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Everything posted by bake_art

  1. don't give me good ideas, alright? You'll make my inner pervert come out again
  2. something slightly different, before I go back to drawing valkgirls again
  3. I'd be interested in seeing them if the music videos are based on macross music
  4. what in the sweet hell is that thing?
  5. This is a pretty wicked tutorial WDC, I must say that this thread is pretty invaluable for MWers like me who are trying to learn how to color. Thanks a lot and two thumbs up!
  6. To heck with valkgirl month, let's make 2004 the year of valkgirls
  7. That virtual valkgirl looks fantastic! can't wait to see it finished
  8. Great stuff!
  9. I think you're right, some valkyries don't translate too well into girl form... Getting slightly tired of valkgirls myself, so I might stop drawing valkgirls for a while until I get into it again (i.e. when my hikaru 1S arrives )
  10. Whoa! super-sweet works guys!
  11. Hi guys, I'll be posting valkgirl pics here from now on so as to not be a post-whore or something... Oh yeah, feel free to post your pics of valkgirls here as well anyway here's an 'Angel of Death', enjoy
  12. The YF-21 girl looks great! I love the green hair 'cos I suck at it and am too lazy to improve
  13. That would be a pleasant way to die <_<
  14. Miss Thunderbolt's lips look a bit weird, but otherwise it looks great
  15. Hot damn... Now that, and I do mean THAT is a valkgirl
  16. Make her Low-Viz!!! Please!!!!
  17. I see a lot of threads here where people color in linearts of VF-1 into different paintschemes... I'm wondering if some of these talented MWer's wants to do the same to my valkgirls? A lot of people are asking me to color the pictures in but I suck at coloring (I wanna see them colored in too, you know) Any volunteers? Bob? WDC? HelloHikaru? Anyone? Oh, and please, PLEEEAASE color one of the in low-viz, I've just gotten myself that toy and I've ABSOLUTELY fallen in love with it
  18. bake_art

    MAXL girl

    Yes!! I was hoping someone would notice that
  19. bake_art

    MAXL girl

    thanks for the compliments guys, it's really encouraging
  20. bake_art

    MAXL girl

    A MAXL girl, dunno if it's risque or not, though, so let me know.
  21. bake_art

    Macross VFX-2

  22. bake_art

    Macross VFX-2

    Hey chmetzel, if you get the working copy of vfx-2, can I get it off you?
  23. done that already click here If you wanna see others, WDC also done a great job on the vf-17 in here
  24. lol, yeah, I know the name's a bit.... weird there's a good explanation for that nick... but it's too long winded for me to explain BTW, doesn't anyone like the first one?
  25. and another
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