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Everything posted by Shun

  1. yup looks more like Ranka was having a flashback of her encounter with vajra, and she was looking from a window from another ship. don't think it is some sort of premonition of Ozma's death like someone mentioned. doesnt look like a vf-25 there right? Although Ranka might have made Ozma quit being a combat pilot coz of this
  2. hahah.... yeah looks weird now that u mentioned. the smaller pic showing the back of the ride armor seems to suggest that the knee is double jointed? the red portion looks like it can bend at two points?
  3. was this posted before? notice the HBT 4-pack ... 1 is gone tho... i hope they improve on the face sculpt - doesn't look like Stick... why do they have everything perfect but just have to fk it up on the face sculpt? zzzz credits: Toysdaily
  4. Thanks for the pix! hhmmmm... should i get the green and red or wait for toynami's and pray that their QC will somehow be better this time? arrrrghhhhh..... :S
  5. for mech lovers, worker mech savaging a limb of the red guy? looks like the same mech as the ones putting out the fire. any names for it yet? @ BlueMax > i think SMS is a commercialized combat unit(s), which i guess comes complete with their own ship(?) (thus the need for its own helmsman and captain?). however, the general public probably only know them as contractors / armanent manufacturer for the air force.
  6. @MisaForever yeah, i like Ranka alot too!! I'm so glad her character design was just right and not too much "acting cute" coz that'll be very irritating to me. so according to the official website, Nanase is very supportive of Ranka being a singer... That pic of Nanase is really.... very "exaggerating" and also... errrm, i just read the characters description from the official website, and found out that the helmsman of SMS Bobby Malgo(sp?) is secretly in love with Ozma not sure if u guys know this already....
  7. wow nice ep 2!! Nanase... more pics / info about her? i know she's working at Nyan Nyan (deculture ed ep1), and what else?
  8. just received mine... like what others said, the finishing on the real thing don't feel as plasticy as the pictures show. tread is very nice to play around with, legioss on the other hand is not so good in fighter mode - the legs are filmsy doesnt stay locked in position and to a certain extent the arms too. the knee joints on legioss is weird and makes posing difficult, but leg joints for both legioss n tread are ratcheted. arms have tight joints and well-designed for posing. my legioss' right shoulder joint was a bit loose out of the box and tend to swing back but was easily rectified by tightening a screw. the sensor on the right shoulder keeps flipping becos there's nothing to lock it down. on the other hand, some of the pictures show fighter mode legioss with uneven top - that was probably mis-transformed bcoz there's a way to lock it so the top of the fighter is totally flushed nicely. and everyone know by now that the combo linkup is pathetic. overall, i really like this toy, even though IMO it might not worth that $300, but mospeada is one of my all-time fav anime so i'm really easily tempted. @eyesonme78 : so where did u preorder the red? and what price? BTW the red has 'Mars Base' printed on the side of the legioss??
  9. yea i pre-ordered from them. not yet arrived locally. Phyrox, will update u when i receive it.
  10. i pre-ordered 3 regults and Gurren Lagann at my local store too... i also tried with 3 first. maybe there'll be a scout or mini missile version, so i can get more then.
  11. whhaaa? perfect english? no way, that's impossible. u must have bought a fake one. just kiddin gratz on the catch
  12. noticed it months ago - its the same in the deculture edition. whoever said it's 'engrish'? maybe its alien speak?
  13. why did Ozma say "Ranka, finally this day has arrived" (after receiving orders for victor 3)? sorry if this has been answered before, but i didn't notice this until today it's also in the deculture version. >.<
  14. totally agree with what u said. the editing was horrible, very out of pace and feels very rushed. very disappointed, but still looking forward to ep2. hope they do a better job next time.
  15. not yet, heard it arrives early next week. thought u pre-ordered? its S$300 pre-order price. (approx US$217)
  16. I was under the impression that they were referring to the Tread/Beta rear landing gears? from the pics it looked like the rear wheels just flips up and down and there aint any covers to hide it when its "up". Anyway, who's ordering the green and red? are we able to get it at a similar price? I think the green and red ones will not have a huge 'discount' off the suggested retail price unlike the blue one?
  17. Thanks for offering to help us!! I'm definitely interested in a few sets. The weapon that I'm most interested in is the Gallant, of cos due to it being the most prominent in the show, i'm wondering if i can have more of this... I remember seeing SAL-9 in action, but dont recall seeing the Wolverine Assault Rifle, can anyone shed any light on this? BTW i know this is quite too early to talk about , but is anyone interested in a Gallant with stock and barrel, and magazine? (for pic see the link above). we need some one who can sculpt that small addition to the handgun...
  18. i hope theres' some way to remove that ugly chest intake and perhaps put a customized intake that look more anime accurate. i think that's gonna help alot for me. perhaps also some mod on the tailfins that are sticking out too...
  19. hmmm i dunno much about decals or scanning but is it a good idea to place a ruler beside the decal so that we can use the ruler as a reference for scaling? just a suggestion.
  20. check ur toynami rey with the pic i posted. if it looks the same, then it should work. i'm guessing toynami only pasted a sticker on the bottom right corner of the box? i suppose the printed box should be exactly the same. U need both Stick and Rey to qualify for 1 weapons boxset. if u only bought 1 type u can't qualify
  21. i hope ur jedi mind trick works
  22. yeah i want the weapons set and decals too. guys, don't cut ur coupons yet, at least wait till SaveRobotech or any kind soul in Japan replies if its ok for them to help. BTW, i just managed to secure my 2 Megahouses after much searching... but i think it will only reach here in a month. Should be able to make it before the End of May dateline right? wait for me~~~~~~....
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