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Everything posted by Shun

  1. i get lots of problems with rapidshare. it tells me to wait for xx minutes sometimes hundreds of min, and then, it tells me i'm already downloading some files which is totally not the case. really frustrating. i dont understand why people still wanna use it when there are other filesharing websites. may i suggest using Sharebig?
  2. yes it is from Hobby Japan July issue.
  3. wah... thanks for the pic!!! it looks really nice! i would like to have Ranka and Sheryl's pic as my wallpaper... anyone skilled in making nice pics n kind enough to make one?
  4. Turns out the Captain was indeed an ex-pilot.... OMG... its Rick Hunter!!
  5. oh?? that was fanart?! that's a really nice one. do u have a big pic of that fanart? pls post it?
  6. Nanase's character profile states that she is a shy girl. Is being outspoken a sign of strength? it can also be seen as a sign of weakness... in controlling one's mouth.
  7. Thanks. but this pic is not the one i'm looking for. i thought its gonna look like Sheryl Nome - Diamond Crevasse CD cover image. the picture i saw seems too good and detailed to be fan art.
  8. i'm looking for the Ranka Lee CD cover image - i remember i saw a Ranka Lee equivalent of the Sheryl Nome - Diamond Crevasse/Don't be late CD cover image. PS > if the Macross Chronicle is anything like the Gundam Fact File, then its gonna contain LOTS of detailed information - what the diehard macross otaku fan will love! of cos, all text in japanese though...
  9. Shun

    Bandai Reissues!

    aahhh... its the vf-2ss... i thought its vf-22... >_<
  10. but Brera and the 2 vf-27 were folding away from the scene at the end of ep 7, they could'nt have boarded the dulfim. furthermore, if they were in dulfim, the whole crew were still in quarantine, he wouldn't be out there in the hills with Ranka.
  11. Nanase Fan #1 reporting.
  12. some additional stuff: - A4 size - 32 pages, cut-out sheets (similar to Gundam Fact File style i guess? same guys doing it) - specialized binder will be available for sale at the same time (i think this means its not coming free with vol 1??) - websites: ウィーヴ (http://www.weve.jp/) 小学館プロダクション(http://books.shopro.co.jp/) if its gonna be similar to Gundam Fact File, there's gonna be ALOT of volumes, and cover alot of details.
  13. nope its not Brera. Ending credits lists a "Leon's subordinate". and yes, definitely Alto on the line.
  14. Shun

    Bandai Reissues!

    vf-22?? where? link pls?
  15. LMAO.... so funny yet so true...
  16. thanks kresphy! i read the version on your website too. (but unfortunately i still can't access your bbs directly forbidden error) interesting that Ranka seems to be slowly catching up on Sheryl - in both fame and in alto's heart?
  17. hmmm i felt that Nanase might be somewhat interested in Michel? remember she blushed when Michel commented about her in ep5(?). but it could be that she's just shy. i realised that this group of buddies are actually the "popular" folks at school. Alto - Princess is pretty boy, lots of girl admirers Michel - Very suave and popular playboy, who can get any girl he "targets" and never misses just like his sniper skills. Nanase - i remember reading that Nanase is very popular among guys, for the same reasons like the fan club she has here. i'm sure she's been fantasized by many guys in the school. New members: Sheryl - pop diva, 'nuff said Ranka - she was immediately spotted by the students even though she didn't win the Miss Macross contest, goes to show she has natural chrisma and is popular/noticed among the students. Luca - perhaps not as popular as the above, but he's see? the popular folks stick together... as usual.
  18. She said "You..." could be interpreted as "oh its you!" or "you... are?" but from the tone it sounds more like the latter to me. i don't think Ranka knows Brera at this time. she seems surprised that someone else knows the song, and not surprised because someone she knows shows up. i could be wrong though maybe we'll get something next ep. And i agree, there's a good possibility Brera is Ranka's brother, but Ranka might be too young during that incident to remember him or even remember having a brother, PLUS all the dis-associative disorder memory loss... Brera on the other hand could be old enough to remember having a little sister... Ranka. Tomato Nanase?!! yes please... but nothing that covers too much please yup from one of the trivial spoilers, it says Mihoshi has "Emergency First Aid" as a compulsory subject. one of the two(?) core subjects that must be taken. but we know its just a plot excuse to put everyone together notice the girl who seemed to be interested in Alto is sitting in front of him?
  19. hahah nice pics and catch-phrases! i made some animated gifs too: ニンジーン loves you yeah! (128x72) Ranka waving: http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/2993/ra...ve128x72cf5.gif as requested... Alto twitching: http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/3281/al...tch128w2gx1.gif
  20. yup, its true! at least the message boards don't censor this word
  21. Shun

    Macross Revoltech

    no don't start. once u start, u can't stop!!! really!! they're kinda small (the valks are the smallest revoltech so far, smaller than the regular ones), but very poseable and playability is extremely high!! don't say i didn't warn ya! personally i have transformers revys, the macross revys (including 3x regults), saber and alter saber, some super robots (mazinkaiser, shin getter) etc... regults legs can get a bit loose after some time, but not really a problem. probably need the stands to help keep them from falling.
  22. Bartley was made first, then blowsperior and lastly the mospeada. blowsperior was too expensive. so by the time of the 2nd recapture (Stick's time), blowsperiors were replaced by mospeadas. yup, the military's r cheapos. read more from here. http://members.optusnet.com.au/~cyc01/mecha.htm
  23. only highlight if u want to know the story for next ep:
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