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Everything posted by SymphonicRain

  1. God. I felt utterly trolled by Kawamori. Seriously, WTF is this ending!? I'm expecting a second season or sort to wrap up the series instead of one rushed, messy episode which still leaves alot of unresolved plot points. This is rubbish. I will have to stop buying any Macross F DVDs for now until I'm convinced the Frontier movie will do the Macross franchise justice. Ugh, another good potential anime in 2008 that might had ended up in the special place of my heart turned out into another medicore and cliche series.
  2. When Ozma was looking at the picture of Ranka during the end, did anyone think that the man beside Ranshe looks like Ozma(Same skin color and tone) but albeit a different hairstyle? If so, it would make make sense why Ozma would want to adopt Ranka if they were related back then. Perhaps Ranshe was Ozma's old triangle just like Roy's sempai in Zero.
  3. Sigh. Here I am hoping MacrossWorld is free from users suffering from BarbeQueQ syndrome in their posts.
  4. As for why Brera turned up as a cyborg, its quite easy to guess that it was probably the only way to save him due to possible mortal injuries from the incident. As for Grace, assuming she was a human, it gives you the strength, power, versality of Major Motoko. Very useful for covert and military operations. Of course, I pretty much doubt the Galaxy will allow all of their citizens to have access to equipments and parts Grace uses. Now, as for people, who knows. Maybe it gives them better and efficient way to communicate. Easier to surf the network, listen to music, watch movies without annoying the guy beside you. It might give people better lifespan since they may avoid certain diseases or organ failure as well as better resistance and durability to their bodies resulting in high mortality rate.
  5. Just wondering, the co-pilot seat Sheryl sat on Michel's VF-25, what is its real purpose? Seems to have identical controls as the main pilot's. I always thought the second seat is often meant for navigators or a partner to transmit combat data on the go during intensive dogfights.
  6. Yaku deculture! DECULTURE! *Gets eaten by Dimension eater*
  7. I believe those long thingies the Qs are equipped with are reaction missles, not fast packs.
  8. Brera? That's too cliche. Lets hook him up together with Bobby instead ^.^
  9. According to the Chinese Macross forum: Not sure of the reliability of the source, so take it with a grain of salt, but it does make much more sense unless something drastic occurs in next episode.
  10. *Looks at polls* Wow. I don't recall the Sheryl love to be this overwhelming in the previous poll. This is basically a Sheryl nation now.
  11. I suppose Sheryl's involvement in the movie would be one akin to a producer/co-producer if she has the limited power to make modifications to the movie.
  12. Well, we know there's a possibility of getting a new op during midway of the series. So there's still a chance Alto might have his VF changed/upgraded. Personally, I thought Michel was simply trying to find the answer what went through his sister's mind when she pulled the trigger. He wasn't trying to solve a conspiracy at all, nor does he perceive her death as one.
  13. In episode 7, Alto was capable of interfacing the VF with his Ex-gear to mimic body movements. I won't be surprise if Michel did the same during the exchange with Klan. Afterall I think the scene will look strange if Klan speaks to him in a manner like she is speaking to a statue/doll. A human-like body gesture from the VF reduces the communication barrier and awkwardness it brings between face to face talk afterall.
  14. South Park is equivelant to Japan's Crayon Shin-chan. Both have its own share of fart and genital jokes And boy are both series incredibly popular despite their art.
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