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Everything posted by bake_art

  1. Will macromedia flash be similar to CorelDraw?
  2. glad to see me and valkyrietestpilot aren't the only ones infected with chobits madness *chii!* actually Bob the tutorial was perfect, I didn't know that there was software out there that helps make drawings "easier" to make (photoshop only helps with the touch ups and coloring) it's pretty annoying though that I cant seem to get hold of that program, and the place I'm learning photoshop in doesn't seem to have to have any Corel software installed on their computers
  3. that coloring's pretty neat, maybe you should give the vf-0 girl orange hair like asuka
  4. Bob, do you use interactive drop shadow in all your vector lineart? I was looking at your Komilia Jenius pic and it seems to be more manually painted (with clearly defined shadows) compared to the angel valk. Oh yeah, can you please make a tutorial for coloring in general? Not coloring as in using a particular software, but more of like knowing where to put shadows and highlights, etc. My skills at adding 3-dimensionality to my pictures (shading & highlights) leaves a lot to be desired Oh yeah, and one last thing, if you do make that angel valk into a persocon send one to me too
  5. nice job act_m all these great pics are really cool, it's encouraging me to draw a lot more valkgirls, so hopefully I'll be able to unload a whole load of them soon.... Exo, you should let these guys color your GPB valkgirl, I'd love to see that one in color
  6. that looks beautiful... now let's see a macross one
  7. Don't worry 'bout your drawings yohsho, 'cos all good artists here in Macrossworld (and even the legendary Mikimoto-sensei and Kawamori-sensei) started out with drawings like that as well. If you want a fast way of improving your (manga) drawing skills, you should visit this site: http://www.howtodrawmanga.com/tutorial/tutorial.html it's a pretty good site, the stuff they tell you literally helped me improve my drawings in a week
  8. It's not natural talent, it's from buying all (yes, ALL) the books in the "How to Draw Manga" series by Graphic-Sha btw Bob, drawing ability is only half the ability of a successful artist, creativeness is the other vital half. Compared to your angel valk design, my valkgirls are just copies of al0324's wicked original valkgirl design ('cept for the valkgirl variants and one particular vf-1 valkgirl design, those are mine ) but seriously, this tutorial was a huge help, now I'm looking for a copy of Coreldraw to install in my computer.
  9. I love this tutorial *weeps* Bob is my master!!!
  10. I thought the coloring was done pretty well myself, it's a huge improvement over the vf-11 girl that unfortunately didn't have shading
  11. Thanks, I'm working on it now. Will try to submit in a couple of days. I'll be looking forward to it btw Bob, can you teach me your method for putting in highlights in color drawings?
  12. that's some l33t coloring skillz I gotta learn how to color like that
  13. Ah... the thing that started it all... I remember those days well
  14. I wanna see that VF-0S valkgirl as well, and do a VF-0D valkgirl while you're at it
  15. Jeez, I like totally missed seeing that pic that's a pretty kick-ass coloring scheme, Terrence, I might borrow that color scheme for some of my future valkgirls (if you don't mind, that is)
  16. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!! put me down, I'm interested
  17. yep, that's probably because we would have gone too insane to care yeah, I'm hoping to be able to make the kind of effects like the ones you've achieved with your angel valk. Unfortunately for me my photoshop teacher is not worth the money I put in Btw Bob, that's a nice pussy(cat) you've got there
  18. I prefer the Hikaru. Like her skin-complexion against the light armor. The Max one is too pale, sort of like a corpse. It's the Rei Ayanami look
  19. Wow, I love the lineart Bob! How did you make the lineart so clean? It's so much easier to color when compared to mine (arrgh!! grey pixels! grey pixels everywhere!) Thanks, I'll definitely use it!
  20. and that I thank you for *bows* airbrush? for the two pics I just used a combination of the pen tool and paintbucket tool (trying to draw straight lines with the mouse nearly drove me insane) There's probably better ways of doing this, so hopefully I'll pick up something useful soon. (if you can share anything with I'd really appreciate it )
  21. another one (BTW, which ones do you guys prefer? the Max or the Hikaru?)
  22. Ah, what the heck... I've been learning photoshop and am starting to learn the basics, I was planning to color all the valkgirls and suprise everyone with a wallpaper or something, but I want your guy's opinions on the ones I've done so far (I'm worried whether the shading looks weird or not)
  23. *nudge* *nudge*
  24. why can't they use fast packs instead?
  25. Great pose, wicked inking, fantastic detailing, face is very masamune shirow-ish (did I mention I love masamune shirow?) verdict: Now get back to work and finish the job!
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