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Everything posted by aldebabram21

  1. Hello the newbie here! Amen to that brow-, For me when I bougt my first Yamato valk the vfx 2 yf-19, and subsequentialy the new 1/60, I just felt so happy, because Its not just a toy, its something that bring me memories and fills me with joy, no matter i realy had to wait, and wait, and after that whait a little bit more, and as u said, never keep them in boxes cause I will never sell them ahahahah. By the way, I was wondering if someone could sugest the best place to by the vf-27, I was considering amiami cause its handy, and I can tell them when to bring my goodies homme, but is it the cheapest place?
  2. Hello. newbie here, I always come to read, and I would like to contribute to this forum for the first time. I just wanted to share my excitement cause I went akiba for my birth day today, get some fresh air away from the school and all that. Any who I picked my vf-19 kai, and for me being the 19 my favorite Valkirye I have to admit I´m very peaky when it comes to this jet, but this is one of the best reproductons, it´s sleek, eazy to get if you understand yamato´s and its eaven cute looking. But Honestly i have to addmit that Yamato´s is way better, the gulet seams to be eaven chubyer and bulkier, and as Mr. Graham well said it you can´t attatch the G-pod. And face it, a Valkyrie with out G-pod is like Ron Jeremy with out his... partner? And finaly we have to addmit bandai required some help to find out a way to transform this bird and yamato gave us all exactly that. (Yes, my yamato is complete steady and unbreakable transformation after transfomation, maybe cause I love it hihi)
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