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Everything posted by bake_art

  1. It's a personal opinion, the F-15 has never been shot down and has a massive amount of kills, but that's because a lot of other countries bought F-15s aside from personal opinion, is there any objective data that I can use to compare F-14s to F-15s (e.g. range, engine capacity, radar, manueverability,etc.)?
  2. err... a little off-topic on an off-topic post, but can someone here tell me which interceptor is more superior, the F-14 or the F-15?
  3. Yamato 1/48 VF-1S Roy. The first, and definitely the best I've ever owned and definitely not the last
  4. eeexxtremely nice work I'm not a fan of star wars, but I gotta admit that those drawings are excellent. Definitely would want to see those bridge bunny pics soon!
  5. I just use my GU-11 gunpod strap to fish out those "pins" in the nose, those rings at the ends of the strap fit perfectly over the pins.
  6. Merry Christmas guys
  7. no. the vf4 was seen in the original macross sereis. hikaru playes with a model of it Really? Which episode was it? I'm really curious now since I've checked Macross Compendium and it also states that the VF-4 only shows up in Flashback. Can anyone posts screencaps of the VF-4 in the TV series?
  8. nope, I'm talking about this one
  9. I saw an ad for a robotech comic and was shocked to see it featuring a VF-4 on the cover. Is Harmony Gold allowed to do this? As far as I know they don't have the rights to Flashback 2012... What gives?
  10. Now that's a real "ghost" fighter *gets buried under a ton of MPC's for that bad pun*
  11. bake_art

    Custom 1/48 CF

    Now I understand why the word 'Jung' invokes such fear and reverence in MW's forums Great work!
  12. How about both? I only display my yamato 1/48's and I play only with my chunky monkey
  13. bake_art


    very nice
  14. Nice, I love those coloring skills
  15. It looks like my wish for Mao Nome to be as "big" as her sister is coming true
  16. Actually the F-18 has a shorter range and can carry less armaments compared to the F-14 (see this interesting article here) The hornet does have a shorter range, and while the takeoff weight is less, the Hornet has more hardpoints. But my big question is what does any of that have to do with what skull-1 said? The Tomcat does need more maintnance time per flight hour than a Hornet, and the Tomcat is bigger, and efficiany in the military is measured in turnaround time, and maintance time, I don't have aclue what you're basing your thoughts on. And if you're basing your efficiancy idea on fuel consumption the hornet has more efficianet engines,but the Tomcat carries more fuel Do I think we should get rid of the Tomcat? No, not without a proper replacemet. I think the same thing about the Intruder. hehe, it seems that my eyes decided to skip the words "spends more time in the shop per flight hour" when I was reading Skull-1's post... I didn't know that F-14's were very maintenance hungry compared to F-18's... so Cheney's decision to kill the F-14 program is sorta more feasible now (I still don't like it though ) sad to see those beautiful babies go...
  17. Isn't 9G the maximum G's humans can take? (Any more and they die, don't they?) And also, with the kind of prolonged G's and G-spikes that valkyrie pilots would have to put up with during combat, even if they manage to survive those G-forces doesn't mean that they'll be able to stay conscious... Ah hell... Thinking too much about it... gotta remember that it's just a cartoon
  18. yeah... but.... it's Max and Milia. they can do anything
  19. Even if the F-14 resisted the air-to-ground role the navy still requested 137 of them, but Cheney just gave them a mere handful. Also I've read somewhere that thf F-14 can be equipped for ground role as well. Actually the F-18 has a shorter range and can carry less armaments compared to the F-14 (see this interesting article here) It seems to be done for the sake of budget cuts, but why did Cheney go so far as to order the destruction of all F-14D toolings? (thereby guaranteeing no future upgrades and maintenance)
  20. Hi guys, a thought just struck me... when a valkyrie pilot is flying in fighter mode at high speeds and suddenly changes into battroid mode, doesn't the laws of physics mean that the pilot would turn into a pilot 'pancake' due to the rapid change in inertia?
  21. What's up in Cheney's butt? why this seemingly personal vendetta against one of the most gorgeous looking fighter aircraft in the world (second to the VF-1 though, of course ) In fact, whatever happened to the swing-wing design, how come none of the new planes incorporate this design anymore? too costly to maintain? (I know this topic has been brought up before in the old forums, but I can't access them anymore since the old forums are offline)
  22. I like toys, that's why I've got 6 yamato 1/48s
  23. but you have to admit the idea's a pretty cool (a 3d valkgirl that is) keep working on them mechmaster, I don't compliment artworks unless there is something there I truly like
  24. Sweet. I'll get started on it. Thanks guys
  25. hot damn, those look nice.
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