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Everything posted by Shun

  1. ditto!! if they made them small but detailed and affordable, i'd be sure to buy several!! i'm sure many will be eager to build an army of them. or if they wanna make them big to match the size of CM's or Megahouse's mospeada, i'd want one too!
  2. CM's Yellow comes with head parts for Stick, Rey and Yellow. i guess that means the guys w/o their helmets but i wonder how accurate it can be (i'm not expecting it to be much though, being so small) and seems like the CM's blowsperior can't open its chest missile hatches?!! very big disappointment - thats the main attraction of the blowsperior! how can they NOT have that gimmick?! The Megahouse's Blowsperior can open its hatches, so CM's is one down already. i'm also prefering the megahouse, and i own both. the only thing that CM's is better is the proportions of the figure when it is w/o armor. i dont play with my toys much, and already the CM's is sooooooo floppy, joints are sooo loose it really takes the fun away - now i dont even dare to touch it too much.
  3. yup. nothing wrong with big boobs. and definitely not the only reason for me to like her. people who see Nanase as only boobies are thinking one-dimensional
  4. one thing i'm sure of: we have Nanase in ep 13. and she'll be there in ep 14 too probably all the way to the last ep. whahahaha... too bad for ya haters...
  5. DYRL events are fake!... a movie in an anime world! power suits are almost like clothing isn't it? can we actually confirm vajra are man-made? not sure about that. they might be genetically altered in the 117th lab, but they could also be captured by 117th for observations. and yes, it looks like Grace did get twisted and torn up by the Dimension Eater. but we can be sure she's still existing somewhere. probably her 'concious-self' can be downloaded to another physical body. O_O
  6. you're talking about a male voice right? isn't that voice Brera's? ランシェ・メイ is 坂本 真綾 Maaya Sakamoto aka Aerith in Final Fantasy 7 AC, Pandora in Saint Seiya, Lunamaria Hawke in SEED Destiny... etc http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maaya_Sakamoto since its a female voice, ランシェ・メイ is probably the mother? are there other new female voices heard? LAI allegiance is to no one but $$$. It's Capitalism. maybe the Zentradi deserved to die because they forsaken their male powered armor and used the Q-Reas... bunch of sissies dont deserve to die as warriors. j/k /runs
  7. we know the size of the Macross Quarter compared with the Vajra Gunship from ep 7... when the Quarter Pounder was keeping the "mouth" of the vajra gunship open... and from these pics... seems like the mother ship is huge!! http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/6576/sn...04052629gp8.jpg http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/2379/sn...04052651rm9.jpg yeah, maybe we will see Macross/Battle 25!!! I really hope so! its the name of a gigantic 2-legged Mobile Armor from Gundam 0079. google it to see pics. its the same color!
  8. hahah good catch! some screen caps: VF-27 - check out that Galaxy insignia... http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/5910/sn...04053955wm8.jpg Ranka's daddy? http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/3434/sn...04053148hk0.jpg Ranka's mummy? http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/5781/snap...04053230gn2.jpg Young Brera already playing with harmonica http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/4034/snap...04053200we8.jpg Ranka and family (daddy in his jacket looks like a grown up Full Metal Alchemist Edward? ) http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/5668/sn...04053353xk1.jpg *Speculation* Queen Vajra Stages (seems Queen-types are not so rare?): I(a): with tiny limbs http://img364.imageshack.us/img364/1158/sn...04053450qe0.jpg II: "Big Zam" strong legs now http://img364.imageshack.us/img364/5594/sn...04053628on1.jpg III: getting huge (this one captured in research lab) http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/1940/sn...04053333io7.jpg IV: Final stage http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/5456/sn...04053831bj4.jpg Vajra mothership: http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/4184/sn...04052432sy6.jpg http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/6576/sn...04052629gp8.jpg http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/2379/sn...04052651rm9.jpg VF-171: http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/4687/sn...04053019bd0.jpg http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/4662/sn...04052910lr6.jpg notice the (underwing?) missiles http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/1681/sn...04052858om6.jpg
  9. have mentioned this in the episode thread, now expanding it: it doesn't make sense that the WTF-1 is "just a disguise/gimmick" if u consider the fact that:
  10. thanks RedWolf and LadyLuck can we assume most if not all later models of vf are able to operate underwater? Kronnang Dunn> will get better pics soon... almost done with the HD RAW
  11. vf-171 battroid http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/2387/sn...04043446uu3.jpg (front) http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/6387/sn...04043358vw4.jpg (back)
  12. u see the vajra are a biological species that thrives on self-evolution. u have the yellow hammerheads, red lobsters, and Queen Vajra. (actually IMO these look like beetles and seems like alot of japanese love to keep the huge ones as pets) and Ranka is mospeada? j/k PS > HG can buy Frontier animation and butcher it again!! yuppie /sarcasm off finally completed d/l of horribleRAWs... now i can re-watch for details
  13. color of the green squirrel matches that of the Queen Vajra.
  14. Memory of Global ends up
  15. this snap shot is from ep 1. u can see Megaroad-01 is SDF-2, Megaroad-02 is SDF-3, Megaroad-04 is sdf-5 but there is no sign of sdf-4 in this sequence. http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/9051/sn...04013802ji7.jpg no matter. the WTF-1 is not sdf-1 that's for sure. and the "First Generation Macross (Class)" ship hints at more of this class of warships. who knows where.
  16. u can see from the tactical CG sequence from ep 1 that the various Megaroads are labeled with SDF- designation. however, the image of each tag shows the sideviews similar to Megaload-01 only managed to catch the later half of the show so we confirmed 3 things:
  17. *IIRC*: ALL 3 lolicon guys ended up being alcoholics, and all are unemployed and staying together with Vanessa. initially, Vanessa and her husband opened some provision shop if iirc... but it closed down after Roli/Loli (the shortest) became alcoholic. Vanessa had no choice but to work as a hostess, leads a very hard life. it seems she becomes quite popular and finally gets to become high class mama-san and very very rich!! i guess by then she is leading quite a good life. ... and her (ex-? not sure if they divorced) husband takes care of the 3 kids. the 2 others staying with her and the kids... BTW, i think u guys know that the 3 guys name is a joke right? by combining their names... Shammie is the shortest girl - the one who sometimes takes over Misa's post. Thru match-making, she gets married to a rich man's son. Kim, who seemed to be not very interested in her military career, ends up being promoted up the ranks because of lack of experienced manpower (Vanessa and Shammie left the military). I think she will ultimately become a ship Captain. but she stayed single I want to know what happened to Claudia. no news about her WTH?!
  18. the story about Vanessa and Warera/Loli/Conda is kinda sad... although she ends up being quite rich. would never have thought that the bespectacled and decent looking girl would work as a hostess, and more amazingly become so hugely successful the 3 zent guys are pathetic. and i thought the pairing was Loli with Shammy, why would Vanessa end up with Loli??! its weird. also feel sad for Kim that she's alone. I like her most coz i thought she's the prettiest of the 3 (lol... saw this as a kid, first impressions last) Shammy being the luckiest of them, as expected. BTW, all these stories are more of a joke right?
  19. check out my avatar lol... notice that even though she seems non-pivotal, Nana-chan appears in every single episode except ep 7. i think its a safe bet she'll continue to appear in most if not all the rest of the episodes. luckily i'm not in the haters camp
  20. hey!! he's the boss of the huge chain of Super Dimension Restaurants Nyan Nyan!! maybe we'll get a glimpse of him in Macross F
  21. OMG!!! are u serious?!! i'd take ANY inbit mecha!! and esp the Gurab and Gosu Commander!! (ref for Japanese names) Batra and Sorji's are a must to get! So if they're bundling these 2 and giving a discount it'd be great for me. i think that common grey-colored Gosu will not be as popular but if they bundle the 3 and its a good price, i'd be very happy to get it too. as for individually packed option, i'd say definitely Batra's will be the most popular. for scale, i hope they consider the Legioss models/toys we have - and design the Gosu and other inbit mecha in the similar scale/size. for Gosu itself, i hope that the canopy opens and pilot is removable, a detailed cockpit, opening hatches for the backpack missiles (dont like interchanging parts), a light up eye will be cool!!
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