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Everything posted by Suzuran

  1. With Aegisub it shouldn't be a bitch. You just need to shift times a few sec forward/backwards. Also another solution to fix that issue is installing the latest ffdshow from http://ffdshow-tryout.sourceforge.net/
  2. No we use the transport stream we capture straight from the Japanese broadcast. But you can go ahead and get the zero-raws and play the subtitles with softsubs.
  3. No we can't remove the Japanese hard coded by the station. To fix that "corruptness" in episode 24 use coreavc and disable ffdshow's h264 renderer.
  4. http://www.ggkthx.org/Scripts/MacF/
  5. For those who have issues with mkv. Just don't use any stupid players. I'd highly recommend MPC or zoomplayer. In fact, those who have slow pcs like I have should use coreavc with zoomplayer. It works wonders on my 6 year old machine. ps: Using MPC/Zoomplayer with proper codecs should solve the "subs not displaying" issue.
  6. If the government would have known about its existence, they could have asked themselves how a Vajra could get on the the ship and if there were any other Vajra.
  7. Ranka = traitor plz2exterminate. Not only is she the most annoying character, thanks that she kept Ai-kun's existence a secret she put the whole convoy in jeopardy. And now her betrayal. I hope the government decides to hunt her down for greater justice. At least we saw Klan going super saiyan and kicking some Vajra asses.
  8. Did I miss something? I didn't hear neither saw something about the name "Witch Craft 999".
  9. We capture the video from Japanese TV ourselves. So the raw might not be exactly like the same one you find on bittorrent (depends how the encoder cuts out the TV ads and stuff). edit: Forget what I said about the other 17 sub.
  10. Because the initial resolution is 1280x720 and not 320x240 or whatever it's on veoh. I ask why people watch anime on veoh at the first place but oh well, if they want awful video quality and crippled subtitles then it's okay, I guess. How can you say something is lost in the translation when you don't even understand Japanese? Sounds like you're just trying to throw mud on someone else's hard work.
  11. Just to correct some misunderstanding, we don't translate from the CC but from the video. We have been fansubbing for several years now hence I'd say we have quite experienced ears that don't need to rely on CCs. They are just there to check on spots you are unsure of (especially with newly introduced terms) to ensure accuracy. Our work process is Encoding & Timing -> TL -> me bitching about how slow everyone else is -> Edit -> QC -> Release If someone is not available we ask someone else to fill in for him.
  12. That's commented out. If you player doesn't fail (VLC clearly does) it shouldn't be displayed on screen.
  13. Well that depends to the raw. Some cappers decide to cut out the sponsor credit after the opening some don't. The one RAW that appeared on tokyotosho yesterday tagged as (Anime) was 1/1.5 sec off from our timed script. Just get aegisub and shift the timing for -1/1.5 sec. Our capper doesn't get MBS.
  14. I think Luca is just happy that he can play on some new technology and doesn't really care how or for which purpose it's created. Your usual (mad) scientist, indeed.
  15. We (gg) wait for the show to air on TBS for closed captions to ensure that the translation is accurate (which is especially important for a show like Macross which has a lot of technobabble and weird terms), which is on Fridays. We have the raw at around 20:15 (GMT+1) and released it at 01:21. I think taking 6-8 hours isn't really slow.
  16. Poverty doesn't just refer to scarce in money but generally. Now that you mention that scene, can we assume that Grace is kind of related to Vajra? Maybe she is a Vajra herself.
  17. And you think you know enough Japanese to judge subs? Don't think so. He says 窮乏 which means poverty.
  18. 検疫が 確実に済むまでは当分 無理だね。 例のV型感染症の心配もあるし。 Kathy: こっちの隊員から一つ 気がかりな報告があって。 未確認の機体がいたんじゃないかっていう… Well I think the V stands for Vajra too which would make sense actually. Though I don't know why the crew should be quarantined. I mean they had no physical contact (I assume). Otherwise they have to quarantine everyone who fights against the Vajra.
  19. Get a proper pc and use a proper player. LOL VLC.
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