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Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. If the timeline were linear, we wouldn’t meet Ciri until like halfway through the season, and there wouldn’t have been as much time for the audience to make a connection to a main character before her meeting up with Geralt at the end. The structure they used was a bit convoluted, but I’m not sure how else they could have done it if they wanted to introduce all three mains up front.
  2. Yes, that’s the cockpit. The hump in the middle is like the seat of a motorcycle. I think a person would come up to just under the knee joint.
  3. Syngyne

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Found it, it was that stupid little two-prong thing on the back of the neck joint. I had the two prongs facing downwards, and had to flip them around the other way. Yay no more intake gap!
  4. Syngyne

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I thought I got all the neck bits squared away, but that makes sense as to what might cause this. I’ll check again. Thanks, all.
  5. Syngyne

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Have you run into any issues with any of them locking both their intakes to the fuselage in fighter mode? Mine keep popping out. I can either have one locked in all the way or the other, but when I try to push both in they eventually pop back out.
  6. Syngyne

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Does anyone have issues getting their Kairos’ intakes to stay locked in in fighter and gerwalk mode? It feels like the hip joint section(for lack of a better term) is bumping into something that is preventing it from going any higher, so the intakes kind of see-saw(if you lock the left one in, the right one pops out, and vice-versa).
  7. Yeah, that was annoying with season 1 online. The BR release has actual translations rather than dubtitles.
  8. I don't know if I'd call the movie lousy, but it definitely had problems. I enjoyed it enough to see it more than once, but I'm hesitant to call it a good movie, and can see where someone would not like it. It definitely would have shone with a tighter script/plot and less flat delivery. I do appreciate that a lot of love went into making this movie, and I'm glad that it got made. Just hope if we get a sequel they tighten it up a bit.
  9. I don't know if it was based on an earlier draft of the script or not, but according to the prequel comic that's exactly what they did do to the first kaijus to kill them. Since the kaiju kept coming and they were making cities uninhabitable every time they killed one, they had to switch to a different method.
  10. Yeah, that had me rolling my eyes. Those holographic displays ain't running on gears & springs.
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