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Posts posted by williwoods

  1. Uhm ok... I'm not sure if I want to buy one. I don't want the stickers peel off so easy again. :huh:

    Not to go too far into OT territory

    I would get a set of the takatoys stickers if you don't want them to peel.


    the yamato stickers peel sooooo much easier.

    also waterslide decals would be a bad idea on a toy!!!!! they would scratch very easy, unless you seal them in clear coat of your choice, but hell you could just use the stickers and clear coat them which is what I am going to do. They are much thinner also.

    Anyway you slice it the takatoys stickers are the best answer so far, for a yamato sticker replacement/upgrade!

    buy with confidence, i think there are at least a dozen or so users here that would attest to the fact.

  2. Hello all,

    Now that the fast packs are out, thought I should start a thread specifically for customizing the 1/48 yammie.

    I would like to see everyone's custom 1/48's and how-to details.

    someone out there has got to make a cannon fodder 1a!!!! ya hear that? just not me, my skills are not that finely honed........... yet!

    One of the first things I would like to do to my Max is use wm cheng's oil wash technique on the panel-lines b4 I apply the takatoys custom stickers.

    after that I want to possibly clearcoat that baby to seal in all the work.

    My first 1/48 was the hikaru 1a. I used mechanical pencil for the panel-lines.

    even though the pencil worked nicely, I imagine that I could get even better results from a wash.

    I have never used this technique and since this is such an expensive toy I would like to get all the info straight b4 I start.

    I also corrected the crooked missle launcher attachments (both my sets point to the left) of my fast-packs by using a small metal nail-file on the missle racks. if you remove the missle rack and attach the missle launcher cover without the rack on the fast packs they point very straight, so the rack is at fault.

    I put the racks in the covers and started filing down the extra plastic that juts out the bottom until it was flush all around with the base of the missle launcher covers. I was being carefull not to file too much away from the base of the mounting nubs, and even though I did remove plastic from the base of those nubs, the racks still attach firmly on the boosters. Now they do not point to the left any more. I hate crooked pieces on such a nice nearly perfect toy.

    the latest thing I have done is paint various details on my strike cannon, the vent in the rear (tamiya matte black), the tips of the barrels (gunmetal).

    lets get busy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. yf-21 fp is the diggity-bomb! I love it, without the fastpacks mounted she is so sleek! I never had a first issue to compare it to, but I love it still the color is not as bad as some say, the only silly thing is the pilot but you don't really look at him that much anyway.

  4. in the future movies cut themselves

    we call this in post production: the auto edit button

    it can read the director's mind and make the cuts automatically!!

    just one of our Avid jokes

    (btw Avid is a software/hardware product used to cut most of todays tv/feature films, like 90% of what you see)

    we tell lazy editors that to make their easy job easier: we just need to install that auto-edit button and voila!

  5. I have noticed that both fast pack sets I have gotten have the super missle launchers pointing to the left on both sides, just like that pic you posted on page one of this topic the one with the red squares. I took each missle rack off the super cover and mounted them without the racks inside and guess what.....they do not angle all crooked like that, which means the racks are to blame for being crooked, so I got a flat metal nail file and went to work on the racks, all you have to do is make them flush with the missle covers and voila not nearly as bad. The nail file I used is metal and was just the right width to fit in-between the mounting nubs on missle racks. You can even file away a small indentation (naturally happens as you file away) at the base of the mounting nubs and they still mount nicely no floppyness. and now they both point quite a bit straighter. Williwoods

  6. I have been using zap a gap glue solely on my 1/48 and specifcally on the landing lights and the A head on hikaru and works fine. I use the pink zap a gap which is the thin style glue, I was very careful and have had no frosting yet. Be Careful!.

  7. yeah but trade that low vis with me first for a max 1a, gonna be easier to customize I think cause its molded in white. Seriously my max 1a is still sitting in its box no stickers applied, I know you wanna trade right...........

  8. so cool to read everyones story and see how similar they all are. Escpecially Wumzi's memory of that robotech opening song. and b4 I start, I am now 29 years old.

    Well my story starts in switzerland, must have been 85 or so. I cannot for the life of me remember where I first saw that Jetfire but I had to have him and of course that christmas I opened that box with all the armour in dazzling red, wow how could any kid not be spellbound. Ever since that I was looking for valkyries and other transforming jets, but only found the alphas right b4 that next christmas, god I wanted one of those 1/35 gakken ones but oh well I only got the 2 mode one but life went on. The Swiss version of FAO Schwartz in Zurich had all those revell kits, the little factory kits and everything in-between so each time I went there I picked a couple up. I will never forget making one of those factory kits watching the german subbed version of mary poppins for the first time! So by 1986 I moved back here to california and in all the time I spent in europe I never knew all these cool toys came from one tv show, robotech? Man I will also never forget 6th grade here in the states, everyday right after school I would run home as fast as I could to catch the newest episode of our favorite bastardized cartoon. Right around that time all the action figure toys came out from matchbox it seemed like robotech toys and models were everywhere. Even the local mom and pop toy store had the cyclones and alphas not so much the valkyries but still the stuff like the revell models could even be found at ben franklin!!!!!!! Those were the days........

    I never did see the ending of the macross saga of robotech and then came the mospeada saga that was cool, the cyclones were awesome and of course the alpha-tread was wicked too but I never saw much of that show either. Sentinels really didn't catch my imagination much though and I never saw robotech again until just recently (yuck), but wumzi like you that opening song just stuck in my head for years after that, what was it about that tune maybe it just reminded us of all the cool mecha and deep (for a cartoon) storyline. and like many others I started to grow up and lost interest in the stuff as girls became more of a priority and eventually in highschool I sold all my toys (like an idiot). I met some asian exchange students and one of them had an issue of model grafix that had an article on the vf-4, wow that thing caught my attention though, but I did not find the model anywhere. That was probobly the last time I thought of robotech stuff for a long time. Flash forward to post highschool , I had had 2 kids and a full-time job a wife, man I wanted to be a kid again, and of course when you have kids, especially boys I find myself buying for my kids all the cool toys I had (quite the task and expense). I was at work one day and was just surfing the web, and whatever came over me i did a search for robotech, and through that first online expirience I eventually found MW and of course my timing was perfect 6 full months until that 1/60th hikaru was to be released I think that the first time I wisited these pages the splash screen was that picture of the three yamato prototypes in full fighter formation. I was informed of the differences between macross / robotech as well of course. That first yamato 1/60 hikaru started everything back up again and I have more toys now than I did when I was a kid, man I thought that was as good as it got but yamato proved me wrong and now of course who can resist the power that is the yamato 1/48 valkyrie (with super and strike parts). Williwoods

  9. none on wed but treasure island got them in on thursday around noon-time. believe me I have been calling them way too much this week, always tryin to get the current status of that shipment. but now I have them and am soooo happy.

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