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Everything posted by bake_art

  1. Here's the first one.
  2. That wallpaper's a beauty! I personally think WDC's drawing's a lot better than Ben Dunn myself IMHO Gotta agree with you there Exo, I can't believe some people say he's the father of american "manga" when there's others who clearly draw manga-styled characters a lot better than him (e.g. Adam Warren)
  3. From the sound of the review in gamefaqs, this game will probably be like macross VO (great gameplay, bad replay value) Though I suppose being able to pilot the VF-19 and VF-22 should be a plus for many of us.
  4. bake_art

    Macross VFX-2

    I downloaded VFX-2 from the imacross servers and play it on my modded playstation. However, whenever I finish the last stage in VFX-2, the screen just blacks out. Does anyone know how to fix this? Do I have play it on an emulator, or will I still have the same problems? BTW, if this is an unfixable problem, can somebody upload the ending video instead? I busted my nuts trying to finish this game, but I can't see the ending Thanks!
  5. Ugh... I really don't like those TV-styled hands, reminds me too much of mickey mouse. I think the dyrl hands are a bit too skinny, but it's still looks better than the TV hands. How come yamato didn't make perfectly proportioned hands like the hasegawa models?
  6. Whoa, how come the vernier thrusters on the Club-M fastpacks stick out so much?
  7. That's the best place for the pilot to be
  8. . .
  9. I wonder if people are getting sick of this...
  10. the fanfiction story sounds interesting... let us know if you finish
  11. the illustrations look cool... too bad I don't like Gundam ;
  12. The more the merrier
  13. They have gundam girls?
  14. Miss Excalibur (not exactly macross plus, but close enough)
  15. Miss Omega One
  16. kick-ass shading.
  17. bake_art


    Neat idea. I'll work on it.
  18. bake_art

    Mao Nome

    Hehe, I guess I'm overcompensating for the lack of boobies in my previous drawings
  19. Two words. Maximillian Jenius. Micronians had him and the zentradis didn't
  20. bake_art

    Mao Nome

    Really? I saw Sara's rocket boosters at the end of episode 2 and they looked pretty big... I guess I'll chalk it down to wishful thinking then
  21. bake_art

    Mao Nome

    Mao after puberty, I guess... I wonder if she gets to be as "big" as her sister...
  22. Here's my previous one of millia
  23. bake_art


    Wow, it does look a lot better with the two girls back-to-back, never thought of that... I might just make a single picture and color them both. thanks for the great idea!
  24. bake_art


    Licking??!!! She's not licking the valk! It's a valk girl in fighter mode! What BoB said was right on the money, though seeing as the SD-styled characters are getting people confused, I'll probably avoid drawing them from now on. (looks at votes) damn, I actually preferred the second drawing as well... guess I'm part of the minority...
  25. bake_art


    The second pic
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