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Everything posted by Shun

  1. yeah, he definitely didn't seem to want to kill Luca. he's probably collecting information about vajra, and wondering what the vajra wants to do with/is doing to Luca. this also explains why he shot the gunpod, to prevent their escape, but he wasn't vicious enough to want to kill them, just want to keep them in vajra's captivity.
  2. the price seems ok, but i've heard of very low prices in HK/JPN. not sure about that. The Char RX-78 comes with alot less accessories though, compared with the 78-2 and G3. anyway, i have all the 4 Metal Composites and i'm very pleased to own them. no regrets. can't wait to get Psycho Mk-II! and i hope the series maintains its high QC standards. Deep Striker is definitely a must-get IMO. true, the paint work is not perfect, but looking at the DS is really satisfying
  3. one more pic http://2cat.twbbs.org/~tedc21thc/new/src/1212830693851.jpg and summary for eps 11-14 http://2cat.twbbs.org/~tedc21thc/new/src/1212830481749.jpg
  4. nah... i'm sure this is not a Frontier-only thing. it will be distributed via the Galaxy-network to Earth, Eden, all migration fleets, and other settlements. Humanity is doomed. We already have Ghost fighters in SDF:M. does that count too?
  5. yup, totally agree that the FIX are not for fiddling around with. they're poseable display figures, not toy figures like the MSIA/EMSIA, or palm action completed kits like the super hcm-pro. I find it very frustrating to pose a FIX figure, various parts keep falling off, so i gave up the line very early. newer FIX might be better but i highly doubt so. it might be nice to look at, but only if u look from far. take for example the musha gundam - looks nice in pics, actual product looks nice from far, but if u look closer its crap. on the other hand, i'd recommend the newer FIX Metal Composite line - these are expensive but really AWESOME QC!!! no kidding, paint work is perfect, and very very seldom heard of any problems (including paint work!). They look nice, u can fiddle around with it, and they're big (the rx-78s are 1/100 and Psycho Gundams are 1/144 which is almost as tall as Masterpiece Optimus). The upcoming metal composite is the Psycho Gundam Mk-II which is a very rare design - the old model of it is crap, and we dont get any other. EDIT: Grammar :X
  6. the original role for Ranka was a background character, she doesnt even get a single line in that role. Leon must be thinking that Ranka playing a super minor role in the movie will not matter. of coz, fate has it that Ranka "accidentally" gets the lead role Mao. on the other hand.... actually, Leon might've been able to stop/destroy the movie if he wants to, but then it had already generated too much publicity even before the actual filming... so it'd be hard to silence all of them.
  7. @Westlo, your Sheryl (avatar) talks too damn much. lol... suggest put a delay on the frame that she have her mouth closed (just an opinion, hope u dont mind ) just so i'm not OT - regarding flabortast's theory about Sheryl fame being 'made-up', maybe we can think of it as being 'set-up' instead. Sheryl had backers making her shot to fame much easier as opposed to Ranka being hampered by Leon. although Sheryl definitely has lots of talent in what she does.
  8. very interesting theory. i like it
  9. My siblings and i have different blood types, that's because my parents have different blood types. so it's not hard to imagine sheryl got the alpha blood while her siblings (if any) has other blood types, unless the alpha blood is so dominating it takes over all other blood types. Perhaps the alpha blood only gets inherited by the first child? who knows? but i agree Ranka not having Alpha blood seems to hint she's not related to sheryl by blood. just needed to point out the blood inheritence point.
  10. no way, he was busy making love with the Regis. wait.... did i just say that? ewwww just don't try to imagine.
  11. hahah yeah yeah, i also already mentioned i was j/k with yuu-chan. doesn't matter what happens to her anyway, dont think we will get to see her anymore. probably kitty didnt get his lunch, coz the lolicon soon went after Ranka doesn't matter, she was referred to as yuu-chan. There are just too many hints, its not just the credits. The confidential email to Leon is sent by 'G' as mentioned. Don't forget about the scene where Grace was seen smiling wickedly when she hacked into the president's meeting in ep 9. and soon after, brera gets his mission orders. if there were no such hints about Grace being the mastermind in the previous ep, it wouldn't be so obvious, and i'd be scratching my head wondering why i see her name in ep 10 credits. Furthermore, Grace, Brera and VF-27 are all from Galaxy which makes it very possible that they were in it together. (although now i know that Brera was blackmailed into submission) that was a touching moment. very very nicely done. love it! Leon and Cathy (NUNS) already knew about the V-type virus/infection, so i wonder what else? Maybe Leon didn't know enough about this V-type virus. but if the informant was talking about something "more terrifying" that Leon is not supposed to know yet, but then it ends up being the V-type virus (which Leon was already aware) - it doesn't make sense. i was almost in tears while watching Ep 5 where Ranka started singing. this ep is just as good. the part where Ranka got determined, and when she said something like "now i know how Mao felt"... and the last part where the director spoke about Ranka's legend was just beginning... very very well done. what an awesome series. as for the love triangle, the irony is sheryl was the one who pushed ranka to fight for what she wants.
  12. Actually, the superior (Grace?) of Brera warned him with something like "if u want to get back your past (memory), don't act on your own again!" (something like that). so it means Brera does NOT remember his past too, and probably don't know anything about Ranka except that she knows the Aimo song. And seems like Brera was working under his superior (Grace) because he was blackmailed with his memory. (Zeta Gundam Murasame Four? ) so, yeah Brera's not really the baddie. He can be turned from the dark side. There's still good in him, i can feel it. And also, the reason for the VF-27 to move in and out of Frontier fleets easily could also be due to Grace's hacking. She could've removed its detection entirely or faked it with another ID.
  13. DYRL is more fake than fake. didn't happen. its a fictional movie in a fictional story setting. SDF:M TV series is the real stuff (in the fake world)
  14. haha yeah. j/k about yuu-chan am surprised u got the minmay kissing hikaru vibe. i was thinking more of the Misa commanding Hikaru to kiss while they were in captivity. definitely the women were the initiative ones there. funny thing is later Misa becomes "shy" and initially refuses to kiss again for the escape plan. so fake EDIT: duuhh.. now i remember that DYRL scene. I'm more used to SDF:M TV storyline.
  15. Vajra and Brera/Galaxy wants to collect more purple gems. Why? BTW, for blood type, siblings could have different blood types, so its possible Ranka could be Sheryl's sister even though they have different blood types. and Alpha blood type could be special that it only gets inherited by the first child. just a wild guess
  16. a better (and last) look at Yuu-chan before she turned into lunch. BTW, check the deculture ver 1st ep, the tactical screen says that the first capsule on the starboard side is island 2, port side is island 3. but then in ep 5, the Alien Life Form Lab is said to be in island 3, and it sure looks like the first capsule on the starboard side. discrepancy? Brera's vf-27 seems to be launched from the starboard island (same one as the Alien Life Form lab?)
  17. yes, the cast list shows her name as Grace o'Connor and voiced by Kikuko Inoue. and yes, it is conclusive. Did u see Grace anywhere with Sheryl in this ep? That's becoz she's meeting Leon. She looks different? Yes, but why do we have her listed in the cast credits if she didn't appear at all in this ep? u dont see Klan Klan listed in this ep. I thought that was tissue paper? anyway, i was very surprised at how her manager begged Alto - from that scene alone i believed that he is very very sincere and really did all he could. The problem is probably not him but Leon. We'll see how he manages soon enough, since Ranka is now destined to be a star.
  18. NT is officially on sale on the 10th of every month. but then some people will get theirs usually on the 6th, and will post some info up. (i'm waiting for FSS Designs 3 news in this issue)
  19. i was about to ask about that... lol... big lunch for kitty. this message board is taking ages to load for me... good point. but i'd expect Mao's actress (Ranka) to be up there on stage. she's not only a very important character in the movie, but she's also the voice for the movie's theme song.
  20. seems like Ozma knows more... than we're led to believe. and oh... its really the director from ep 9!!
  21. a peek at Yu-chan... the girl's supposed to be Mao. i've lost count of how many outfits Sheryl has... btw, why is sheryl at the premier on stage, and yet Ranka is seated (until she's called)? -.- unless sheryl's the one who added that extra part for Aimo ~ Bird Human version.
  22. yeah! that explains her protrusion. definitely was Grace. Confidential email sender is from 'G', ending credits show her name when she "didn't appear" in the whole episode. U dont see Klan Klan in the credits this week. Sorry KK fans... we had enuff of KK last ep j/k i like KK too If that's the case, i'd like to see her in her towel outfits at the movies. next ep, she gets her 4th outfit - swimwear too bad we have to wait 2 weeks... duh... yea, Grace could be something like Ghost in the Shell. but she likes blue hair i bet Luca wants that swimwear next ep...
  23. Kōichi Sakaguchi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C5%8Dichi_Sakaguchi BTW, why my nana-chan always in school uniform? i wanna see her in her 'normal' clothes. and Ranka's wearing that Minmay white dress...
  24. yay more color variations to sell. just mentioned a few posts back. the 'director' role's VA is 坂口 候一
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