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Everything posted by ATLMYK

  1. Forcing spoiler tags in a thread used to discuss a episode is beyond annoying. What is the reasoning? What other reason would people have in coming to this thread?
  2. All english interview in Malaysia
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZCzAkTzv20 May'n singing with engrish edit - replaced with subtittled version
  4. I think I am going to get this just to support the english subs. I have a question about region free releases. Why would you want to limit your releases in the first place? Do you have to pay a fee for each region a movie is licensed for? I can understand distributors in other regions would want region locking to protect the market they are wanting to import a movie to. But a release with little chance of international distribution, why would you want to limit your audience at all? I am aware that Japan and US are the same region code on blu-rays, hence all Japanese blu's will play on any US blu-ray player and vice versa. The concerns of our non region-a brothers just had me wondering.
  5. One year in a room brightly light with cfl's only equals uv exposure of 8 mins in the sun. I have been using cfl's bulbs for over a decade. No yellowing on any of my valks, G1 jetfires or Victory Saber. I also keep my curtains open all the time. Don't use tanning bed bulbs and no direct sunlight and you should be fine.
  6. http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=MACROSS, HULA HOOP, MULLET&cmpt=q Macross, now with less popularity than the mullet or hula hoop! I think some of you take it personaly when I do not share the warm and fuzzy feeling on the current state of macross. I know I am not the only one who had much higher hopes for Macross 30. Sorry but I cannot help to think of what could have been.
  7. Imagine if the creative forces behind Macross Frontier continued to produce new macross series ever other year or so like gundam. Build upon the popularity and make a truly massive property. Instead they are happy with a release per decade and then milking it till there is no life left. It does not look like there is anything new on the horizon. Macross's 30th anniversary resulted in a game? On the collectible side of things yamato is gone and bandai releases seem to be numbered in the hundreds just to throw salt in the wound. The joy of being a macross fan.
  8. That was the style in anime in the 90's.
  9. I could not disagree more with this statement.
  10. If this ends up being another release that is sold out from exporters a few mins after listing then that might be the nail in the coffin for me collecting valks. That is getting old with me and I am sure a few others.
  11. I am guessing you were there? If so how was it and do you remember the set list? Back to my question. I think around the time of the rhythm tank concert I asked about getting tickets around 2 months before the show and Tochiro said they were sold mostly through the fan club and sold out fast, like within a few hours. I might be a little foggy on the details but that was where I got the idea the tickets were hard to come purchase.
  12. There are still tickets left? I thought they were all sold off in fanclub raffle thingy.
  13. CDjapan is a completely english website export retailer and I have nothing but great things to say about them. Similar to HLJ but faster and for dvd's, cd's and blu-rays. I get most orders from them in one week. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCXE-216 7800yen with cdjapan is cheaper than the amazon.japan regular price (8190yen) but not their sale price(6060yen).
  14. So this one is new to me. I have heard some of her pre macross stuff, Sympathy, Pappa dont preach, etc but not this. What I can gather it was for a wedding magazine pre-macross. I am guessing there was no MV? When I first stumbled upon this I thought it was a alto/sheryl marriage song from one of the upcoming Macross music events.
  15. GATCHAMAN!!!! Maybe?
  16. RYB documentary dvd is coming and it looks like footage from all shows including Key Club and Yoshi's (0:16-0:28 in trailer below). She definitely puts a lot of energy into all of her 'not for dvd' concerts.
  17. I would love a VF-2 with all of the trimmings. You could count me in for a Metal Siren as well. Macross II also had some of the best destroids, 6x barrel Monster is too much bad assery. I am also partial to the Macross Cannon ships. Didn't the VF100 line have VF-2's listed when they debuted?
  18. Here is a post San Francisco concert interview. Cute as always. For the LA interview a few post I would like to mention how different her stage/sexy rock vixen persona and how she conducts the interview so cute and innocent. May'n truly is the Universal Bunny!
  19. Here is some footage from the Keyclub show and a short interview with May'n. Starts about 4:10 mark. There were 2 threads with comments about the show so I posted on both.
  20. Here is some footage from the Keyclub show and a short interview with May'n. Starts about 4:10 mark. There were 2 threads with comments about the show so I posted on both.
  21. I wonder if they will allow the line art police to take measurements.
  22. I am leaning towards the show at Yohsi's. I really like the look and feel of the venue more and I have never been to San Fran before so I will be making at vacation out of the trip. It will be a nice break from the Atlanta heat. FYI average temps in SF for June is high 67 and low of 53. Got a few questions though if anybody is familiar with SF. Been doing a little research and I am hearing you are better off staying at a bed and breakfast than one of the big hotels, if so does anyone have a recomendation? Another thing I am not too sure of is about how long is enough? I am thinking about 4 days not counting travel days, I really hate staying in a city longer than it can hold my attention. I know this is not a travel forum but any help would be appreciated.
  23. Its official May'n will perform LIVE in L.A (6/21) and San Francisco (6/23)with band and dancers Get your tickets, I will def be at at least one of the shows June 23 at Yoshi's in San Francisco http://www.yoshis.com/sanfrancisco June 21 at Key Club in Los Angeles http://www.keyclub.com/gallery/
  24. Its official May'n will perform LIVE in L.A (6/21) and San Francisco (6/23)with band and dancers Get your tickets, I will def be at at least one of the shows June 23 at Yoshi's in San Francisco http://www.yoshis.com/sanfrancisco June 21 at Key Club in Los Angeles http://www.keyclub.com/gallery/
  25. Worthy of posting here I think. She will be in the US and probably more than a few of her iconic Macross Frontier songs will be performed. May'n USA ‏ @Mayn_US #mayn fans -- looking for a BIG USA ANNOUNCEMENT? Watch@Mayn_USA . . . tell your friends to get ready to ROCK THEIR TWEETS! #RYT #macrossf Just a few hours ago, US show is comming soon.
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