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Everything posted by Shun

  1. some more additional trivial stuff for spoilers ep 7-10 etc...
  2. Nah~~ the power of the curse of the Pineapple Salad does not require the victim to eat it. now we just need Cathy or Ranka to start preparing it oh wait. shi+. maybe its Bobby
  3. nah, the doujinshi will only tell the story in that first paragraph.
  4. well, the text says <Electrical Cart> ...
  5. Ep 7 - 10 spoilers. please point out any mistakes
  6. yeah i also mentioned that i'm getting bad vibes from what he said. and WHAT A THING TO SAY!!! just before the mission?! Ozma's supposed to give a motivational speech... i think he will die to protect somebody (maybe Alto?)
  7. Yes, that's Luca's custom Ghost which he can control via his RVF-25 Luca names it ヨハネ (Johanne/John) Wonder why the RVF-171 need to drop another pod... just in case they get killed? and regarding Cathy, saw what could be her bdate. if she's 22/23 and its the 12th miss macross f in 2059, that means she was 18/19 when she was runner-up at the 8th miss macross f. how old is Ozma again???!
  8. yes, but why is Luca in the SAME class as his seniors? Luca's sitting behind Alto...
  9. hmmm good point. definitely lots of indian hindu/buddhist references. though i'd guess Shiva probably.... the god of destruction/change. Messiah is probably a reference to the Buddha.
  10. Very rough summary of the first half. rest of it u guys should be able to figure out... [square brackets are IMO] Ep 06 Bye Bye Sheryl Starts off with an introduction of the spacefold technology. It is a "dream" way to travel vast distances, however, it is not without limitations. During a space fold, there exists fold faults each requiring an exponential increase in energy consumption, thus this becomes the limitation of human/protoculture space travel. [great explanation that solves alot of questions ] At Ozma's residence, Elmo asks Ozma for Ranka. Elmo talks about the first space war and how much songs and culture and love played a part in it. And Ranka has the ability to convey love... [Another homage here as Elmo does the zent dance like the trio spies from SDF:M, and i guess most fans would've paused and noticed whats on that name card lol... www.vectorpromotions.com that web address is not taken ] Sheryl is eager to prepare for her concert as Grace receives a call from Galaxy [OMG, cellphones built into the brain, implants r scary!]. At school, Alto holds on to Sheryl's earring. Mikhail asks if its a present for Sheryl and says that his "sniper eyes" have seen Alto with Sheryl together on a date. Alto denies, and Mikhail asks about the kiss, and later with a more serious tone, what about his relation with Ranka. [Why is Luca in the SAME class as Alto if Alto is his senpai/senior?!! and notice that hovering sign board in the background thats floating all over the place all the time...] The president decides to announce to the public about the vajra. Nanase, Luca, Mikhail and Alto celebrates Ranka's debut into the entertainment industry [at "GalaxyBucks"?! ]. Alto comments that he never heard about the talent scout "Vector Promotion" and everyone "attacks" him . Turns out that Ozma reluctantly agrees [funny looks on Ozma's face LMAO] to Ranka singing. Nanase talks about Ranka working towards beating Sheryl (in popularity), Ranka having weird looks (surprised) at that suggestion. She probably never dreamt of competing with her idol. Ranka Lee fan club is formed with Nanase insisting on being No.1 fan, Mikhail gets No.2, Luca is No.3 and Alto... said he's supporting as well. http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/1518/ep06...fanclub2jc9.jpg Nanase drafts a design of Ranka's stage dress [hmm Nanase has some talent in fashion design huh?], Mikhail adds some huge curves to it to "add appeal" . Meanwhile, Ranka's talking with Alto, and Alto said he was at the Zent Mall. Ranka tests Alto by asking if he was shopping there alone, and Alto lied saying he was alone. President makes public speech about vajra, that the M-Galaxy is under attack and that Frontier will send help. [That huge red ship might indeed be M-Galaxy.] http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/9118/ep...erattackvz6.jpg Ranka in her hippocow pajamas is sooooo cute hahaha... Watch out! eating too much junk food!! Ozma mentions she is 16 now and will be an adult next year [!! 17yo is considered adult in Frontier!]. http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/3149/ep...owpajamagw6.jpg [hmmm just had pocky recently... ] Ranka running to Sheryl's concert. I love that background art. http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/6826/ep...gtosheryhb1.jpg SMS Macross Quarter getting ready to take-off. Jeffrey Wilder gives Monica a pat on her bums and Monica seems to be happy about it @_@, while the other bridge bunnies whispered that it's sexual harassment. http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/4549/ep06monicavk3.jpg http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/2055/ep...xualharato4.jpg VF-171 recon http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/8083/ep...rontviewrn5.jpg M-Galaxy's Deneb class Kaitos http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/5215/ep...sskaitosmz3.jpg SMS Macross Quarter bridge http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/7577/ep...uarterbrrg6.jpg [Misa is that you?! :X ] http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/4724/ep...rbridge2an2.jpg [those two always don't get to sit?! tough job ] SMS Macross Quarter hangar http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/8711/ep...shangar1lv5.jpg hmmm strange proportions : KK looks huge in her Q-Rea [& Mikhail standing dangerously close to KK...hahah] http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/829/ep06kkqraeza8.jpg Anti-Vajra ammo/bombs!! http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/4931/ep...ajraammowo2.jpg Alto getting ready, with Sheryl's lucky earring [love is in the air~~] http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/6032/ep...ncockpitkh5.jpg 発進 M-Quarter Launch!! http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/4743/ep...launchinyb6.jpg M-Quarter folding along with several other ships http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/5071/ep06smsmquarterok6.jpg Ozma talking with the Medic about taking care of Ranka if something happens to him... zzz bad vibes. Hope they dont have pineapple salad on board the SMS M-Quarter . Next ep: what are these? Looks like M-Quarter in the foreground. More similar ships in the back?! http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/9171/ep...wwarshipts0.jpg Are these vajra ships? the missiles look like vajra's http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/7598/ep...unknownvih2.jpg Same ship (?) firing main cannons! http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/2973/ep...unknownvtr8.jpg Mr Vilra looking interested in something... creepy http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/558/ep0...iewvilradn7.jpg EDIT: mistakes
  11. The orangy ones - looks like the one that de-fold near the 2 vf-171, and the pilot said "M-Galaxy's Deneb class Kaitos" That huge big red one is probably M-Galaxy (wild guess)
  12. CG and background animation are awesome as always. but... the character animation is quite noticeable. for example, at the drinks outlet ("Galaxy Bucks?" ) Ranka and Alto's face looks completely warped... some still shots of random people on the streets look very flat (e.g. during the announcement) etc etc... too many to list. but i really like the background art!
  13. wow some parts of the animation has reached new lows. budget constraints i guess, and though it might not be fair to jump to conclusions, i'm guessing it has to do with sub-contracting to other animation studios - KMU Manila (from Philippines?), Shangjie Animation and Zizidongman (from China?). On the other hand, i'm glad that these animation companies are getting a chance in production and no doubt gaining experience from this. Just wish they can do better.
  14. i might be opening a can of worms here, but i felt Minmay was like-wise getting all the hate. and i don't know why people hate her that much? i still suspect minmay-haters watched Robotech before SDF:M, and RT must've made her look so bad that the negativity is imprinted. my first impression of Sheryl is bad too, i dislike her NOT because she is successful and knows what she wants (like some people mentioned, which IMO hints on sexism). i dislike her because she is seen as arrogant, and self-centered. Sheryl also strongly believes in doing what she likes when she wants it (which is ok but NOT when it endangers others - when she insists on going out of that emergency pit, what if it was vacuum outside the pit? she could've killed all 3 of them), Sheryl is also a big bully esp to Alto etc etc... lots of bad traits to list. but sheryl redeemed herself in ep 5, where we see the more 'positive' side of her. I must say i like her alot more after watching ep 5, hope to see a more likable sheryl in future episodes. however, she might be behaving slightly more likable all because of Alto... who knows how she behaves towards others
  15. coming this July 6090yen and it comes with a gallant w/stock and barrel!! my dream come true!! A must get!! more pics: http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/viewthread.php?tid=62602
  16. VF-25 Messiah In the year 2059, it is a candidate for the next generation of main NUNS fighters. The latest variable fighter design is based on the prototype YF-24, and independently developed by Frontier's L.A.I (<--- no idea what's this?). However, it is not deployed by the NUNS, but thru political transactions/dealings with the manufacturer, SMS gets to deploy it first. Standard equipment includes the gunpod, head laser machine guns and a large-sized knife for close combat. PS > i dont like the look of the vf-25's back but i guess it was designed to accommodate the strike/armored pack in battlroid mode?
  17. it says Luca's Super pack configuration. so yeah, its still Luca's vf-25. maybe the recon version has a face shield. PS > kresphy or anyone has the latest Newtype scans/pics? i'm looking for news of other stuff (esp Five Star Stories)
  18. The katakana just says Stealth Cruiser
  19. yes, he's right. those are directly from the text in the pictures. although the "new" types of spaceships are actually slight modifications to older designs like what Mr March said. "Macross Quarter" is a new type of spaceship compacted to 1/4 the size of Macross-class battleship, and is similar in size with the common carriers, and used by SMS. (was this mentioned before? about it being 1/4 Macross-size? lol.... another 25th anniversary thingy... 25% or 1/4 ) "Messiah" is from the lyrics of the song Shao Pai Long. (IMHO... yucks... cheesy name )
  20. yup seen that too. 1/10 is Beagle's. thanks for sharing
  21. i'm interested in that scoop of mospeada figures. unless u're talking about this? http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/2809/cm041od8.jpg
  22. speaking of implants, Sheryl's manager Grace has the ability to record what she sees?! but i'm not too sure about how Grace managed to find Sheryl? can anyone explain?
  23. Shun

    Macross Revoltech

    I just hope Kaiyodo releases ALL Macross related mecha in Revoltech. there. make it short and simple. pre-ordered revols: the blue and red vf-1j, yf-19 and yf-21 and 3 regults. gonna get more regults if they release the mini-missile/ scout type
  24. i was hoping to see cameos of characters such as basara, hikaru, minmay etc not interacting with the story but just there in the background for fun (for fans to spot them ) speaking of which, i am enjoying the tributes to the past series, but i hope sometime soon that they will move on with their own story line and not be limited by paying tributes. (actually ep 5 didn't have much huh? which is good imo)
  25. hmm i'm "original fan" but strangely M+ and M0 didn't really appeal to me. (ok, M0's dogfights were spectacular, that's all, the background story didn't). M7 and now Frontier appeals to me ALOT more~! Frontier is already at the top of my all time fav list and i'm not really such a die-hard macross-only anime fan. (guess i never grow-up? )
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