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Everything posted by Syngyne

  1. *ding* And thanks for the articles, Nanashi.
  2. Somewhat off-topic, but: *cue Charlie's Angels theme*
  3. It's probably not the one you're thinking of
  4. Are there any "official" sources online explaining what reaction weapons are and why they were called that? There's a debate going on at another message board concerning what reaction weapons are.
  5. Had a good PT out in Shakrami last night. 4 people-- 12THF/RNG, 12DRK/WAR, 11RDM/WHM, and a 11WHM/BRD. We stood back and arrowed & spelled Mazekmakers to death (with the occasional finishing swipe from the DRK). 200 XP a pop, it was great.
  6. I could, but I don't want to let THF go. Not optimal, but I'm a klepto at heart.
  7. Try being a RNG. You're basically loading your gil into a gun and shooting it at things.
  8. In one of the eps of the original series, you see Hikaru's Valk take a step in GERWALK mode. It's the ep where Quamzin(sp?) and some pals take Minmei hostage.
  9. Does Bonaparte from Dominion count?
  10. Finally made RNG. Whoohoo!
  11. Are you sure about that? In the first episode, when Roy's seat tilts back during transformation you can see a monitor go all the way behind him.
  12. I'm a thief, and I don't think I'll ever be able to afford those. O_o
  13. I'm on Ramuh, and I finally hit level 15 with my thief. Sweet, sweet Sneak Attack... how did I ever get by without you?
  14. Holy mother of God, I remember that movie... or at least that specific scene.
  15. Is there even room for the seat to rotate all the way? The nose landing gear has to be stored somewhere...
  16. Ebay has an NTSC region-free version.
  17. I got Wolves last night and was up until midnight reading it. I had to force myself to stop else I wouldn't wake up in time for work today. And I still managed to read a little more this morning. I like it so far, it's nice to be back on the main storyline again.
  18. Well, you could always get Steel Battalion and pretend you're in a Destroid.
  19. It's also got toes instead of the regular Guges-D feet.
  20. Here's a picture of me in the shower.
  21. Yes, but this person was saying that the actual development of the F22 started in 1981. They also said that their information is coming from a translation of the mechanical design book. I'd just like to know either way which case is true.
  22. Hey all, I know the Macross Compendium lists the XB-70 as the vehicle that the VF-1 was named after, but what source did they get this information from? The reason I ask is that someone on another board says the VF-1 was named after the F-22.
  23. Shades of the infamous Pokemon episode... "And in today's news, a new animated series has reportedly caused fits of insanity throughout Japan..."
  24. Well, I was more wondering about why you wouldn't hear a whine in the background during the show, but thanks.
  25. Just curious... if the VF-0 is being powered off the two turbines in its legs, shouldn't you always hear the engines whine no matter what mode it's in?
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