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Everything posted by Shun

  1. I think Grace didn't "officially" ditched sheryl or quit from being her manager, but probably sheryl will not be getting well and Grace will no longer want to waste time/effort on sheryl now that she got her eyes on Ranka. more random thoughts: so now we know that Bilrer is not working with Grace's faction. he goes for Alto instead of Ranka, maybe he's much smarter. (being a maid and train otaku is evidence already i guess) Leon thinks he is playing both sides but he might end up being the fool and a pawn for both. the consciousness/personality downloading part is similar to zegapain (and other such "theories"). PS > the ending dialogue are those from Grace's faction, Bilrer is not involved. these 2 are probably adversaries to each other
  2. My impression of the Grace and her other folks: they are not A.I. / machines, but rather people who somehow merged their consciousness into one network. Something like their consciousness being digitized? Grace was once a normal human, we know that because they mentioned that the physical body at the start of ep 15 was created as a copy of her original look. I'd say its not likely that machines will feel attached to a certain look (although still possible i guess ). Seems like any single consciousness can be chosen as the 'controller' of the body? but it looks like they preferred to let Grace take control of her own 'copy'. Each consciousness seems to retain their own (mental) individuality so that they have different personalities/temperaments - for e.g. the guy feels awkward to control the new body (a Grace clone). These people are quite obviously the masterminds from Galaxy fleet, and doesn't this mind-linking/downloading technology mean that they are virtually immortals? until their database gets physically destroyed maybe? or their data corrupted ... if they're already that smart, they'd probably already have tons of network backup to ensure they can be recovered in any disaster (unless there's some limitation somewhere). And also my impression is that they're saying Grace is from Macross Global rather than Galia 4. why did Grace refer to Brera Sterne as the Prince? No matter, they are obviously not truely respectful to him since we know Brera is working under their orders and being blackmailed with his lost memories. Liked that look of YF-24!! a very nice cross between su-27 and f-22...
  3. yeah, so DYRL is faker than fake. hmmm... wait... !!! if Macross = NOT real DYRL = NOT (NOT real) DYRL = Real?!!?!? OMG... DYRL is real!! PS > ok i'm bored
  4. DYRL is fake get it in your head do we have any reason why Cathy was assigned to M:Quarter? who knows whats the real reason Leon did that. probably he wants first hand info of anything happening at the M:Quarter thats worth taking note of. similarly Brera could also help Leon/Grace when he's "officially" at the front lines. who knows? just pointing that out.
  5. Come'on!! DYRL story is fake! not historically accurate! they put Max in the leader position for the movie because he was Admiral of M7 and the film makers were trying to kiss his arse to get the military assistance and approval. Remember Max always feels good when he is praised Just like i'm confused when Cathy joins the SMS bridge bunnies. Brera might join the Skull squadron or other SMS squad too, so that NUNS can monitor SMS or NUNS have some sort of control over the SMS? from the military pov i mean...
  6. i also noticed that. but after some thinking:
  7. Gotta agree the Vajra seem to want Ranka for some reason. However, i'm still puzzled over what happened to the v-type virus/berserk hydra... seemed like it attacked everybody / anybody in sight, including Ranka. I suppose the v-type virus is somehow related to the vajra?
  8. yeah!!! u think so too?! actually i found the "daddy" outfit is very similar to Edward... hair color also...
  9. if i'm not wrong, the husband taking on the wife's name only in very rare cases, not necessarily family status though. similar to western and chinese cultures - very rarely. i googled n found this link so i think its mostly done only when the family dont have a son to inherit their surname. and seems they have similar culture as the chinese - its considered quite embarrassing for a man to take on his wife's surname, or to have their kids carry the wife's surname. But i'm not very knowledgeable about Japanese culture so hopefully someone who knows more will clarify this.
  10. hmmm if that's the same woman as the one talking in Ranka's flashback, then she's probably named ランシェ・メイ (Ranshe Mei/May)... name shown in the ep 13 ending credits. BTW, if Mao is gonna be the ancestor of Sheryl Nome, how are they gonna explain the surname? usually the daughter takes on the father's surname isn't it? of coz there's gonna be a lot of possibilities - divorced single mum, artificial insemination, cloning, etc etc...
  11. thanks. so u think its very possible too yeah? who wouldn't want to f**k their first love or that pretty idol. so hard to resist
  12. One way to explain why LAI would develop a Dimension Eater or a Fold Fault Surface generator is because they need to develop their new fold booster... they needed to understand more about the fault surface and also they might want to create some fault surface so that they can test the fold booster. Also, the dimension eater can be used as a means of defense too - by having lots of fault surfaces around a location, say the Earth, they will no longer need to be worried about enemies (such as uncultured Zentradi) suddenly space-folding in and start blasting Earth. Allied forces can use the new booster and fold-in their reinforcements in front of the attackers.
  13. Did they actually say that the M7 was taking the exact same path of the Megaroad? I don't think their objective was to get to the Galactic center but just nearer to the center. Also, didnt they experience time lag when using the Galaxy Network in M7? Is the Galaxy Network always "online"? I always had the impression that it was not "simultenous broadcast" and there was always some lag in communications given the huge distances. Even with the new LAI fold booster in Frontier, there is still gonna be some lag although much shorter compared with the old tech.
  14. First, i gotta say i consider myself old-school fan since the SDF:M tv series. And I'm already a much bigger fan of M:Frontier than some of the other Macross series. I like Frontier ALOT!! Yah, its so true. kinda conflicting though - on one hand i've always been wondering and wanting to know what really happened to the Megaroad and its crew, on the other hand, i'm scared that the story will suck/make me unhappy. In fact, after such a long time, the SA would've been many many generations after those early generation brain-washed SA folks. How would the SA breed new brainwashed army of their kind? especially after PD were sealed, we can assume the PD basically lost all their influence/control on the SA? Could it be that the more recent/new generations of SA were no longer under PD control? Considering the humans didn't have any contact with the SA, who knows maybe the Zentradi were not telling everything they know about SA to their human allies or were not very objective regarding the SA (they were at war, probably were very biased about the enemy). I've always suspected that the Zents were not telling everything in that SDF:M Episode where they found the damaged second SA gunship. Exsedol/Breetai seemed to be very guarded and insisted that all info about SA were given to the humans although they were right that it could be a booby trap. However, they couldn't find the SA ship later... which is really fishy to me - either that SA gunship is really a booby trap (but why would it disappear afterwards?) or some one else removed it (Zents?). The SA were a combination of PC and Zents, and if they were really not under PD control, they would be very similar to the allied forces of humans and Zents - without PD influence, the SA would be 'cultured' too. They could be a sad case where their culture could not win over the giants, SA being vastly outnumbered. Actually a more probable reason is that Hikaru finally had enough of Misa who is such a control freak - with her bitching and barking out orders all the time, including during work and at home, its hard to imagine Hikaru will be able to tolerate her much longer. The sly Minmay knew this was coming thats why she boarded the Megaroad too, waiting for a chance. Hikaru needed someone to confide to, and Minmay was being so understanding and gentle, its no surprise that sooner or later they will have an affair. Misa finally found out that Hikaru was faking his flying hours when he was really f**king Minmay, she got so pissed that she flew the Megaroad straight into the SuperMassive Blackhole at the center of Milky Way.
  15. ok i am now looking at Perfect Memory and Entertainment Bible #27. Perfect Memory's page on SDF-2 has the english name "Megalord". Of course the japanese name would be the same メガロード. Also, there are some official designs of Misa in the captain uniform as the Captain of SDF-2. Perfect Memory says "Macross ship number 2- メガロード Captain, Last episode Ep#34". EB says "Pre-planned Ep 26 design for Misa as Captain of メガロード". EB description on the SDF-2 says that the sdf-2 was cut from the last ep of the TV series. and 2012 pic shows a refitted colony ship that says Megaroad-01. Megalord or Megaroad, i dont think it really matters to the japanese - they will still refer to it as メガロード. It's still the SAME ship, albeit being redesigned in its final stages into a colony ship. but it might be a good idea for english speakers to use the name Megalord when talking about the proposed design of the sdf-2 as compared to Megaroad - the final completed colony ship.
  16. "Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base,...." Star wars... copyright infringement!!
  17. yeah the the back seat is probably folded down. also since the vf-25 is still a prototype, 2 seats are probably meant for training as seen in the latest episode 13 - Sheryl having duplicate control sticks in the back seat. yup, noticed that the back seat didn't have an Ex-Gear. Good point - could be either one. but in ep 13, when vf-27's gun was shot, there was a momentary lapse in the imagery suggesting that it is due to damage or shock to the vf-27... so i guess it's the vf-27's VR system.
  18. Though, in this case, it was the vajra who captured Ranka and placed her there. why the hell was the queen vajra screaming at Ranka... zzz is she trying to eat up Ranka? to get the crystal in her belly perhaps? oh, i'm wondering who actually captured Ranka? the red or yellow vajra types? i thought its the relay communication devices? those things have purple gems in them too. and vajra seems to be attracted to anything that activates or resonates to the purple gems' frequency.
  19. Ep1 reference pic what we know for sure: Megaroad-01 is SDF-2 Megaroad-02 is SDF-3 Megaroad-04 is SDF-5 we don't see a Megaroad-03/SDF-4 here. Megaroad-03 is listed in the Compendium so it is official and somewhere out there, but they didn't say that it has a SDF-4 designation (although it is almost a given? judging from the above naming convention). So in this case, since the 117th Research Fleet is NOT an immigration fleet (and i assume its safe to say that it is not the Megaroad-03), it's really a big question mark whether the WTF-1's designation is really SDF-4; i think is quite doubtful given the above scenerio (only immigration fleets' ships r given sdf-# designation?). Unless 117th branched out from within Megaroad-03 and was given the SDF-4 as a flagship. If not, the Global is probably NOT designated as SDF-4. Also from the above picture, we see Macross05 Macross07 etc and they are the New Macross Class. Although we also do not see a Macross04 here, we can deduce Macross04 is also a New Macross Class and not the old first generation Macross type. So the Global is also probably NOT Macross04. some other things i noticed: M-Frontier listed as New Macross Class Aircraft Carrier NMCV-025 and yet later, the Macross25 is designated NCV-025 the discrepancy may be explained by the Macross/Battle ship + Colony being designated NMCV-## and the front portion Macross##/Battle## ship being designated NCV-## Also noticed TWO Macross017... at the right-most in that pic. wonder if its a mistake or could be an interesting and new Twin Colony concept?
  20. already out there. one i saw was crazy hentai stuff though - about the super dimension restaraunt, ranka nanase and the cook and other staff. didn't like it at all.
  21. Alto didn't manage to get anything from that computer - he said data was recently deleted (probably by Brera?) i think we will not be given more info about the Global in the anime series - its over and done with, but maybe we can hope the explanations will be given in some M Frontier notes/books.
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