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Everything posted by Phoenix1

  1. https://www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/22233392/Harmony_Gold,_USA,_Inc_v_Tatsunoko_Production_Co,_Ltd https://www.open-public-records.com/court/california-23006746.htm
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZrfOtJyJpM A lot of amazing behind the scenes stuff about Harmony Gold and Tatsunoko's relationship in the legalese. Edit: We just need to wait till 2021, boys.
  3. I don't think we have a topic for the busts specifically, but they were posted before in the toy thread. The busts are nice and cheap, but aren't the full figures I'm looking for. Personally, I'm considering either the SQ's or the Plamax set atm, altho the figureart zero Freyja is really tempting. That said, seeing Messer's 1/72 with the Kaname bust hit me right in the heart.
  4. Axia just started spontaneously playing in my head. Shinigami decal looks painful to apply, though. Darn. I want Keith's Sv-262 DX Chogokin rather than the plamo, but I'm not gonna be able to afford anything more than Plamo Messer, and everyone knows you're gonna need a Shinigami for your Shirokishi. But using mis-matched scales for the display is gonna look weird. (Maybe I'm over-thinking this.) And I still need to puzzle out the most affordable set of Walkure figures.
  5. Goes together really well, if you have a bit of modelling experience it's easy to make it look really good doing rather simple things like touch up painting etc. You'll need plastic cement and super glue if you want to transform it more than once, though, but it's doable. Those stickers, though. Although the stickers are the lesser of two evils. I think that if you have an airbrush setup (I don't), you should definitely mask and spray the detailing on. Much better kit than the VF-25, and I didn't really have any problem with floppiness despite transforming more than a couple of times. (Although, I did break parts that needed to be glued back.) Spent 3-4 nights working on the kit, soooooo about 10 hours? But I did a lot of unnecessary busywork that I wouldn't have had to do if I was more organised. I think assembly by itself just took around 5.
  6. Thanks for the kind words! Guess I'll talk to the shop I bought it from and see if I can nab replacements. I did try the decals, but the really large ones crumbled on me and overall I just found the stickers easier to work with.
  7. Anyone know how to order replacement stickers/decals? I had to remove some of mine after I did panel lining because these really big air bubbles formed, although I think that's probably my fault for doing panel lining after sticker application, and using too much panel line accent. For what it's worth, I got it looking like this before that disaster happened.
  8. Any native Japanese speakers willing to translate the short around? Kaname says something about the fold projector using fold carbon to materialize the outfits, but that's as far as I can make out. It's pretty cool that the Macross universe finally has a form of hard-light tech, though.
  9. should be 3rd Walkure "If You Only Love Once/ Rune ga Pikatto Hikattara" 36,000 records 1st and 2nd place on Oricon are Japan's No. 1 Boyband and Girl Idol Group respectively. So yeah, really not bad for a niche mecha anime.
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