to do with marketing and production. Macross isn't really marketed here like other series. And new series are produced only when the creators deside to make a new series. That hurts sales. Six months or more between OAV episodes and people are going to lose interest. Other's like GM have something new almost constantly. Toys are way to high priced. I want a toy I can play with and can afford to replace if I break it. Not one that's so expensive I can't even take it out of the box. There's also the whole Robotech HG thing which doesnt need going into. Then there's the confusing Official story/Official design thing. Some explainations work and some obviously dont. SDF-1 gets a refit and VF-1s get upgraded. No problem. Exedols head and arms doesnt make sense. TV ARMDs dont officially exist but Movie designs dont fit the story? Why don't they just reanimate Macross? Retell the official story with new animation with the official designs. Bubblegum Crisis and AD Police, and Dirty Pair to name a few have all been retold. So why not redo Macross? You'd solve the official story/design problem. Give fan's Hikaru, Misa, and Minmay again. And introduce newer fans to Macross as younger kids will watch it. And they can thumb thier nose at HG while doing it as it's a different Macross! They could even go past the 36 episodes and integrate Macross 2012 into the series and end with the Megaroad 1 launching. Other new stories would also be nice. (As long as they don't take 6 months per episode. They lost me for M0 because of that.) I'd love to see a ground war after SW I. I don't think all the Malcontent Zentraedi died with Kamjin. You've also got the Anti-UN Army. Lets see more of them. As for Ogruss 02, yes it wasn't as good as it could have been but the original series does leave room for a sequal. Think of it like this. Kei and Olsen broke many various earths. When they fixed them they left cracks. (Anyone who's tried to repair something broken know's what I'm talking about. It was these cracks that allowed Mimsy, the Colonel, and the various mecha to appear on another earth. Then the colonel fixed the cracks at the end of the series and everything was finally put back right. When I saw it like that I realised it's better than what I first thought. Still not very good but ok. Definatly not an abomination as some would believe.
  7. Boxer No antiship missile launchers do not require turrets. The TV ARMDs are mounte don the top of the ship near the fighter launch bay. A hatch opens and the missiles are ejected horazontally clear of the ship before thier engine engage. redemption That's the problem with the "Movie designs are official" statement. The SDF-1 was rebuilt after the end of Macross and during that refit the ocean ships were replaced by ARMDS. That explains why the SDF-1 changes it's appearence. No problem there. However since the Movie designs are the official ones the TV models "officially" don't exsist. Only the movie ARMDS so no explaination for them is given. However that makes little sense and contradicts the "Official" TV story and stats. A better explaination would have been that they were newer models built after SW-I. The explaination dor Exedol's head was that he was afraid of losing his memories so he became full size again traded his arms for tenticles and got a brocoli head. That explaination makes no sense however. If the movie designs were the "offical" deigns why need an explaination for Exedols change of appearence since that's the way he'd always have looked. The VF-1 gets a similar mixed message explaination. If the movie disigns are the offical ones then how can the movie VF-1s be the upgraded 2030 models? 1/1 The Zentraedi's DNA is identical to humans. It says so in the series but your right. Global wouldn't have beenable to try and have peace talks when people think Brocoli headed aliens are trying to kill them. And I believe he was shocked at how little the billboard girl was wearing. Not that there was a girl on the billboard. He already knew earthling males and females cohabitated together.
  8. the large partical beam cannon I think you're refering too is an MII thing. I don't remember it being in DYRL? but then I haven't watched it in a while either. The TV ARMDs are the same so the armaments don't change. I'm not sure about the movie versions. The finished versions appear to be mirror images of each other so other than location I would think they're the same. Thanks Beltane I believe that the three barreled turrets are antiship missile launchers. Missile can be seen being fired frm them. I think the launchers in the picture weren't standard. I think they were added while the ship was in space. Count the ones on the DYRL version. I still think having the TV series the true story and the movie designs the true designs is stupid. Not everything translates from one story to the other. But that's just my opinion.
  9. That is the problem with the Macross Compendium and how the TV designs are replaced by the movie ones but the information for them isn't given. A different entry for each should be made. The TV ARMDs do have 5 cannons. 2 on the top, one on each side, and 3 on the bottom near the engines. 1 on each side and in the middle just infront of the engines. The ARMD-02 from the Movie also has at least 2 to four cannons depending on the picture. The cannons are on the sides near the engines similar to the TV versions. I'd have to dig out my LD player to see if they're actually in the animation. Someone with the movie on tape or DVD could find out easier. A second ARMD-02 design has only 2 cannons one on each side. The ARMD-01 from the movie has no cannons. Neither does the MII version. This site has pictures of the different ARMDs. Yes I know its an RPG site but the pictures are still nice. The cannons look like old warship turrets only with rectangular barrels instead of round ones. http://www.roycommi.com/index/macross_index.html
  10. Where does it appear in DYRL? If it's in there then it's macross but only because it's in there not because Studio Nue drew it or its his favorate plane.
  11. I think they're working on ways to smarten up the old dumb bombs to avoid collateral damage but even smart bombs can be sent off target by someone with bad aim.
  12. Doesnt make it Macross.
  13. Ok granted the art is kind of cool but this is related to Macross how?
  14. I think the main reason we haven't seen more destroids is because: variable mecha are cooler. Even M7's police mecha transformed. Macross creators seem to like the flashy high tech stuff. The main characters don't use destroids. The one time when hikaru did the Spartan kicked ass, so we know they're capable. Why Destroids should be used. They pack a lot of fire power equal to or greater than most VFs. And except for the Spartan they all have long range weapons, so they will be killing enemies before the enemies can kill them. I think a series with Destroids as the main mecha would be cool and be successful. There's been other series with successful ground mecha so a seires about destroids should work too. I think tho that if we see the destroids designs again it wil be in a Macross side story or they will be variable verisons like the VB-6. Personally I'd love to see more grounds combat mecha variable of not.
  15. Zentraedi (male and female) are human. DNA tests proved it. As anyone can be enlarged, the enlarging process must strengthen the bodies.
  16. Lucky I'm still trying to get the first This is Animation book for Orguss.
  17. Meltran is a DYRL? And Macross II term. I don't remember hearing it anywhere else. I wish people would stop using it. They're Female Zentraedi not another life form. DYRL? is a fictional movie, (I prefer the original alternative universe) so very little of what the Gold Book says applies to the rest of Macross. Dispite DYRL?'s designs being official, only Exedol and the occasional Quedlun Rou designs are seen later on. (Yes we all know about Fleet of the Strongest Women but that doesn't exist in the Macross timeline.) The Movies designs also don't match the "Official" story. If the "Meltran" are all bionics why do they bleed? They also can't get pregnant. Female Zentraedi can Micronise. Milia, Vifidas (spelling), who know how many others. Since Zentraedi are 6-8 times the size of humans they must be 6-8 times as tough as human size person.
  18. Well the first book was delayed a long time so I figure this one would be too but it's been a long time. I sure hope it's not cancelled. If it is cancelled maybe it's because they couldn't fit all of the Orguss and Macross Designs into one book???
  19. Has this book ever come out and does anyone know where i can get it?
  20. Probably the back mounted FAST Packs
  21. Sorry theyre so big I thought I'd resized them but I guess I didnt. Oops! They should make for easy translations tho. Hint hint!
  22. The Phalanx varients are from Macross Hobby Handbook. There's three different models on page 11. The top has a different searchlight. The middle has a tri barrel 55mm cannon. The bottom one has two 25mm Rocket launchers? and a radar unit? On page 39 theres line are of the top two with studio nue written under them. So I believe they're official unused designs.
  23. If I undestand it correctly the Rafaga and the VA-3 are both developed from the same design called the FBz99G. There's a pic of in on page130 of macross design works.
  24. That's true. Structually there was little diverent about the TV versions. Internally it's another matter. The newer ships are going to have newer equipment. The movie designs are vastly different however. Theyre opposite in construction. Bridges are on different sides. The engine section differ as well as the weaponry. That's what I think. They give a reason why everything else has changed except for the ARMDS. At a quick glace the megaroad does have a resemblance to the SDF-1. The SDF-1 was also the demonstration model for having cities inside ships and the troops out to the sides. And the Megaroad is a massively scaled up version of that. So physically and functionally they do resemble the ARMDs. They're not separate ships however. That's true. While they do have a resemblace to the older ARMDs then movie designs are vastly different. Not only to the old designs but to each other. That's funny. He's admited to making things up to me. And what Chiba and MAT and other former emplyees think should be in Macross or how they envisioned things taking place and functioning are not official or even semi official sources. Also if he wasn't fictonalizing things and using unoficial sources he wouldn't have a problem listing his sources. He doesn't do that however. As he's presenting fiction as fact. If he listed his source material I wouldn't have a problem with it, as long as he made a distinction about wether it was official, unofficial, or a mixture of both. He presents he fiction as fact however which blows any creadablity with me. A couple years ago another member also provided transaltion about the earth trekkers and other prototype destroids. Not only did he provide the translation but the name of his translator and the source material that was translated. I'm pretty sure he even had the page numbers! That is how it should be done and something that windjammer still refuses to do. I doubt that and thier use as the Megaroads troop bases has already been established. Semi-offical is not offical. Again former employees and even current employees don't deside what official is. The creator does. If Kawamoris says its official or authorises something then it's official. Yes he worked on Macross but the only things he can rightly confirm are what has been officially released. Anything else is just his oppinion. Just because a janitor works for studio nue and says that max is bisexual and Milia is pregnant with hikaru's baby, and Misa is actually doing global does not make it official. That could be but I don't think there are that many.
  25. To ignore some TV designs but not all of them makes no sense at all. If the TV ARMDs don't exist then neither should any of the other designs from the TV series. The "all" of VF-1 designs are not only still official but by the movie they're officially upgraded to the VF-1X. The SDF-1 is official remodeled after the war. The uniforms change with the times. Yet for the ARMD the design is just written off??? Having the movie designs as a separate class built after the series would bridge the gap between the TV ARMD and the Guantanamo version. Not only that but the last time I looked the compendium lists stats on the TV ARMD not the two separate movie versions. How can the official source list stats for a ship that no longer exists???
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