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Everything posted by CHAN

  1. CHAN

    I got them today....

    Gulp!!!! "bye bye cash, goodbye happiness, hello bankruptcy i think i'm gonna cry.... bye bye my cash goodbye"
  2. Here are some of my EVAs the Kaiyodo ones are really very posable. If you want poseability and affordability go with Kaiyodo. However if you want sheer coolness and that "diecastiness" that i am such a sucker for, go for the SOCs They are the best!!
  3. I know what you mean, my aunt has an apt in HK and the first time i visited it i was floored. How the heck do people live in such small spaces? When i lived with her a coupla years ago as i was doing an internship i had to sleep in my cousins room. It was so small that the whole room was taken up by just one twin size bed and thats it!!! i had to walk sideways to get in there. By the way she lives about half a block away from times square at causeway bay so i suppose those apts are considered middle class. But their middle class apts are smaller then the lower class apts over here in the states or Singapore for that matter. <_< Damn those property prices.
  4. Sweet!! the pilot looks great in the cockpit. Good job!!!
  5. A pic of all of the doyusha that i can find. If anybody has the VF-1J hikaru, please share
  6. There was a VF-1J Hikaru ?!?!? I'm still trying to find a reasonably priced VF-1J Max...... I am not sure but i am guessing that they did because i see it in HLJ http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?DYSDMM-4
  7. I love these little guys they are a little on the expensive side, but they are DIECAST!! and boy am i a sucker for diecast. I have the following and i can't seem to find the VF-1J Hikaru that HLJ lists as sold out. Does anybody have it? And does anybody know why the line was stopped? I would have love to get the VF-11B at least and the fast pack versions. VF-1J Max TV VF-1J Millia TV VF-1S Roy VF-1A Hikaru VF-19A YF-19 YF-21
  8. Lucky Singaporeans just don't know what they are missing. When i bought my wing gundam zero, i thought and still think that it is one of the best value for money toy i have. I really do hope they come out with more of the arch enemy series. They are bigger then gundam fixs, cheaper and IMHO just as detailed.
  9. I don't know, its like asking me to choose between my "children" you would have to shoot me first.
  10. My very first valk, a Takatoku Super VF-1S that my cousin bought for me when he came visiting from HK back in the eighties. That was my first and only Valk for a loooooong time. Heck I didn't even know what macross was at that time. My friend who was four years younger broke his head off and my mom promptly threw it away as thrash. Ok so i didn't break it myself. But i was really kicking myself in the balls when i realized how much it was worth a coupla years back.
  11. What you say would be true except this guy has a buy it now option! He also states in his auction that he will send it out immediately. So either somebody somewhere has already got the grimy hands on the valks. or like everybody else in this post is saying he is just BSing.
  12. Maybe Black Aces can verify for us if it is out in Singapore and Graham can verify for us if it is out in HK
  13. I guess whoever buys it from him can look at the postage date. He did say that he will send it out immediately. Still whoever has this in their hands better post some pics!!!!
  14. I don't understand, it is only the 26th of August. How the heck did this guy get the Valks?? did they fall off the truck?? I don't think even Japan has them yet!! <_< http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=16467
  15. I may consider it if it came out on a slow month where there are no other new yamato macross releases. But even if i was to get one, i wouldn't know where to get it as i have yet to see a preorder for it anywhere.
  16. For those who are desperate, the sales guy at the TRU i bought my Unicron from said that there has been a huge order for Unicron and it will come into the warehouse next week and should hit the stores early the following week. I say stay off from buying it online. From what i hear TRU is going to get a glut of them. By the way the TRU i got it from is in MA. Can't really say for the rest of the country.
  17. Just had to post this picture, i love his articulate fingers!!
  18. 1/60 = 24 (woops forgot super valks and the coming ve and vt) 1/72 = 12 1/48 = 12
  19. CHAN

    Meeting with yamato

    Cool info Graham. too bad on the gag order. Did you manage to ask them if the FPs are suppose to go with the low vis? i know it is a very trivial question, but it would make the difference between buyin extra FPs or saving money.
  20. CHAN

    Meeting with yamato

    My question too. Is the FP suppose to be on the Low viz??
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