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Everything posted by Shun

  1. that woman could be Mao's daughter-in-law but still doesn't explain how Sheryl gets to inherit the Nome name. Why would Mao's son carry her surname Nome? So either its Matriarchal or Mao divorced or it was an illegitimate child. Wonder who Brera wants to meet up with... the real reason why he's after the fold quartz... nah, Sheryl passed all her bad luck to Alto via that cursed ring. That's TWO times it jinxed him. Also, all the argument about whether the VF-171EX had the EX-Gear as well... You can see it here As for Alto getting inside the fold network, i guess its due to his very strong emotions - he easily peaks his emotions. This is the first time he's wearing a fold quartz and he easily succeeds without trying. The "Ai Oboeteimasuka?" song doesn't prove that DYRL is canon, like VF-25 Messiah said any song would've worked the point is to send your emotions across to others and "inspire" / bend them to your will to do your bidding. Remember "Ai Oboeteimasuka?" is popular in Macross universe after that fictional in-universe movie was made, whether it was really sung during the final moments of SW1 is still not proven to be factual, although many people in the Macross universe now believes it to be true. It's Sheryl Nome. Her name is there. and that drawing is her, in her sexy clothes and her cap. have we even seen Ranka in sexy clothes?
  2. u can see the "." between the letters... so .... are u gonna say the same thing to Sheryl? She didn't get Alto's consent too, or are u gonna say because she's a girl she dont need no consent? oh boy.
  3. haahaha.... yeah, i think it's ok, a very touching moment. I wish it was me though , but i might outdo Luca and go for a squeeze or two. /dodges "pull a Shinji" eeeewwwww... really that was unexpected and IMO THE MOST disgusting moment in japanese anime (excluding hentai i guess ) For a moment, i thought Klan Klan bought it, but nah, they wouldn't dare do anything to her or risk the wrath of KK fans KK is invincible!! i think someone else died. wish it'd be Alto, but probably Sheryl judging from the pic huh? photo album is a nice homage. Notice the "R.I.P"... Don't u just love the guy Its a Dulfim class (iirc)... was it the same one that got rescued in ep 7? Probably. They are able to get through safely into the Vajra hive, and so it suggests that the Dulfim crew is with Grace. By extension, does that mean the whole or majority or at least the people in power of M:Galaxy are with Grace too? Looks as though Ranka crushed Alto. Wish it were true LOL... Loved the irony where Ranka sings the same song that protected mankind from extinction! Bless the little Queen!!!
  4. hmmm so u prefer the same designs just different colors? that'd be easier i guess
  5. yea what about a change in the type of music too huh?? Heavy Metal music? Country music? Folk songs? new age? PS> been watching the DMC anime, its funny
  6. I'm looking forward to the ending song Ame ga Furu (雨が降る) Ending theme song for the anime series Linebarrels of Iron. some plastic injection models from Kotobukiya, no where near as impressive as the Volks PVC action figure though...
  7. LOL it does look like a Gallant + M16 hybrid awww... if only they chose to make the gallant with add-on stock, i'd buy a couple from em > some guns look very nice!~ too bad i can't own them where i stay
  8. the red ones are HJ magazine exclusives (u gotta buy the magazine, cut out coupons, etc for japan use only). the pink ones are "friend shop" exclusives (actually, ain't that hard to get) BTW i got my Enki and Protect Gear. both are awesome!!
  9. that would be a nice twist
  10. yup, Ranka understands Vajra - feels their pain etc etc... G.A. are possibly using Ranka's understanding of the Vajra as the doorway to get inside/decode the vajra. What Leon told Alto is correct up to the point that the Vajra wants to massacre mankind. We already know in the previous kidnap episode that the Vajra wants to make use of Ranka to understand and communicate with mankind, not to make war. Which brings us back to the point - what are the vajra and who created them? Possibly the PC right? Created as guardians to police the galaxy/ protect the PC? Doesn't seem very effective if the guards decided to negotiate with a third party instead of fighting them That is, unless they were not made to fight off threats in the first place, or perhaps the vajra are what remains of the PCs ?!? hope that the questions will be answered by the series' end, and not left open-ended...
  11. Only for THIS galaxy. there are more than 80 billion galaxies in our known universe. Even if we restrict the story to this galaxy alone, it's still very possible there were other intelligent civilizations who might have had shorter histories but still advanced enough to fight against the PC. And who knows if the PC were telling the truth or were accurate in their deduction that they were the first civilization? (although it doesn't really matter except for an egoistic race to boast of themselves - though the PC were obviously a very egoistic n proud race). IMHO, its more interesting to imagine there there were indeed other contender(s) to the galactic hegemony which resulted in the PC's emphasis in technologies esp for use in warfare (e.g. Zents).
  12. yup, the purple crystal on the hairpin could be the important component for the fold communications linkup to G.A. and will be just as important for relaying of information/commands when they have Brera in "SLAVE" mode... As for the end of ep 23, the way i see it is something like there are 2 independent networks - Grace's Galaxy network and Vajra's fold network. For Grace to link to Vajra's network, they need a gateway and that gateway is Ranka. However, i dont understand how G.A. could have access or control over Ranka unless they already surgically did something to her. Also, G.A. has just managed to see the gateway into Vajra's network, I don't know why they are convinced they can take control of the Vajra just by linking up with the network. who knows there might be defenses within the network to prevent break-ins (like your anti-virus s/w), and if the Vajra are made by the PCs, I would expect such defenses especially when they know very well that the Vajra comm network is crucial to the whole species. However, if the show is to end in 2 eps, i guess they will probably not get into such complexities...
  13. duh i clicked too fast. minus 1 from Basara put it to Alto.
  14. hmm we've all heard that stupidity is infectious too... shouldn't the Alto look be superior? i can hear yaoi girls screaming hey maybe it'd be a boy, and we'll get a Basara v2.0 !!! BOMBA!!! BTW, noticed that initially the vajra didn't shoot at Brera - he was the one who shot first. i get the impression that the vajra just wants to bring them to the boss brain.
  15. regarding the V-type infection, does it mean that Ranka is special because she was conceived by Ranshe who's infected with V-type virus? i.e. if someone is infected and is pregnant, the baby will still get the "bacteria" or virus but yet will not die from it? if thats the case, Sheryl is now in similar situation as Ranshe, and if Alto had made her pregnant, the baby could become a 2nd Ranka aka Little Queen v2.
  16. oops i've mistaken u for another guy here...
  17. yup but u watched DYRL first before TV series. and Minmay was quite badly portrayed in DYRL, esp with that part where she wished everyone else died. I could see how that could've affected anyone's opinion of her (if they didn't watch TV series first). PS > if the events only happened like in DYRL, i'd agree the Hikaru x Misa ending. The TV version is more complex. although at first Minmay was more interested in her career, she seemed to only realize her love for Hikaru near the end, but it was too late (of coz the sly B* Hikaru would've spent a few nights with Minmay before deciding to go with Misa...). grrr
  18. Alto gets a promotion again. Now he's a 1st Lieutenant, and squadron leader. a kiddo at 17. a kiddo with fiery temper. who has a thick head. with Warrant Officer Malyama as his sidekick. this guy just loves talking, he's the same VF-171EX pilot from last ep. Yeah!! I'm with u on killing them all just to add to your story summary (in bold): Boy meets girl, boy meets woman, woman falls ill, boy gets AIDS... errrm V-type virus from woman thru unprotected sex, boy decides he loves girl, boy kills girl, woman doesn't die because v-type infection gets transferred to boy, boy dies. Although we wouldn't want to know how the woman gets her STD in the first place. OMG!!! REALLY? i thought i'm the only ONE FAN of Hikaru x Minmay! seems like everyone else is a Minmay-hater. I still blame it on people who only watch DYRL w/o watching the TV series (or watch DYRL before TV), OR more possibly people who watched Robocrap first. i feel so happy i'm not alone i'm so sure the marriage between the MCP Hikaru and bossy Misa couldn't work out for long. Basara being the lovechild of Hikaru x Minmay isn't too far-fetched afterall What he always does - he brain-washes Alto and tells him that he's the best actor, that he's still acting in his fighter-pilot role. n the thick-skull seems to be buying it. duh. PS > wow Luca looks absolutely horrible in his NUNS uniform... LMAO... (why's Alto n KK still wearing SMS?)
  19. Some thoughts: - to move things forward, what about the enemies the Protoculture were fighting against? Before they fought themselves, the PC made the Zentradi to fight their wars but there was no mention of whom they're fighting against. Perhaps even amidst the PC civil war, their common enemy was still posing a big threat to the PC, and maybe even contributed to a huge part in the PC's downfall, or was the cause of the start of the PC civil war? That could bring out another triangle aspect of the series - 2 factions of PC vs 1 enemy. - regarding stories about the fate of Megaroad, hopefully no. You guys can watch Robocrap for that. However, perhaps a story about Megaroad (or other colony fleets) colonizing Eden or some other planets might be interesting, but i hope that Hikaru, Misa and Minmay are background characters (if they appear). - why not a series made in a common soldier's point of view? the regular pilot who's not such an ace, not so much of an important life-and-death-for-mankind role in the Macross universe, but still there can be lots of stories about the common soldier (something like Gundam: 08th MS team?). A singer or musician who just can't make it big.
  20. hmmm since the Mospeada toys thread is now closed, i guess i should post here. just took my CMS Rey mospeada from my display cabinet and noticed the rear tire has a slight sticky feel to it!! ahhhhh!!! T_____T the front tire is ok though. might be because of the weather - approx 29-32 degrees C where i'm staying... sigh...
  21. ok since you've been contaminated with alot of RT, the question was not meant for you. The question is intended for people who watched SDFM TV first without DYRL or RT contamination.
  22. hmm... whats #4 ?? am i missing something?
  23. i didn't watch many robocrap eps too. and i watched SDFM TV before DYRL. so did u watch TV series first or DYRL first? and are u a Minmay-hater (or dislike Minmay)? ah, so your next ep for M7 will start getting interesting
  24. in fact i remember reading that Frontier will be a 25 ep series (which made sense to me since it's 25th anniversary) very early on when the series was starting. i dont know when someone came out with the number 13... and then 26... yadda yadda... iirc the wiki entry (either English or Japanese) had stated 25 eps initially, and later changed/removed. its always been planned for 25 eps. EDIT > in another forum (sgcollect forum), it was mentioned 25 eps as early as Nov 2007....
  25. good point about Alto and his reactions, i totally agree, although this is the first time i find myself cheering for Brera when he knocked Alto off Alot of people do not understand why Ranka was hesitant or refusing to sing - to act out her part in luring the Vajra to their doom, n why she would risk her life for Aikun. you guys are forgetting that Ranka has links with the Vajra, emotional links that work both ways. She feels their pain, had some kind of understanding with the Queen Vajra (although too briefly), and probably felt more. Her gut feeling is telling her what she's doing is WRONG, ever since the first time they used her in battle, and i'm glad she finally decides for herself to do what she thinks is right. And yeah, i agree Ranka deserves a better man, Sheryl too. Alto is supposed to be the leading male role yet i still do not see why i should cheer for him, it feels weird. Regarding animation quality, most of ep 21 is good, but some are below average. The part where Alto, Ranka and Luca was about to fly off to Island 3, i didn't even know it was Luca standing there - i thought that was just a random guy . In island 3, i guess the D-Eater is located in one of LAI's facilities, so we can expect to find some vf-25 there, but i was surprised when we see our guys get their valks seemingly from nowhere, and KK fighting in her Q-Rea in space all of a sudden - i'd say the flow isn't too well-planned, perhaps it's better if they show the vf-25 in the background when Luca & co was getting to the D-Eater, or have a line scripted to explain how they're getting their gears... As for Valkyrie Girl Klan Klan, it might not make any sense, but its kinda fun, a fan service for old time Macross fans, and funnier when they animate her launch off similar to EVA (even though i'm not a Eva fan ). time for you guys to show off your Valk Girl models!! Overall, its an awesome episode, very emotional ending with a very nice song. PS > In the past, anime seldom gets split into seasons like Code Geass or Gundam 00, but i heard the new idea is to get revenue for sales of dvds? So who knows maybe we can get season 2 for Frontier, although very unlikely because we'd probably have heard about it by now. Also, according to kresphy, there are only 25 eps, and 25 was the number i remember seeing very early when the series was starting.
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