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  1. This is a terrible idea. And i'm a huge fan of those movies.
  2. Didn't VIZ do a sequel comic to Macross 2? I vaguely remember this.
  3. I got the yf-19 and Yf-21 kits. I've mainly done HG and MG Gundam models. Hoping these are as easy. I'm amazed that the painters in this forum are able to paint the striping on the valks. I can't keep my hand steady enough to paint the lines straight. How do you guys do it? Is there a template i can put over the valk that only exposes the stripes?
  4. I'd love to been able to sit into Unix Square's brainstorming sessions to understand their thought process on these releases. It's such bizarre thinking IMO. However signed off on the fighter mode for the transforming version needs to have their head examined. I've seen $25 dollar transformers have a better fighter mode. The 3 mode non-transforming set i can almost get behind if they were close to 100% anime accurate and cheaper. But seriously no pilot figure with the separate releases and only one for the 3 pack? Added as a bonus no less. A pilot should be a standard issue. The price is crazy at over $300. You could buy a threezero and hi-metal or simple a DX. I agree with Spark-O-Matic , they are going to be one run and done. They won't make enough to continue one.
  5. I didn't even know shapeways was gone.
  6. I was browsing BBTS and i came across this: https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/295196?o=9 Anyone have experience with this product? Does it prevent yellowing?
  7. The BBTS listing states its a model kit and requires assembly? Regardless the price is crazy.
  8. So why are the un spacy stands not being offered anymore?
  9. did these sell out already?
  10. That is one of the craziest Kickstarter I've ever seen. I think they overshot their project scope.
  11. Is there a way to get the 1J online or is it in person only?
  12. I got some scratches on the base of my archi-stands. Anyone know a way to remove them. I saw some videos on youtube but people replying in the comments section say that they don't work and the clear acrylic will become "foggy"?
  13. Threw them out ...WTH. Next time i'll take them off your hands, LOL!
  14. I’m from Canada and I find it’s just way easier and cheaper to buy from Japan. The Canadian markup is ridiculous. Even with the exchange rate it’s still cheaper. Unfortunately it’s also not worth getting them from the US due to the exchange rate.
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