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Everything posted by nathan

  1. The Orguss Valk looks like a prototype armor design for the VF-1. The VF in the picture above has a similar chest plate. There should be a picture of it here somewhere. There's the phalanx varient and a hurriedly repaired VF-1 battloid in the pic.
  2. I loved Thexder. Too bad I lost the disk. I wish I could find it.
  3. Macross 7 was ok I liked parts of it and hated others. They story started off a little slow but they worst part was Basara. Besides the fact he has a customized version of the UN's latest VF for his very own before the fleet does with no explaination, it's his whole attitude. He acts like we should listen to him just becuase it's him. Like he's god's gift to the universe and when people don't listen to him he throws a tantrum. For the most part he's a very self centered jerk and doesnt care about anything but what he wants. What's worse is the attitude of the military towards him. He's allowed to go out and disrupt thier defense and get who knows how many soldiers and civilians killed or drained with no repocusions at all. It's not until after he's working with the military that a few officers try and crack down on him. That's what really bugs me about M7. If they'd handed the begining diferently then it would have been much better. What I liked about M7 was how everyone pulled together at the end. Just watching the last few episodes M7 is great. The other episodes where Basara isn't the main character or is on the nice side are pretty good but over all it's Basara's attitude drag the whole series down. Besides the end I liked the new mecha, especially the destroids and police mecha. I'd love to see more of them.
  4. Direct translations of what?
  5. cool
  6. Thanks everyone. I'm looking for pictures/line art, game stats, mech histories, that kind of thing for the original battledroids. I know a lot of them where in Tech readout 3025 and 3050 but some of them were changed from the original. Several others have also made a come back but I'd like to know more about the originals.
  7. Info as in history and game stats, line art, etc... Thank you for the sites but they've only confirmed what I already know. I suppose I'll have to try. I just thought I'd try here first. Yes I know that many of the early battlemechs were barrowed from other series but several were not. And there's still thier game history. I'll just have to keep looking I guess.
  8. Is there any info and line are for these classic Battlemechs? I've seen pics of the minis but I'd like to know more. Thanks
  9. Thanks. I've tried looking up Ideon but I couldnt find them. I'll just have to keep looking. I have no idea. I just saw them on a site with a lot of other anime models.
  10. and this one
  11. What are these mecha, where are they from, and does anyone know where I can find better pictures?
  12. youre right wrong book. Oops! (smacks self on head) Thanks for the info.
  13. Its the other model book. on page 29 There's a GERWALK Harrier and Phantom II, Run Valam, Dha Guards and two more. Pics of the GERWALKS can be found at robotechresearch.com
  14. Ok I know I asked this a long time ago but I can't remembe the answer and I can't find it so where are the GERWALK fighters and other mecha from? Thanks.
  15. What's wrong with him taking credit for his own art work? He's not claiming the works in Macross Design Works. Just his own drawings, which were on the net before Design Works went to the printers. The only reason for getting lawyers involved would be for Kawamori, SN, and BW to by the designs for a later production as they're very good.
  16. It sounds like the licensing ran out and they don't know who to renue it from. Sales probably werent that great either. The prices are much cheaper now then what they initially claimed them to be. It still kind of ticks me off because I could have waited and saved over a hundred dollars by buying the three box sets.
  17. There's a couple of Defender based mecha in a couple of Battletech and Gurps books. And I don't meen the Rifleman II-C and Phoenix Project versions. The Battletech on had single barreled arms and the Gurps had a large single barreled energy cannon and missile launchers. The Phalanx and Male Power Armor also make an apearence in the sam book. The Alpha also made an appearence in a Battletech Comic/Game book. I could try and find the book names if anyone's that interested.
  18. No it is not all official. What is "Official is that the TV series has the "Official" story and the movie the "Official designs. That meens many of designs from the TV series no longer "Officially" exist. They have been replaced by the movie designs. However despite this "Official" statement a few designs are given explainations as to why they're changed later in the continuity. This ofcourse makes no sense if the TV designs don't exist. IF they don't exist, there's nothing for them to be changed from. Exedol would alway's have had a brocoli head and tenticle arms for example. Now for the "Official" story. You would thing it work regardless of the designs changes, right? Wrong! Several key points in the "Official" Story can not happen with the "Official" movie designs. The movie designs just wil not allow the events to happen the way they are in the story. The ARMD's attacking the Zentraedi Fleet, the Zentraedi spies, and much of episodes 11 and 12 are all examples of that. And that doesn't include the rewriting of Macross history to shoe horn in M0. So what does that leave Macross with? Nothing. It has no designs, a story that doesn't work with in continuity, and a background history that is being rewritten. Macross should be reanimated uniting the "Official" Story and Designs into one True Macross and the original should be placed back into an alternate universe.
  19. I thought about writing my views on this subject but since I don't want to be attacked for them again I won't. I will leave you with something to think about. Sequal, Prequals, and Side stories should only add to the original. They should never take away from it. Now with all these other stories has anything been taken away from the original? Does the original still stand true to everything else that has followed or does it no longer fit? I know many of you will choose not to see the truth, nor do I feel like being attacked yet again so I will not spell it out for you. For those who choose not to follow blindly the answers are in many of the threads here as well as in the animation. Watch your DVDs and video tapes and compare what you see to what's official. You will find the answers to the questions above. Now I'm going to go morn the death of a loved story.
  20. Yes HGs blockaid has been successful but it wont last forever. It's already on shaky ground. A newer version of Macross could finish it. Also M7 materials were available here. They were just in specialty shops. I didn't see any toys tho but given thier price that's not surprising. As for MO I rented the first 4 at a video store so I think M7 will be here sooner or later. And that's all I'll say about that as thread is for new series. I do think a new version of Macross would be nice but it probably wont happen. I'd rather buy it than M0 though. However I had this idea at work. How about a series of short OVAs, kind of like M7 had. Each can be used for a background story, or to correct a story design conflict. One episode could have Britai beign told about the Megaroad 1's dissapearence and he remembers his first meeting with Hikaru Misa Max and Ben (Cant remembe the name) Only in his flashback the "official designs" are used and the events changes slightly to reflect them. And this flash back would represnt the true "Official" version of the events and replaces that in the series. Other episodes could be about the history of the destroid from Earth Trekker to the Variable Monster, about VF history includign the VF-5 andother official but unseen VFs. There could be one with global in command of an oberth taking on the terrorists. The early days of the UN Spacy with the official ARMDs in action. Roy's flying career. The refit of the SDF-1. Protoculture history. All kinds of stories all in a 10-12 minuet episodes.
  21. AlphaHX It's semi variable. Portions of the legs fold out so it can zip around on wheels. The arms also rotate so it can use the hands on the oposite sides of the arms. Not everyone knows all the back story. I didn't until I found the Compendium and even it doesn't fit with what's official. And I don't meen a boring narative either. How could seeing the Protocultures getting wiped out be boring? If that was available then all that would be left to do is reanimate macross to correct the parts in the story that can't happen with the official designs. And who said Kawamori had to do it anyway? I think it would and I don't need to go ask. If other Macross couldn't get in Models, DVDs, Tapes, and CDs of M+, MII, and even M7 would not be available. The big problem was a lack of customers. azrael I'm aware of that but Macross has a global audience. When you only produce for a select part of your audience everyone else is going to go away which is why Macross isn't as big anymore. Because Mike if we go by what's official the true story of Macross has not been animated. If it was just a case of including extra plot points or having prettier animation, then OAVs could do it. What I'm talking about it a unified true story of Macross. As it is now events in the official story can not happen with the official designs. If the TV series and Movie were still separate universes and all the sequal and prequals were for the movie then there would be no problem. However that is not the case. They are mashed into one universe that doesn't work. With each new Macross story the original gets more twisted and rewritten. The original Macross no longer fits in with the rest. That's what I'd like to see fixed and if I get to see a lot of other things as well, even better. 1/1 Lowviz lurker Lets not get into this gene thing again please. Unless it's been rewritten and no ones told me Zentraedi are still genetically identical to humans. If that isn't true you'd think they'd want human genes as humans are smarter and better fighters. I do suppose a macross story like mospedea would be possible but I wouldn't want to see a macross version of it.
  22. True. Many are and Many aren't. That's why I didn't say all or most. Just many. And Macross hasn't really been marketed much as there hasn't been anything to market. 1 For the reasons I said. To make one unified Macross story. Not one official story and one official design. 2. The video games aren't readily available nor can everyone afford all of the game consoles and operating systems it'll take to play them. While the animation is available on the 20th aniversary disc unless your's is subtitled you don't know whats going on. And they don't really retell but add too the story in small ways or are considered alternative universes. 3. Bring in new fans who don't like the older animation. 4. To see events and mecha that exist inthe officail timling animated. Wouldn't you like to see the fall of the Protoculture Empire and the beginnings of the Space war between the Zentraedi and the Supervision Army? The development of the destroids, building of the mars base and earths fleet, and the test flights of the VF-1? How about the rebuilding of the factory satellite and the construction of the Megaroad 1 and the deployment of the VF-4? There's a lot of Macross that is in the timeling but never animated. I know I'd like to see them. There's also a lot of unexplained things or things explained that don't make sense that I'd like to see clarified. 5. To see SDF Macross on USA TV without HG having a say about it. They'll have the Macross Saga and we can watch the Official difinitive version of Super Dimension Fortress Macross, with the Official Story and Design. And HG can go boil thier heads! 6. And as all merchandising and sequals are for this new completel BW/SN Macross we'll be able to see all the other sequals as well without resorting to bootlegs. True. It is up to them to deside. I was just stating my hopes. A new version of macross could extend to 48 or more episodes. And while I'm not going to expect it anytime soon I'd still love to see it. That's true and explains why the Cheyenne and the Octos are variable. Still the destroids were deployed earlier than the VFs. I'd like to see them in action with the gradual increase in VF numbers. I don't nessiccarily believe we'd be watching Gundam just because its a ground war. Dougram is supposed to be a well done ground war with mecha. A ground war in Macross could be like that or it could be something totaly different. It would depend on the story. Even just using more ground mecha because there's a shortage of VFs would be nice. Colony Miilitia forces or something. What I don't want to see is another rewriting of history and more advanced mecha in an earlier time period. Basically what we see in Macross 0. (Yes I know the "Official" explaination for the VF-0 but it doesn't work and there's no room in the official time line for it to happen. Nor does it explain the Anti UN Forces developing variable technology. Reanimating Macross and having that in the series would solve that problem. It'd be a great story too. And I know the CGI animation makes things look more advanced but how can those air breathing engines make manuevers like that without stalling out? And flying semi variable destroids and variable submarines? The destroids in Macross can't do anything like that.)
  23. I think there is a lot of lack of interest on the part of fans. There's nothing really to get behind. Most of Macross consists of small 4-5 episode series that most fans would miss if they blinked. The only real big Macross series is 7 and many Macross fans haven't really gotten behind M7. Personally I haven't really gotten behind much of anything new in Macross other than some of the designs. I got this list from another thread and changed it to reflect my views. Macross TV -great Macross DYRL -great Macross Flashback 2012 - ok Macross II - liked it but not great Macross Plus - was watchable but don't really care for it. Macross 7 - depending on the episode and story arch it was either ok or barely tolerable. Macross Encore 7 - ok Macross Dynamite 7 - kind of liked it Macross Zero - Doesn't really interest me. With so little "quality macross" and so many other good anime our there macross is going to be forgotten. I could see a new version or the orginal Macross. Not only would it bring in new fans as well as old but it would hopefully more acurately blend the official story and official designs from the TV series and the movie along with 2012. I could easily see the new series running at least as long as M7. In fact I hope for one for those very reasons. As for other Macross series I'd like to see something longer than 5 episodes long. I'd also like to see a ground war. Something where the VFs are the secondary mecha. I don't want to see pilot's who've never even seen a mecha before operate it with no problems. As for Transformers. I still like transformers and beast wars was pretty good although confusing at times but there's so many other transformere series now that I haven't a glue what's going on. I wouldn't mind trying to watch them to give them a chance but they're not on in my area and I dont have cable.
  24. 1) All this Robotech bashing not only makes me sick but it also makes Macross fans look like purists (fill in your own words here) and starts flame wars. Please knock it off. If it wasn't for how HG treated Macross fans non of you would even be talking about Robotech now. That might even be why they do it. To piss you off and keep Robotech out there. 2) I own the entire series of Robotech books, mostly first printings. Except for the last few I enjoy them. It's been a while since I've read them but I'm not going to sell them. 3) I have seen the combined books but it has been a while. I have no desire to buy them however and if as it's been rumored that HG is rewriting them to fit there twisted ideas for Robotech I have even less respect for them than I do now. Which is zilch by the way. They should have just released the DVDs and a few collectables and let Palladium continue publishing Robotech they way they wanted and not produce all the crap they are now.
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