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Everything posted by brainiac_08

  1. (jaw drops to floor)whoa J.J.
  2. mostly display with some light transformation i still play with them a little J.J.
  3. amen (music sounds) dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum
  4. jehad for valkaeda
  5. a-frickin-men J.J.
  7. totally bitchin'
  8. this was mentioned some time ago, although farfetched, why not a 1/48 1d w/ remvable cockpit? that'd be nice. J.J.
  9. happned to me on my Roy 1s and my low vis used some super glue and it looks as good as new nothing to be worried about -J.J.
  10. i couldnt lock them either then i found out that they are not needed
  11. thats what i did skull and thanx for the insignia gargoquel
  12. check this out sorry bout the insignia thats supposed to be on the nose struggled for an hour and still couldnt put it JJ
  13. you should have made it look more like a tv 1a max just some food for thought -J.J.
  14. J.J. Prometheus 055
  15. first valk you say? mine was an MPC VF-1S, lets just say i THOUGHT it was the best thing ever made. After i got my focker 1/48, all that changed. i hardly ever picked up my MPC because it looks so HIDEOUS compared to the 1/48. i then got the low vis and am awaiting the hikaru 1j w/FP
  16. I would personally like the GBP armor and the Angel Birds Valk, but everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion, so vote now!
  17. does anyone have pics of that locking mechanism?
  18. BBTS has some in stock i just checked them today -J.J.
  19. im going to make a custom fp for a low vis im thinking of making it sand colored w/ sand colored missiles and black cannons PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE BECAUSE MY IDEA IS NOT ABSOLUTE!!!!!! all ideas are apreciated and will be considered -J.J.
  20. beauty mark, uugh my heatshield broke
  21. id really like them all, but my wallet doesn't have enough depth
  22. what you are trying to do is impossible. after reading your post last night, I studied mu gunpod very closely. the part you are looking at is molded to the front part of the barrel, so you can't separate the two. your best bet is to buy some paint in the color you want and paint the part yourself. hope this helps -J.J.
  23. i'm thinking of making a custom fp for yamato's 1/48 low vis. i'm thinking of making it sand colored. if ya'll have any other suggetins about other colors, please post here also, do you think i should leave the strike cannons the blueish color, paint them black, or paint them sand. any and all input is appreciated and will be considered -J.J.
  24. please post any and all pics of Macross girls you find here
  25. hey sithlord, e-mail me when you get in some new stands put me down for 3
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