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Everything posted by Syngyne

  1. There's a theory being thrown about...
  2. That pose made me immediately think of this...
  3. How many of them are mounted on the centerline and towards the rear of the fighter, though? And how fast do those fighters pitch in an atmosphere, as opposed to a spacecraft that doesn't have to worry about air resistance?
  4. I think I've been transforming mine wrong, but the way mine turns out, the head clears the chest plate pretty easily, and the shoulders stay level. On the downside, the torso looks a little shorter than it should be, and the head doesn't quite clear the shoulders.
  5. Looking at the placement of the gunpods on VFs like the Valkyrie and Messiah, is there any danger of the pilot blowing his craft's nose off? If, say, the VF was in space, and the pilot pitched the craft's nose down violently while firing the gunpod, would the rounds clear the nose before it swung down into their path?
  6. Does anyone know where to order an Alto from? I've been poking all over the web and no one seems to have them in stock anymore.
  7. Well, if possible I'd want to get proper licenses for use.
  8. Does anyone know if it's possible to purchase sound effects libraries that they use in anime? Specifically, something containing things like the sound when little Temjin's eye lights up at the beginning of this video (which I've been calling Standard Anime Mechanical Noise #3): I realize sound effects libraries cost several hundred dollars. I just want to know if anime-specific ones are available for purchase. I know where to find general ones, but I've never found any containing sounds that Gundam and the like use.
  9. I thought the beginning to this episode was funny.
  10. There's a synopsis of the episode in this post.
  11. Hello my baby, hello my honey...
  12. I get the feeling that the key to surviving the One Year War is NOT to volunteer to test things for the 603rd.
  13. When it got to that part, I thought I was watching Hellraiser. Honestly, this movie never grabbed me. It wasn't really scary, just gory.
  14. I think they make it pretty clear at the beginning of ep #5 that the two series are connected.
  15. I take it you mean #5? Because #4 has been subbed for a while now.
  16. Read about a fifth of the way down. The F-16 was designed to be unstable to help its maneuverability. The plane would be unflyable without the computer systems constantly adjusting the control surfaces.
  17. If you give a brick a fly-by-wire system it's still not going to fly. Fly-by-wire does help with airframes that are unstable, like the F-16, but said airframes still have to be aerodynamic. A lot of the interesting shapes you see in anime aircraft, while making them aesthetically pleasing, also make them non-aerodynamic.
  18. It was mildly entertaining, until they bludgeoned you over the head with the moral at the end.
  19. Well, except for the reactor structure itself, if it's ever decomissioned, but it won't stay radioactive anywhere near as long as fission waste will.
  20. Official website's been updated, the next DVD will be out 10/28.
  22. Which buster machine in the new series hasn't looked strange? I like the second design better. The first one just looks like a sinister Dix-Neuf to me.
  23. By Grabthar's hammer...
  24. I thought it was okay. Did anyone stay past the end credits? I didn't stick around, and now I wish I did because I read One of my favorite bits from the BBC series.
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