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Everything posted by vince1234

  1. Im sorry, can you tell me which album and song are you recommending?
  2. thanks, why is it called Mari Iijima Sings Lynn Minmay? didnt mari iijima sing the original tennshi no enogu?
  3. Which Macross album has this version of "Tenshi no Enogu" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSDIx8pMtCk ? The title of the video says 2002 ver so i tried downloading the 2002 collection on http://www.macrosshare.com/search/label/Soundtracks but it didnt have the song. Can someone tell me which album on that site has the song? thanks
  4. Im going to skip all of the macross 7 stuff since im up to episode 14 and its freakin boring. ALso i saw Macross Frontier up to episode 3 and i was hooked! Can someone spoil all of Macross 7 for me right now? Tell me how the story progresses and ends, and if anything i need to know in macross 7 that will be mentioned in macross f.
  5. dude... Gubaba. Im watching your Macross watch order.. Macross plus ova were just find but Macross 7 is just sooo boring. Im on episode 10 atm. DOes this anime get better? I mean Basara's songs are just so whacked. I mean is it worth sitting through 49 episodes of this stuff?
  6. dude this site is awesome!!! too bad its rapidshare.. ps i still have to wait an hour for every 100mb? rapget doesnt not prevent that does it?
  7. hey guys.. do you know where i can download the movie edition of macross plus? preferably remastered and subbed or good quality atleast. Thanks
  8. So if i watch Macross F, will i miss out on any important detail between DYRL through Macross F? I was planning to move to Macross 7 but i dunoo..
  9. Ahh i see so its very similar to the original Macross? I recently found out about Macross and im decided on watching it in the order it was released. Do you think i should do so? I just finished the 82 TV series, and the Flaskback ova. Im heading for macross 7. what do you think? Btw im watching it all in japanese wiht eng subs (Dubs are bad!)
  10. Heyo Wrestlo where is your avatar from?
  11. Can you tell me where I can find these Macross books or the sources he used? Btw what anime is your avatar from?
  12. So its basically this guy who owns this website proposes an extension and the creators of Macross approved of it? Yea its a cute name. Even stuff like "Misa Hayase performs a piano recital. Her mother Sakiko enters a hospital due to illness and later passes away" is made by Egan Loo but it is just approved by the creators of Macross?
  13. i posted my question over there just now. whoever is reading this thread can you please go answer it at http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=140 thanks
  14. I read about hayase on wikipedia an it says she later marries hikaru and they have a baby. i also saw a picture of her in a wedding dress next to hikaru but i cant find anymore sources. where do you i get information about them gettin married and having a baby? or is it all fan made? the picture is here http://macross.anime.net/story/chronology/2010/index.html
  15. I read about hayase on wikipedia an it says she later marries hikaru and they have a baby. i also saw a picture of her in a wedding dress next to hikaru but i cant find anymore sources. where do you i get information about them gettin married and having a baby? or is it all fan made?
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