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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Everyone Remember Mikael then talking about the dead SMS but what about the third Pixie.
  2. They don't need to. If I was Alto I would take both girls to my harem.
  3. The recap episode only said that Sheryl was Fairy nr 9 or rather get rid of Fairy nr 9. Based on that every one assumed there were others. We don't know how far the others got. They could have tested 10-20 subject at the same time and Fairy nr 9 (Sheryl) was the only one that got succeeded. Or Grace could have decided that Sheryl was the best of the bunch and killed the other Fairies since they were not needed. Grace sure did (TRY) that after she discovered that Ranka was alive. The reason for swapping out blood samples was that Sheryl could still be cured if it hadn't reached her brain. Told to Sheryl by Leon and Luca (I think it was episode 22). You are right that we have no ide how things are without DNA tests.
  4. Realy? I must have mist that part. Do you remember the episode it was said? How about this wild nightmare. Grace gave Sheryls the earings like the letter said. Does that make Grace Sheryl's mother? "I am your mother. Noooo" Never mind. Not even Grace is so cold that she would try to kill her own kid on Galia 4 after that Sheryl was no longer needed for her plan. The timing is wrong to. Grace and Sheryl didn't meet until after 117th fleet was destroyed according to records and Grace.
  5. That is rely bad if it is so. We need more, more, MORE.
  6. There is a chance that episode 25 isn't the last. Someone watching the original airing said that during the commercials a few weeks ago. Something about the last episode of Frontier is 16 October. He even pointed that out again then other people wondered where he got that info from. Besides they still haven't said how many episodes this series is supposed to be. Just a bunch of anime sites guessing wildly. Anime sites even said that Macross Frontier was only 13 episodes in the beginning. I'm hopping for more episodes, OVAs or maybe even an other season even if that have never happened before.
  7. Some people wrote that hopefully SMS will jump in. Say something or present evidence etc and the captain will happily turn against Leon. Leon will preferably resist arrest of course and be killed during the fight on the bridge or during his escape.
  8. Can Grace be mindcontrolling the people i charge of Macross Galaxy (Captain etc) the same way she controls Brera and Ranka? Cyborg is supposed to be normal on Macross Galaxy right? Just 2 people need to die to end the series. Grace and Leon. Then SMS can come in and enforce peace with a song duet between Sheryl and Ranka like in the intro (maybe another song). Hopefully we get another season or at leas OVAs that deals with Macross Galaxy and who is behind Grace in this war. But wouldn't that require another enemy?
  9. You are right. So any better view of the transformation seem unlikely unless they go back in time a little in the next episode for a recap in the beginning or just forget that they started to transform the ship in the background in this episode.
  10. Do any of you think that we will see a clear view of Battle (25) Frontier do a full transformation? In [Zero-Raws] Macross FRONTIER 24, Time 17.21. There you can see Ranka watching as Battle (25) Frontier in background is starting to transform. This is just before Brera appears behind Ranka and starts talking to her. I would rely want to see more than that.
  11. I was shocked. The second half of the episode was pure culture shock. I had no ide how the Zentradi felt until Ranka started. Deffinently reminds me of Macross 1 DYRL, Macross 2 and the first Macross series battle with Boldolsaa's fleet. Even after reading spoilers and predicting that it would be like this it was still shocking seeing that they went so far. Frontier is now the bad guys. Frontier seemed to be as chocked as I was that the Varja (or rather Grace blaming it on the Varja) did that against us (Frontier). Felt like seeing Macross 1 DYRL with the story told from the Zentradi side and realizing that we are losing the same way we won in DYRL. I could feel people on Frontier thinking "How dare enemy use that song against us" after they tried to overcome the initial shock. The thing with Alto reminded me of what happened in the first Macross series in the battle against Boldolsaa's fleet there the hero got hit with a missile swarm and still survived. I am sure Alto had an auto ejection system.
  12. I really hope so. They should have had them sing at the same time a lot more then they did so far in the series. I remember only two times. Not counting the intro. It fells a little ironic that normally in Sci fi and anime we defend the earth from alien invaders and conquerors. And now Leon is making us into the bad guy who are trying to steal the Varja homeworld. I wonder if it will end like the end of space war 1 there we (Frontier) becomes like the Zentradi stranded on the Varja Homeworld living in an uneasy peace with the Varja (until Frontier have rebuilt and colonized the world)?
  13. Did you miss what Brera did to Alto in episode 21 just before Ranka decided to leave Frontier? It's not very hard to evade for a cyborg. Riping, punching and breaking necks and bones. No weapon needed with that kind of speed and strength. Considering how close they were standing to each other grabing one soldier and using him as a shield or a living weapon can be done to.
  14. (I don't understand a single word of Japanese)
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