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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. I'd like to nominate Nippon-Yason.com for their poor packaging and lousy service.

    Bought an old Bandai SOC from them. Paid EMS shipping with insurance coverage. Not only they are slow to ship, when I received the package , it was badly crushed. Took some pictures and requested for a shipping damage claim, no reply for almost 4 weeks. Immediately after I submitted the package damage photos, I began my detail inspection on the chogokin, noticed the toy box was not sealed ( which they claimed is NEW). I opened up the item, the styrofoam for holding the chogokin was even damaged. Then I closely examined the item and found the left leg cover has paint defects, appears to me it is not new. Sent them the pics with the problem area and waited for over 3 weeks, again no reply. My patience is running out and so I initiated the paypal dispute and their reply is that there would be no replacement since the chogokin is no longer in production and Bandai doesn't have any extra in stock. What about compensation? No , it appears to me that they are reluctant to reimburse any of my loss.

    Think thrice before you make any purchase from them. This is my worst on-line shopping experience in the past decade !!

    Yeah had the same issue with them. My vf-25g's box was punctured and trashed. They won't compensate at all. At least Angolz discounted me $20 for box damaged. I'd order from Angolz over N-Y any day. Too bad they don't get bandai dx preorders.

  2. It's not obsolete.....It's not obsolete.....It's not obsolete.....It's not obsolete.....It's not obsolete.....It's not obsolete.....It's not obsolete.....



    (yes it is....yes it is...yes it is....yes it is....yes it is....yes it is....yes it is....yes it is....yes it is....yes it is....yes it is....) :lol:

    Wow how did you get the fast packs on so well. i can't ever seem to get the fast packs on right.

  3. Took out my vf-1a hikaru 1/60 ver 1 last night so i can decide if i should sell it to fund future purchases. Moved one of the arms and the shoulder joint started to crumble and bend rather than move. LOL i guess i won't be selling this one.

  4. I've only had yellowing occur on any of my v1s. Both times was with hikaru's vf-1 dyrl. I've always chalked it up as being the first v1 release. Amusing enough the only other valk to yellow on me was alto's v1 vf-25 dx. Something about red and white valks that are the first release of their v1 line.

  5. I think it's mostly because the 171 isn't as popular as the other hero valks. I'm betting the vf-25f reissue is going to be scarce. Not sure about the RVF-25 though. It'll be interesting to see how well that one sells.

  6. I went back and cancelled my pre-order. The more I look at it the less I want it. Even at $140.. I could put that to a Yamato release I want.

    Honestly to me $140 is way too much. It'd have to be at least an awesome color scheme (eg low viz ver1) for me to spend that on a fast pack less vf-1 that isn't rare.

  7. Yes. Just like the VF-4G. Probably the best way to go at this point. Unless they nail down some huge new Macross license (Frontier, the VF-2SS, etc).

    I spent $3000 with them last year. I didn't pay for two items, one simply because I overlooked the email, and they sent me an insulting email that tries to guilt trip the customer into feeling sorry for them like you've caused them to incur a financial loss becuase you didn't pay for a preorder. I told them how insulted I was to be blamed for the inability of a retailer to manage their stock, something I am somehow magically able to do for my businesses but the "world's largest online figure store" somehow can't manage, while I had given them $3000 in sales that year alone and the items I didn't pay for were each ~$75 worth of figures that they sold instantly to someone else upon relisting. Told them that they were to cancel all pending preorders as I would have nothing further to do with them. They never replied but instead would send me a payment request when a new item became available; I'd laugh at their stupidity and ignore it. Then they sent me another nasty email a few months ago to which I again clarified that I would not do business with a company that insulted me as a customer after spending that much money with them and if they bothered me again I would post our emails and my story on every collector's forum I'm on as well as their facebook page. They finally deleted the account after that. They are morons, complete total asshats and the worst customer service of any of the companies that sell anime figures directly from Japan. A friend of mine just had his account delted by them because he, unbeknownst to me, ordered a gift for me and tried to send it directly to me; so they closed his account. I mean seriously what a bunch of petty little shitheads. Never do business with them. It doesn't matter how loyal a customer you are, Amiami has the worst customer service out there. If anyone deserves to go under it is them, not Otacute.

    The retailers i found that have bad customer service are N-Y, Mandadrake and jungle. All for different reasons and all of they rude and insulting. No issues with Amiami or HLJ (so far). Angolz actually had good customer service.

    N-Y is the worst. I have had over 3 issues with them. They don't even respond to emails have the time. Mandarake pissed me off. I tried paying for something from them and their site wouldn't allow me to pay for some reason. I asked for alternate payment option to get them their money and they cancelled my order and sent me an insulting email stating "be careful before deciding to place an order next time if you are not willing to pay". That made me so mad, the problem was on their end.

    Jungle is usually good but one time i scored some fast packs for $30. Then they cancelled my order for no reason. I sent an email asking what's up. No response. Emailed 5 more times - no answer. Finally get a response after i sent an email stating i'm not going away stating that i have 5 days to pay before the order gets cancelled. It worded very rudely too. I call Bs as it was only a day since i placed the order. I think what really happened is one employee decided to take the item for either himself of his friend. The email response i got when i initially ordered it was different from the norm> I remember thinking it was weird and not consistent with how they usually respond to orders. I saw that response in a recent order as well. Once i saw it, i paid for my item right away as i figured the same thing was going to happen.

    Usually i wouldn't deal with these kinds of people but unfortunately they have us macross collectors by the balls. The only one i will be able to drop is N-Y. After the vf-25s is re-released, i will never order from them again. Looking forward to that. Bad customer service needs to be re payed with loss of customers. Considering the amount of money i've spent at N-y in the last 2 years, they should be worried about losing a customer like me.

  8. OMG a preorder that still available at both HLJ and Amiami.

    LOL! Amiami site lists it as 10th anniversary.

    The Super Dimension Fortress Macross 1/60 Kanzen Henkei VF-1J Valkyrie Macross 10th Anniversary Color Model(Preorder)
  9. Valk009 - I was the first to PM this guy about a VALK and he said he would send me pictures tomorrow. I asked him to put it on hold.

    Instead somebody else messaged him without posting in the thread and he gave it to them instead.

    Wouldn't trust a guy who can't keep his word or hold to forum rules. First bad experience I've had here and it's a shame.

    I complained about someone doing this to me but i got jumped on by a few people stating he can sell to whoever he wants. I wasnt asking to put it on hold either, i wanted to buy it. I was told it's forum rules for sellers to sell to who they want. Really frustrating since i never around to catch a good deal before it gets scooped up and the first time i did, guy sells it to someone else. :(

  10. As much as I'm tempted to grab another unit at NY's better price I don't want to risk getting another poor quality/damaged toy. The manufacturing scuffs and scraped underside of my first toy leaves me wary of purchasing possibly another damaged copies from NY. :mellow:

    Am I the only person with this concern?

    Well to put it this way, if it wasn't for the hard to preorder dx valks, i wouldn't order from NY. Once the reissue of vf-25s comes out i'll be officially done with NY. I look forward to that day.

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