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Everything posted by Shun

  1. The name of the person wearing blue and a hairpin - Brera Sterne. voiced by Sōichirō Hoshi (a male voice actor), there is a good chance that this character is a male. not yet appeared in the anime, i didn't read the manga so i dunno if s/he's in there.
  2. 江端 里沙 she did lots of adult games and anime http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%84%9B%E5%...%81%8B%E3%82%93 not sure about the other character designer 高橋裕一
  3. hmmm aren't right-handed people using more of the left-brain? thats why we see it as anti-clockwise in your 2nd link i'm right handed and i do see it spinning anti-clockwise but for Rei i see it clockwise most of the time... the trick is to keep trying to see it spin CW then ACW and repeat (WARNING: may result in brain damage, do at own risk ) I think covering the left/right eye helps. interesting topic
  4. the characters in that last pic are from 'Fist of the North Star'. very popular show, but revoltech's face sculpt of Kenshiro the lead role is quite disappointing. doesn't look like him... which is a good thing - save $$ for other stuff...
  5. ah, so we have a new name for the Q.Raus.... クァドラン・レア Q.Rea /Q.Lea/Q.Rare/Q.Ray?? as opposed to the old name クァドラン・ロー(Queadluun Rau) but the descriptions say it is an ancient weapon.... hmm maybe its just the small mod/addition of that shoulder cannon?
  6. The lobster cannot track Ranka (or Sheryl) singing anytime anywhere, because when Ranka sang Aimo on top of that hill, there was no reaction from the captured lobster. I'd say it's via Sheryls' earrings that the lobsters can sense their singing. example: i) In ep2, the lobster that was hiding was activated when Ranka ran past Sheryl at the SMS HQ. Ranka must've been singing all along but the lobster only got activated when Ranka was near Sheryl. ii)Ranka singing at Zent city, Sheryl was there too. PS> d/ling 'Diamond Crevasse' w/o Sheryl now
  7. Beagle's look really fantastic. however, i'm not so happy about that face sculpt - i hope beagle does improve on it.
  8. hmm but some folks prefer flat / smaller ones... looks at MisaForever's avatar jk love both Gundam and Macross, but Frontier is currently my fav
  9. could this be the "new song" Sheryl was writing on that meltran panty?
  10. hehhe, yeah, that's why we have rotating colonies in Gundam or even those living quarters in the battleship Ahgama. Many other sci-fi have rotating space stations too. but sci-fi such as star wars and macross prefer the convenience of 'magical' gravity generators - solves alot of problems. hopefully mankind can create something similar in real-life if not its gonna make space travel very problematic for man.
  11. well, my guess is that the PC were involved with the Vajra, since the Vajra has those markings on them like the birdman? @Kurisama yep, i also noticed the humanoid shape on that vajra... wonder if those hammerheads are similar?
  12. Nah just crouching and standing, not really transforming like the valks.
  13. Trying to catch some stuff from the starting narration (my listening skills and understanding is very very limited pls correct me if i'm wrong)
  14. Did u guys have the OST track for this song?! is it released yet? (links pls )
  15. Ranka's cellphone turns out to be organic in nature.... according to the Japanese wiki entry ケータイ君 ランカ愛用の携帯端末兼ロボットペット。有機系、生体系素材が多用されており、柔軟に形状を変え生物の様な挙動を見せる。 Some other new names at the ending credits.
  16. EDIT: oops forgot to spoiler tag it sorry
  17. Ahh... no wonder there's something shining and moving along the lines on the dome. Some screen caps from this ep: EDIT: added some pics (*)
  18. ahh... now the torrents are just as fast on releasing RAWs. i use Share because my ISP's traffic shaping on BT... Share can sometimes get very fast even upto my max d/l speed, but.... unfortunately not atm
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