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Everything posted by Syngyne

  1. So, is the forward eject nothing really to be excited about?
  2. Weird, I thought those were practice bombs from the way they smacked into the ground.
  3. JsARCLIGHT, what's your opinion on the FN F2000? If anything, it looks darn cool.
  4. What's the deal behind this? I've seen the little animations before... did someone just decide to take a random mobile suit and make the silly with it?
  5. OICW, and sort of, but not quite.
  6. Chronicles of Riddick was meh. It wasn't the worst movie I'd seen, but it wasn't the greatest either. It felt like they tried to cram too much into a 2-hour movie. The pacing just seemed really rushed. For some reason the movie felt like a watered down version of the Dune movie to me. And the ending reminded me of a Schwarzenegger film, but I won't say which one to avoid spoilage.
  7. Where does the rest of the YF-19's wing go when it sweeps? It looks like it would cut into the engine.
  8. Is there an actual button for afterburner? Granted, I've only played PC flight sims, but I thought the afterburners kicked in after a certain position on the throttle.
  9. Not really... the answer doesn't really have anything to do with how smart you are.
  10. Got it on the second try.
  11. Are you a masochist?
  12. My friends and I kept picturing that scene with the Ewok song from the end of Return of the Jedi in the background.
  13. ...the robot's wearing a trenchcoat?
  14. It sure does look like a knockoff of primarily the X35/36 FCS. I love mine. The X45 is a piece of junk compared to the X35/36 IMO. Vostok 7 What was wrong with the X45? For a while I was considering giving my X36 to friend and getting an X45 because it was new and shiny.
  15. That looks like a knockoff of the Saitek X36 / X45 flight stick, especially the throttle which is exactly the same. If the stick performs anything like the Saitek stick, then yes, it's worth investing in. I love mine. <3<3<3
  16. Do you have Line of Contact yet?
  17. The games that made the system worthwhile to me: JSRF Panzer Dragoon Orta Steel Battalion and Steel Battalion: Line of Contact I have other games, but those are the ones that sold me on the system.
  18. I checked around again, and found the reference here.
  19. Just as a side note, fusion reactions that are created here on earth are already hotter than the center of the sun. From what I've read (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) part of the reason the sun is able to maintain fusion is the tremendous amount of pressure created by its own gravity. As we can't recreate that kind of pressure on earth, we have to go the other route and use lots and lots of heat.
  20. Yes, it's a Prominence M1. I just used it as an example of something that looks like a walking tank, but doesn't look fugly or over-adorned with anime-sticking-out-bits silliness.
  21. The Japanese versions of the Battlemechs I found way overdone for my taste. However, you can still do "Walking Tank" without being too clunky or anime-frilly: Lifted from http://tekki.jp
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