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Everything posted by Syngyne

  1. That looks more like a sperm whale to me...
  2. Hrm... I emailed them on Monday, and they replied back saying mine had already shipped and sent me a tracking number.
  3. I think David Bowie would be even more surprised to hear that he comes from America.
  4. I can't remember who it was on here, but someone on this board pointed out a while back that going from fighter to gerwalk would basically cause the plane to flip over forwards. Something about the sudden drag caused by the legs dropping down, coupled with the force from the engines now pushing backwards/up.
  5. He also did Five Star Stories IIRC.
  6. Are we going to get little die-cast Kugai as well?
  7. When the moooooooooon is in the Seventh hooouse~~~~
  8. That's odd, their customer service was pretty polite and communicative to me.
  9. Argentosoma made me sleepy. As for RahXephon,
  10. I just contacted Toynami, and they said they'd replace mine (because of the backwards hinge on the shoulder), but they would need a copy of the receipt with the retailer's name, purchase price, and date of purchase. Only problem is, I didn't get a physical receipt... I got mine off eBay. I'm hoping they'll take the emails from the dealer, eBay, and Paypal, but we'll see...
  11. Add to the casualty list: Door to left rear landing gear has fallen off, looks like the plastic inside the leg that held the peg in place broke. Left shoulder has the hinge for the missile launcher door installed backwards.
  12. Well, I finally got mine. Overall I'm happy with it. The forearms are definitely floppy. The right arm seems a bit looser than the left-- in fighter mode it'll pop loose unless you really push it in and make sure it clicks. Other than that it stays together pretty tightly in fighter mode. I don't seem to have the arched back problem that people keep talking about, but the nose does seem to point up a little. I think it's the way they sculped the nose more than anything else, it has a pretty big upward sweep on the underside. I always remember the Alphas having pretty snub noses, but their take on it seems to have a pretty long schnozz. My landing gear do successfully keep the fighter off the ground, but those rear landing gear are just silly. There's hardly a tire on them. One of them I had to push pretty hard to get it to lock forwards, but with both gear locked all the way forwards I'm not balancing on the plane's belly. The legs on my Alpha actually line up pretty evenly. The arms, however, are pointing together slightly towars the rear when slotted into the legs. Guardian mode looks fine, big pointy toes and all. I don't really mind the size of the feet. Battloid mode has some floppiness in the legs, about on par with my 1/60 Yammies. Not as poseable, though. The way they've done the hip joints is a little odd. Also, that thruster in the crotch is all kinds of floppy. The wing tabs also don't keep the nose cone in place. I haven't noticed any problems with the paint, nothing's be painted shut or smudged that I can see. One odd problem is that on the left arm, the hinge piece that attaches the missile door to the shoulder has been placed in upside-down, so I have a little dent where then hinge is. A little annoying to say the least. All in all I'm happy with it, it's a cute little plane with legs. Is it worth $80? I'd say probably not, especially in light of all the issues people are having with them. This hit or miss approach to QC is pretty poor on Toynami's part. For reference, mine is #1608. Edit: I found one smudge of light blue paint by the left intake on mine.
  13. I want mine naaaaaaaaooooww Damn you, DHL, hurry up.
  14. I knew things were bad when the Super Target near me had a better Lego selection than the Toys 'r Us did.
  15. On the plus side, from the bottom view it does look like the legs do in fact telescope a bit. Pity that there isn't a big version of the top view pic. Edit: Nevermind, it's here.
  16. If you're looking at picking this up, apparently Best Buy has it on sale... I picked the box up for $20 + tax. Edit: Just found out it's because Best Buy is having a 20% off anime sale this week. Woo!
  17. Same here, but probably for different reasons.
  18. I actually have no idea. ;;; I only watched the sub.
  19. I preordered the first volume of Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex, and even though it's listed as a July 27th release, I got my copy in yesterday. Did anyone else get an early copy?
  20. That's a slightly longer version of the ones being played in theaters now. Can't wait.
  21. And you spelled sleek wrong (sleak).
  22. Oh God No... not on this forum too.
  23. The Big O. ^_~
  24. That series was awesome. The Cow and Batbat ruled.
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