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Everything posted by Shun

  1. oh mannnn~~!! :drools: yeah, count me in! i want that jeep too! (better come with that machine gun as an option). I want figures of the 7 main characters! And maybe a super sized Regis and those 2 humanoid invids complete with their mecha! Am I asking too much? but like what eriku said, that mint looks too well made. at first, i suspected they were gonna include her in the rey pack. but i hope u guys are right - that there's gonna be a jeep set with jim aisha and mint. however, they better make mint able to sit behind rey on the bike just like in that pic. I wish saverobotech and tokyohunter or whoever's going to that WF next month can maybe drop a STRONG hint about the wishlists of the folks here, and find out about that mint figure. and hopefully no more exclusives plzzz! makes it sooo hard for us overseas collectors >.<
  2. wonderfest is on feb 24 in tokyo, according to CMS' website. (details on WF: http://www.kaiyodo.co.jp/wf/) BTW, i didn't mention that the megahouse webpage says that because Rey's mospeada has less markings, it comes with extra container box n bonus parts but seems like they didn't paint it. i hope that the container box is painted or at least made in the same colors as in the pic above, the other small items are not that important... (CMS' version or Rey comes with shoulder marking '31' which wasn't in the anime, but was there in the old imai model kits.) @ruskiiVFaussie yes, according to the page, the 3d CAD is the same CAD design they have for the toys...
  3. Nope, its for japanese only. grrrr According to their net shopping webpage, "The application from overseas is refused." lmao... yeah i guess its true. i don't really like CMS' bike - looks crappy plasticky what everyone said, but now that i know i cant get that limited green guy, it sucks! guess i just close one eye and try hard to forget about this exclusive luckily its just a nobody, i'd be very very pissed if they released the colonel as exclusive...
  4. New info and pics on the green legioss http://www.cmscorp.jp/news/08wonfes_win.html WonderFest Event price: 28,000yen (inclusive tax) but limited sets (Feb 24) Or we can order from the CMS website @ 29,400 yen (tax incl) in Early March. hmmm that tailfin's sticking out... still undecided if i want to get the green and red ones. are there other companies (besides toynami) coming out with the Legioss + Tread?
  5. ok, more CMS mospeadas... i think u guys have seen these, but was it mentioned before that the common soldiers (green body type) are limited to 100 sets only during the WonderFest (Feb 24). pics source: http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/damien_sancho/52061259.html
  6. might be too late, but.... hope this helps i didn't get the Dragonar w/cavalier. i prefer and bought the Opening ver, looks much better than the TV ver but it doesn't come with cavalier. The OP ver is approx 14+ cm tall. wonder if they will make the D-2 and D-3 ...
  7. Toynami's cyclone looks like those plastic models from Imai / Aoshima (very old series), cept that toynami will release them as completed toys instead of plastic model kits i guess. seems like toynami and aoshima has some sort of deal between them, for the MPC legioss and these cyclones?
  8. dunno about the survival kit accessories how they're stored in the boxes, cept the pics. hmmm there's no MB sign on the side of the box? BTW, some more old pics from WonderFest 2007. was hoping they include a figure of Mint with Rey, but i think its just a teaser that we'd never get... we need invids too... ALL of THEM! EDIT: the 3 weapons bonus pack - not much info revealed yet, cept that its available for people who bought both Megahouse stick n rey's mospeada, and there's some voucher or proof-of-purchase in each box. further details on how to get the bonus weapon set or if its avail to outside japan (probably not?) not yet revealed. PS > "Dusty", if he's the one with part mechanical body, is named "Rainy Boy" in the original series. not sure of robotech names... =X
  9. i watch mospeada ALOT.... yeah, rey didn't get his background episode, but that's becoz he was already getting too much of the limelight seriously makes me wonder more about his past... but if you're talking about character development, rey did grow up during the series - he was a loner at first and grew strong bonds with those trusted friends, among other things... Yellow was the first to suspect aisha becoz he saw Sorji in that invid mecha and Sorji and Aisha were staring at each other. there's obviously a strong connection between those two, and one of them is in an invid mecha - shouldn't be too hard to realise whats up. Rey was not with them and didn't see this, else he'd probably realise what's going on - it's just too obvious, linking back to how the invids always avoided injuring aisha, and how aisha gets all those 'pre-warning' headaches everytime before the invids arrive. but yeah, why didn't rey realise that based on these? maybe he was too captivated with aisha's body to think straight with anything related to aisha... Another funny moment is how rey kissed houquet on her lips - smart and cheeky I read that Yellow was a favorite of the japanese fans though. the average joes / motley crew part is probably what makes the characters so likeable.
  10. no problem i'm thinking if somehow we can get megahouse's at an even better price, then maybe we could do a slight modification to stick to make him look like the 'hero' colonel who betrayed his men. they both have same hairstyle and looks somewhat similar, just need some recoloring of hair and clothes, adding a mustache and a pair of shades pics from: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~cyc01/char.htm BTW does cyclone the webmaster of the above fansite come to this board? love his fansite
  11. comparing stick n rey's mospeada, i prefer the arm missiles + handheld gun than rey's little fixed arm gun (never liked the shape of that gun - and its never been effective vs invids >.<) considering most people like stick better (coz he fights better lol), stick's set should sell better, i guess that's why they didn't give the storage boxes to stick and even came up with the extra weapons set campaign for people who bought both. BTW, these pictures were available some time back, so.. nope stick's set don't seem to come with extras. pic source: http://www.megahobby.jp/variable_action/ rey's my fav character, so i'm gonna get him no matter what. hope they have liftable visor, that'd be cool. scroll to the bottom, there's a pic of it. i hope its not Photoshopped or something!! http://www.megahobby.jp/special/scoop.html yup, sure looks like liftable visor BTW, i think Megahouse and CMS mospeada are almost similar in size? maybe juz 1 cm ~ 2cm difference in height? OT abit > what about omega supreme? they're coming out with re-issue of it? in encore series? >.<
  12. Mospeada is one of my all-time fav show, actually i like it slightly more than macross (oops for saying that in a macross board) My fav character in Mospeada is Rey, coz he is funny and the smartest in the group. The episodes where he discovers how the invid were tracking them, the evolution experiment, and the exploration inside the invid base were some shining moments of Rey's analytical mind at work. The guy thinks hard even when he dreams LOL... and so he sees the big picture and realizes what the invid were doing. He may suck at piloting a Legioss but he's quite a fast learner considering how he never flew one before and couldn't even land it safely at first, but he was able to down a humanoid invid near the end of the series. He seems to be complete opposite of the Stick-in-the-mud. Why i like Mospeada is also because everyone in the team gets at least one episode revealing their background and we see the character development for each of them. That makes me like the characters even more. Macross has more in-depth character development for the 3 characters of the love-triangle but it has 36 eps compared to Mospeada's 25, and many other characters of Macross were not given near as much attention as the main roles. I wished they had more episodes, and better yet, a prequel or sequel or remake, whatever - i need to get MORE of mospeada... BTW, was there ever a licensed or subbed release of the Mospeada OVA: Love Live Alive? The OVA is very nostalgic and wraps up some loose ends but leaves me wanting for more...
  13. It's true, i've read some reviews regarding the Megahouse Original Aug, and seen some photo galleries of it. it looks ok, but comments were negative regarding the knee joint (iirc, or the hip joint) being very loose.
  14. Hmmm... i must get those weapon set!!! if they're only avail in japan, then i'd try to get some deputy service to get them for me. anyone from SG? maybe we can share the cost (not sure how much atm). but i already pre-ordered both megahouse bikes, so... BTW, i dunno if it was mentioned before - the megahouse mospeada's accessories box is only avail for Rey's set, whereas for CMS the storage boxes come with both. also, megahouse's Rey's set come with these:
  15. GERWALK while combined... hmm iirc there are several times when the legs of tread are lowered in combined mode but there ain't any arms i guess. is this considered combined mode gerwalk?
  16. That's the Megahouse Mospeada. prototype pics of Stick and Rey's. it says there's a special weapons playset for people who bought both items (possibly by sending in campaign coupons included in both sets - proof of purchase?). weapons set: (bottom of page) http://www.megahobby.jp/special/scoop.html duh... wonder how i'm gonna get my weapons set... these are probably japanese-only
  17. Totoro242 > thanks for the pics! may i know which book is that? i'm really interested in any Mospeada books esp those with background info, tech specs and line-art but i don't know of any. so the zetas are from Jupiter Juno base, but there's no moon base? ------------------------ BTW iirc, in the anime where they found the tread, Jim and Yellow BOTH said they found a legioss AND tread - that's a total of 2 more of each, and Jim even verbally confirmed it. but i wonder why they didn't bring along the other tread?
  18. oh i meant they have a prototype of yellow's already. chowyunskinny's post #248 of this thread: http://www.flickr.com/photos/18251255@N00/...57603644801302/
  19. And OT : oh my!! F-ZeroOne, ur nick and avatar reminds me of Star Fleet? are there any toys for this series?
  20. would like to recommend a sci-fi movie The Man from Earth. Was introduced to this sci-fi movie and wow~~ really like it. This is not for those who like action-packed, special effects... and who says sci-fi has got to have lots of special effects? laugh.gif This is for those who like thought provoking stories. Overview Director: Richard Schenkman Writer: Jerome Bixby Release Date: 13 November 2007 (USA) Runtime: 87 min After college history Professor John Oldman (David Lee Smith) unexpectedly resigns from his teaching position, his startled colleagues invite themselves to his home, pressing him for an explanation. They're shocked to hear his reason for premature retirement: John tells them he must move on because he does not age (and therefore does not die of natural death); he claims he is a Cro-Magnon man who has walked the earth for 14,000 years, unable to die, and must move on to create a new identity before people begin to notice he does not age. Tempers rise and emotions flow as John's fellow professors attempt to poke holes in his story, but it soon becomes clear that his tale is as impossible to disprove as it is to verify. What starts out as a friendly gathering soon builds to an unexpected and shattering climax. so the show is only shot at the Prof's home, is all about the dialogue between the cast. laugh.gif yet the story and screenplay is really very interesting... Also something to share with people who thinks that p2p is all-evil: Sci-Fi Producer Thanks File-Sharers for Downloading His Film IMDB link --------- so yeah, i'd prefer to live forever than to cryo sleep but if i can do this repeatedly, maybe i'd sleep for 100yrs for a few times to see how far mankind has progressed. visit the moon? i hope to visit another star system.... XD
  21. not gonna promote one country version over another, but just so you guys know there are certain differences. such as the 'european' ver as i was told, compared to the 'normal' version - toy safety lucky i got the sharp version. another one is the first issue versus the more recent re-issues. this is esp so for gold saints - notice the gold saint prices have dropped alot, but so did the quality. the newer re-issues are really quite bad in QC. notice esp the metal parts are very shabbily done. the chest armor doesn't reflect well enough (in fact all metal parts dont reflect well), the leg armor u can see the horrible mold line. you can see it from these comparison pics i have taken. i guess these products have been re-issued too many times, or the factory folks/QC inspectors lower their standards. Pics 1 & 2 - the one worn on the figure is the old one, while the new one i placed it on the table top. notice the old ver, you can see my black camera clearly - it's like a mirror? hehe notice the blurred reflection of the "new" myth cloth. Pic 3 - I took off one of the leg armors (coz lazy to take off the chest armor lol), see it for yourself. Left leg armor is the old "first release" while the right one is the newly bought one. I've seen for myself Sagi, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn re-issues have similar problems. i think Leo is the same. If well-kept, first issue Capricorn should have good quality finishing on the metal parts, however, there is a problem with the eyes LOL - cross-eyed. it was fixed in re-issues. I'm NOT saying only jp ver or only first release is better/best. I'm just saying that there are great differences even in the same product, so you better examine it yourself before buying, unless u don't mind the poor quality for the much lower price. Price vs Quality. Gotta decide yourself, and examine it personally.
  22. CMS cyclones are really tiny - and ugly =X but they already have yellow's!!! a plus point for them. although i hope they improve on the looks. Megahouse definitely win them in the looks department, cept the bikes are too small. ride armor mode looks awesome. Hope megahouse makes the legioss... or maybe Bandai... i don't care... i need a better legioss/Tlead toy/model/ watever!!11! BTW, still no additional info about the 3 guns at the bottom of this page? http://www.megahobby.jp/special/scoop.html i wanna know how to get all 3!!!! ps> eyesonme78 i ordered both from both companies too.... can't help it, they got me. i lub mospeada...
  23. ah, so i didn't remember wrongly. there's no red beta in the show... thanks JsARCLIGHT. If zeta is used around Jupiter, it'd need a much more stronger booster to counter jupiter's strong gravity. "Atmosphere Fighter" - well, maybe coz jupiter's a gas giant? =X wild guesses, don't mind me
  24. the chest intakes are really an eyesore for me. >_< btw, was there a red Tlead (beta) in the show? ps> i think izzyfcuk is talking about pre-order prices from toyntoys?
  25. ¥Ð¥ó¥À¥¤¥Ó¥¸¥å¥¢¥ë³ô¼°²ñ¼Ò Bandai Visual
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